From The Workshop
Noble[edit | edit source]
Schtick list: Combat Power, Skill. Pursuit, Sorcery, Creature Power or Attribute.
Flaws[edit | edit source]
- Any (Nobles are a varied lot)
- Arrogant (We have the right)
- Casanova (I am the world's greatest lover)
- Code of Conduct (Noblesse Oblige)
- Naive (People are inherently good)
- Obligation (Who has your fealty)
- Dependent (Who has sworn fealty to you)
Basic[edit | edit source]
- Modifier: +1 any Proficiency (2)
- Modifier: +2 any Attribute (2)
- Schtick: any 4p Combat Power, Pursuit Schtick, Sorcery Schtick, Creature Power or Attribute Schtick (2)
- Perk: Title:Noble (0)
- Optional Flaw: Must choose one at 2p (-1)
- Optional Flaw: Must choose one at 4p (-1)
- Optional Perk: Resources 4 (2)
- Optional Schtick: any 4p Combat Power, Pursuit Schtick, Sorcery Schtick, Creature Power or Attribute Schtick (2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 any Attribute or +1 any Proficiency (2)
- Optional Item: 4p Item (2)
Heroic[edit | edit source]
- Modifier: +2 any Attribute or +1 any Proficiency (2)
- Modifier: +2 any Attribute or +1 any Proficiency (2)
- Schtick: any 4p Combat Power, Pursuit Schtick, Sorcery Schtick or Creature Power (2)
- Optional Flaw: Must choose one at 4p (-1)
- Optional Flaw: Must choose one at 8p (-1)
- Optional Schtick: any 4p Combat Power, Pursuit Schtick, Sorcery Schtick or Creature Power (2)
- Optional Modifier: +1 to Supporting Character Skill Max (2)
- Optional Modifier: +2 any Attribute or +1 any Proficiency (2)
- Optional Resources: Resources 4 (2)
- Optional Item: 4p Item (2)
- Optional Perk: any 4p Supporting Character (2)
- Optional Perk: Title:Baron (2)
Epic[edit | edit source]
- Advanced Class: Any other Epic Advanced Class (3 x 2)
- Optional Flaw: Must choose one at 2p (-1)
- Optional Flaw: Must choose one at 4p (-1)
- Optional Schtick: Attribute: Charisma: Charismatic Leader (2)
- Optional Schtick: 4p Attribute (2)
- Optional Modifier: +1 to Supporting Character Skill Max (2)
- Optional Resources: Resources 4 (2)
- Optional Item: Item (2)
- Optional Perk: Item (2)
- Optional Perk: Title:Count (2)
- Optional Flaw: Must choose one at each 6p (-1)
- Multiple Optional Schtick: Any 4p Combat Power, Pursuit Schtick, Sorcery Schtick or Creature Power (2)
- Multiple Optional Perk: any Supporting Character (2)
- Multiple Optional Modifier: +2 any Attribute or +1 any Proficiency (2)