This regulates how much money you can bring to bear in a given time. Also, your standard of living and total available resources.
Resources | Cash in pocket | Cash per month | Resources | Cash in Pocket | Cash per month |
Zero | 25 cents | $10 | 11 | $100k | $3M |
1 | $1 | $30 | 12 | $300k | $10M |
2 | $3 | $100 | 13 | $1M | $30M |
3 | $10 | $300 | 14 | $3M | $100M |
4 | $30 | $1k | 15 | $10M | $300M |
5 | $100 | $3k | 16 | $30M | $1B |
6 | $300 | $10k | 17 | $100M | $3B |
7 | $1k | $30k | 18 | $300M | $10B |
8 | $3k | $100k | 19 | $1B | $30B |
9 | $10k | $300k | 20 | $3B | $100B |
10 | $30k | $1M | 21 | $10B | $300B |
Cash per month modifiers[edit | edit source]
+3 Total income per year
+2 Slow liquidation. One time sum.
+1 Liquidation. One time sum.
+1 Total Income per month
+0 Executive Auction. One time sum.
-1 Per week
-1 What your Henchman has per month (1)
-2 What your Lieutenants have per month (3)
-3 What your Sergeants have per month (10)
-4 What your minions have per month (30)
Fantasy! ratings[edit | edit source]
0 - Slave 1c 1 - Indentured Farmer, Beggar 2c 2 - Poor Farmer, Very simple servant, Low class day worker 4c 3 - Apprentice, Farmer, Wandering Priest, Village Guard, Day worker 1s 4 - Experienced Apprentice, Farmer, Soldier, Guard, Small Village Priest, Low class citizen 2s 5 - Young journeyman, Soldier, Experienced Guard, Village Priest, Tradesman, Civil servant 4s 6 - Journeyman, Mercenary, Lowly Priest, Specialist, Citizen 8s 7 - Journeyman, Mercenary Officer, Magistrate, Priest, Specialist, Citizen, Guard Captain 1g 8 - Exp. Journeyman, Merchant, Poor Noble, Magistrate, Priest, Guard Captain 2g 9 - Exp. Journeyman, Merchant, Poor Noble, Priest 4g 10 - Master, Merchant, Noble, Priest, Wealthy Citizen 8g 11 - Master, Merchant, Noble, Priest, Wealthy Citizen 16g 12 - Master, Well-off Merchant, Low Noble, Judge, Priest 32g 13 - Master, Well-off Merchant, Low Noble, Judge, City Official, High Priest 64g 14 - Experienced Master, Very Wealthy Merchant, Noble 128g 15 - Experienced Master, Very Wealthy Merchant, Noble 256g 16 - Master, Noble, Guild Master, High Noble 512g 17- Guild Master, High Noble 1 talent 18 - Royalty, Head of Merchant House, Merchant Prince 2 talents 19 - Royalty, Head of Merchant House, Merchant Prince 4 talents 20 - Emperor, Merchant King 8 talents
Cash per month modifiers[edit | edit source]
+4 Total income per year
+3 Slow liquidation. One time sum.
+1 Liquidation. One time sum.
+1 Total Income per month with no expenses
+0 Executive Auction. One time sum.
-2 Per week
-2 What your Henchman has per month (1)
-3 What your Lieutenants have per month (2)
-5 What your Sergeants have per month (8)
-7 What your minions have per month (32)
Cyberpunk![edit | edit source]
Gain 0.1 (Nuyen) ¥ per Resources per month. Nuyen are used to buy equipment kits. A ¥ may be used to...
live in luxury for 1 month. allow a 5-man crew to live a decent life for 1 month. allow a 20-man crew to live a frontier life for 1 month.
1 ¥ may be used to...
buy a complete physical makeover. relocate to any place on Earth. create a temporary new persona.
10 ¥ may be used to...
relocate to any Orbital. disappear without a trace. create a new persona.
20 ¥ may be used to...
disappear, and live decently while disappeared. become a Corp board member
100 ¥ may be used to...
relocate to any extraterrestrial location. start a Corp. get a middle position in a MegaCorp.
Star Tribes![edit | edit source]
Gain 0.2 (Monetary Unit) MU per 5 in Resources per month. A MU may be used to...
live in luxury for 1 month allow a 5-man crew to live a decent life for 1 month allow a 20-man crew to live a frontier life for 1 month buy a temporary Mecha Suit or Defender Schtick buy 5 temporary Striker Suit Schticks
2 MU may be used to...
buy a Striker Suit Schtick
10 MU may be used to...
buy a temporary Transport or Base Schtick buy a Mecha Suit or Defender Schtick
20 MU may be used to...
buy a Striker Suit Schtick Factory
100 MU may be used to...
buy a Transport or Base Schtick buy a Mecha Suit Schtick Factory