From The Workshop
Giant[edit | edit source]
Schtick list: Attribute.
Basic[edit | edit source]
- Modifier: +10 Strength (10)
- Modifier: +10 Toughness (10)
- Creature: Massive (+3 WT, 7 SP) (3)
- Flaw: -10 Move (-5)
- Flaw: -2 Luck (-2)
- Flaw: Social Stigma (-1)
- Flaw: -2 Agility (-2)
- Flaw: May not buy Occult (-2)
- Flaw: Distinctive Features (-5)
- Optional Flaw: -2 Move (-2)
- Optional Flaw: -2 Luck (-2)
- Optional Flaw: -2 Intelligence (-2)
- Optional Flaw: -2 Perception (-2)
- Optional Flaw: -2 Wits (-2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Strength (2, at SkillMax 12+)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Toughness (2, at SkillMax 12+)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Charisma (2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Manipulation (2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Empathy (2)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute (2)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute (2)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute (2)
Heroic[edit | edit source]
- Creature: Massive (+2 WT or 20 SP) (4)
- Schtick: any Attribute (2)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute (2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Focus (2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Power (2)
- Optional Perk: Talented, Natural (Any) (1)
- Optional Perk: Aptitude and Expertise (Any) (1)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute, Perk or Unique (2)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute, Perk or Unique (2)
Epic[edit | edit source]
- Schtick: 4p Power Words (2)
- Optional Creature Power: Earth Sense (4p Sorcery Schtick:) (2)
- Optional Perk: Ghost Family (4p Clan: Creature Powers/Attribute) (2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Focus (2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 Power (2)
- Optional Schtick: 4p Runes (Artifact) Schtick (2)
- Optional Schtick: Living 4p Clan or +4p Ghost House (2)
- Optional Perk: 4p Giant Animal (2)
- Optional Perk: 4p Dragon Mentor (2)
- Multiple Optional Schtick: 4p Booster schticks (2)
- Multiple Optional Modifier: +1 any Skill (2)
- Multiple Optional Schtick: any Attribute, Perk or Unique (2)
Ghost Family[edit | edit source]
- Damage Immunity: Armed Martial Arts Attacks except from Giants (2)
- Dematerialization (always on) (1)
- Immortality (2)