From The Workshop
Middle-Class[edit | edit source]
Basic[edit | edit source]
- Modifier: +2 Profession/any or Tech/any or Academics/any or Pursuit/any (20)
- Modifier: +1 Interaction/Social (20)
- Modifier: +1 (20)
- Optional Flaw: Uneducated (-10)
- Optional Flaw: Unready (Social) (-10)
- Optional Modifier: +1 Action/any or Deceit/any or Interaction/any or Observation/any or Pursuit/any or Security/any or Profession (all) (Security/Sneak) (20)
- Optional Modifier: +1 Action/any or Deceit/any or Interaction/any or Observation/any or Pursuit/any or Security/any or Profession (all) (Action/Martial Arts) (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute or Proficiency Schtick (Observation/Notice: Sense Weakness) (20)
- Optional Perk: any Contact Perk(Contact:Noble) (20)
Heroic[edit | edit source]
- Modifier: +1 Action/any or Deceit/any or Interaction/any or Observation/any or Pursuit/any or Security/any or Profession (all) (Deceit/Bluff) (20)
- Schtick: any Attribute or Proficiency Schtick (Strength: Hardy) (20)
- Perk: any Contact Perk (Contact:Noble +20) (20)
- Optional Modifier: +1 Action/any or Deceit/any or Interaction/any or Observation/any or Pursuit/any or Security/any or Profession (all) (Interaction/Social) (20)
- Optional Modifier: +1 Action/any or Deceit/any or Interaction/any or Observation/any or Pursuit/any or Security/any or Profession (all) (Pursuit/Drive) (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute or Proficiency Schtick (Toughness: Tireless +20) (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Attribute or Proficiency Schtick (Perception: Awareness) (20)
- Optional Perk: any Perk except Resources (Gang) (20)
- Optional Perk: any Perk except Resources (Sidekick) (20)
Epic[edit | edit source]
- Schtick: any Attribute Schtick (Strength: Hardy +20) (20)
- Schtick: any Attribute Schtick (Perception: Awareness) (20)
- Schtick: any Attribute Schtick (Wits: Speed of Thought) (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Schtick (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Schtick (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Schtick (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Schtick (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Schtick (20)
- Optional Schtick: any Schtick (20)
- Multiple Optional Modifier: +1 Action/any or Deceit/any or Interaction/any or Observation/any or Pursuit/any or Security/any (20)
- Multiple Optional Modifier: +1 to any Attribute (10)
- Multiple Optional Schtick: any Attribute or Perk or Proficiency Schtick (20)