Action!/Schtick/Creature Powers

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General Boosters[edit | edit source]

Hidden[edit | edit source]

Hides a Creature Power, requires a [Observation or Occult]+Perception roll Difficulty equal to your Occult/Creature Powers+Power to notice.
Advancement: Difficulty (Progression 1)

Enhanced Effect[edit | edit source]

Power also causes the loss of 1 extra Pool point at 5 PV. Advancement: Progression 25. Absorption

Absorption[edit | edit source]

You may steal any Schtick used against you with a Creature Power+Power Free Action versus the opponents Skill Value+Soul. Duration is PV/5 sequences. Schtick is used with Creature Powers+Power. You gain a basic version of the Schtick and the target loses the effect for the duration.
Advancement: Offense (Progression 5), Duration Threshold+1 (5), Gain random advancements (1 p)

Abysmal Spines[edit | edit source]

You have a set of natural weapons usable with Martial Arts or Creature Power that deal Strength+5 Damage. You may also Defend against Martial Arts with these.
Advancement: Damage (Progression 1), Armor Piercing levels (Progression 1/2), Lower Treshold (Progression 20), Deal Damage based on Power (2), Power is resisted by Focus (2),

Flaws[edit | edit source]

All Flaws may be applied to a booster instead.

Tiring[edit | edit source]

Flaw 1-5
1-5 Shockpoints.

Slowing[edit | edit source]

Flaw 3
1 Shot.

Exhausting[edit | edit source]

Flaw 5
Power use now requires the expenditure of a Power point .

Boosters[edit | edit source]

Extra Damage Types[edit | edit source]

Bleed[edit | edit source]

Burn[edit | edit source]

Chill=[edit | edit source]

Shock=[edit | edit source]

Magic Drain[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
For every Wound caused, a Power point is lost.
Advancement: Power points are Drained instead of lost (2)

Drain[edit | edit source]

Knockback[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Attack gains Knockback.

Knockdown[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
This Power inflicts Knockdowns.
Target must succeed on a a Knockdown roll (Stunt+Agility or Willpower+Focus versus 10+Shockpoints).
Advancement Knockdown if any Shockpoints are inflicted (1), on any hit (3).

Adaptation[edit | edit source]

You are superbly adapted to life in a specific environment (such as Cool Temperate Forest (Taiga), or Tropical Plains (Savannah)).
This gives you the following benefits:
Passive: Gain +1 AV Survival in the chosen terrain.
Passive: You may treat any Survival roll in the chosen terrain as Routine
Advancement: AV (Progression ), Augment 1 (20), EV (1/2), Elemental (2), Elemental Travel (2), Quicker than a thought (2), Natural Healing (2)

Elemental[edit | edit source]

2 p
You are now immune to any natural occurrence in your chosen terrain. Examples include volcanoes for mountains, drowning for Lakes and Rivers or Ocean, domesticated animals in Farmlands, heatstroke for Desert or frostbite for Arctic.

Elemental Travel[edit | edit source]

2 p
You gain the ability to travel supernaturally fast along your terrain. You gain a non-Combat speed multiplier of Power.

Elemental Passage[edit | edit source]

Your Elemental Travel may now also be used by up to Power participants.

Natural Healing[edit | edit source]

2 p
In your chosen terrain you gain the following:
Action: You can Refresh any target within sensory range with Occult/Creature Powers+Power.
Power: You can Heal any target within sensort range with Occult/Creature Powers+Power.

Primal[edit | edit source]

5 p
You may now commune with your chosen terrain, gaining an extra Soul point each day. Progression: Soul Points (Progression 25).

Quicker than a thought[edit | edit source]

2 p
You may now teleport as per the Teleport Sorcery Schtick but only within your terrain.

Wrath of Nature[edit | edit source]

2 p
In your chosen terrain you gain the following:
Attack: You can attack any target within LOS at Power+5 Damage. This may be enhanced by any Sorcery Blast Booster Schticks.

Amphibiotic[edit | edit source]

You may breath both air and one other medium, and have normal Move in the other medium. Advancement: Multibiotic (1), Dweller (1)

Multibiotic[edit | edit source]

1 p
Add 1 more medium to your repertoir.

Dweller[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1 p
Add +1 Move while moving in a chosen medium. Advancement: Move (Progression 5)

Animal Control[edit | edit source]

You may control one type of animal (such as wolf, wasp, eagle or carp).
Call [Animal]: One normal animal shows up within d10 Sequences if such animals are present nearby. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Expanded type[edit | edit source]

1 p
Your animal type is expanded (such as small mammals, flying insects, singing birds or fish from a specific region).

Extra type[edit | edit source]

1 p
Add an extra type to animals you can control.

[Animal] Summoning[edit | edit source]

2 p
Action: Animal shows up. Power: A Horde of animals show up. Creature Powers.

[Animal] Teleport[edit | edit source]

2 p
Can perform a Greater Teleport by becoming a swarm of animals.

Armor[edit | edit source]

Cost: 2 p
You have some kind of protective Armor, providing +8 Armor Soak.

Power Armor[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1p
You get [Power] Armor instead of +10. If you boost Armor further you get +1 Armor per point invested. Max is still SchtickMax.

Magic Armor[edit | edit source]

Cost: 2 p
Soak is now based on Power.

Huge Armor[edit | edit source]

Cost: 2 p
Soak is now based on Strength.

Hardened Armor[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1 p
1 level of Armor may not be Pierced or Ignored.

Abysmal Armor[edit | edit source]

Cost: 6 p
Requires Abysmal Spines
Anyone attacking you in Close Combat takes your Abysmal Spines as Damage.

Poisonous Armor[edit | edit source]

Cost: 6 p
Requires Poison
Anyone attacking you in Close Combat takes your Poison as Damage.

Damaging Armor[edit | edit source]

Cost: 6 p
Requires [any Damaging Creature Power]
Anyone attacking you in Close Combat takes Damage equal to your [Damaging Power] potential.

Awareness[edit | edit source]

You have a mystical sense that is impossible to fool. You may use Occult/Creature Powers as Observation/Notice for detection. You do not need any other sense to target an enemy. This sense ignores invisibility.

Sense as Sight[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may now use Awareness at any time you would be able to use your sight. This includes Observation/Recon, Observation/Navigation and Survival. It also allows you to ignore darkness, hampered visibility, or any other obstruction to your sense.

Power Sense[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may use Power instead of Perception for sensory Actions with this sense.

Accurate[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Add a level to your sensory EV with this sense.
Advancement: EV (Progression 1)

Lie Detection[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may use Creature Powers+Empathy vs Social(Willpower)/Creature Powers+Manipulation(Power if Life Sense is bought) with a bonus level of EV to ascertain if a subject is lying or not. 5 PV is required to be sure of lies or truths.
Advancement: EV (Progression 1, Gain the following at 3 levels: Power: Ascertain if subject is lying or not.)

Magic Sense[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Your sensory Actions with this sense are now Occult/Creature Powers+Perception/Occult(Willpower)+Soul.

Marvel Sense[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Requires Magic Sight
You may now roll versus the lowest of targets Sneak+Agility or Occult(Willpower)+Soul.

Magic Hunter[edit | edit source]

Tier 3, requires Life Sense
Reduce your target's EV to your Awareness by its [Power], or in case of items by it's SchtickMax. Can be countered by Damage Immunity:Sorcery except Blast.

Bane[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Requires another damaging Creature Power
Power: Damage from a damaging Creature Power is now impossible to heal (and lowers Health), except with extraordinary means (most commonly Sorcery Schtick Healing, or Regeneration). This includes Shockpoints, but can only lower Health to 1.
Advancement: Damaged victims count as present if you wish to use other Creature Powers on them (2),

Blast[edit | edit source]

As per the Sorcery Blast, usable with Occult/Creature Powers. Damage starts at +0 instead of +5.

Blink[edit | edit source]

Active Defense: You may make a Move, ignoring intervening barriers.
Move: You may make a double Move, ignoring intervening barriers.
Action: You may make a double Move, ignoring intervening barriers, and an Action.
Flaw: Only between phenomena (like shadows).

Blood Drain[edit | edit source]

Passive: You gain a bonus as per the Sorcery schtick Enhancement, by damaging a target with one of your natural attacks or Creature Powers. . (A mook cannot receive more than 5 EV). This bonus is not cumulative with itself.

Blood Healing[edit | edit source]

You may use the Healing Schtick on any living target replacing Sorcery with Creature Powers. If a Power is spent, the target also gains the Flaw: Bloodbound for a day.

Flaw: Bloodbound[edit | edit source]

Target counts as in touch range and may not Defend Actively against any of your Effects.

Blowing Chunks[edit | edit source]

Action: Cause nausea in a 45 degree cone, range Power meters. Willpower/Toughness vs Power, failure causes loss of Action or 3 Shots. Causes 1 point of impairment, not stackable.
Action, Power: Cause nausea in a 45 degree cone, range Power meters. Willpower/Toughness vs Power, failure causes loss of Action or 3 Shots. Causes Power points of impairment. Every 5 points of margin removes one point of impairment, minimum 1 point of impairment, not stackable.

Blur Form[edit | edit source]

Passive:You may sneak around with Occult/Creature Powers+Power instead of Interaction/Sneak+Agility.
As long as you don't move, you get +5 EV to be detected.
Advancement: Extra Sneak AV (Progression 10), Extra Sneak EV (Progression 1), Being still Sneak EV (Progression 1/2), Resisted by Willpower/Occult(any)+Soul any.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Flitter[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Increases your move speed while sneaking to normal.

Burrowing[edit | edit source]

Passive:You have a Burrowing Move equal to your normal Move through most materials.
You may bring any number of persons with you.

Call[edit | edit source]

Action: You can call upon other Creatures.
They are built using normal construction rules. Named creatures have 5 points per point invested into Call, Unnamed only 2 points per point.
To Call a Named creature you only have to spend an Action, while to Call a group of Unnamed Creatures requires you to spend an Action and roll Occult/Creature Powers+Power difficulty 0. Every 5 PV produces an Unnamed Creature. You may not Call more than 1 Unnamed Creature per 5 points invested into Call. You get both Unnamed and Named Creature points pool with a single schtick of Call, but several Named creatures share the Named Creature point pool.

Sacrifice[edit | edit source]

Action: Destroy one Creature that you can call, not called by anyone else, to gain a bonus equal to the Sorcery Schtick Enhancement, and all Schticks the character possessed. Duration of this Power is Power minutes.

Conditional Escalation[edit | edit source]

Each time you take one or more Wounds, you gain benefit equal to [the Attack PV] from the Sorcery schtick Enhancement (chosen when the schtick is bought).

Booster Schtick[edit | edit source]

Conditional Reproduction[edit | edit source]

Instead of gaining a target Enhancement, you produce an Unnamed copy of yourself. This may be taken instead of the normal effect at 5 PV. They have your SkillMax-1.

Construct[edit | edit source]

Does not need to eat, drink, breath or sleep.

Corruption[edit | edit source]

Any creature you kill with natural or Powers Attacks becomes a Creature of your choice gaining Occult/Creature Powers 10 and a Creature Power. It also gains Flaw:Dominated. You may buy positive Extra Flaws with points. The Creature can only receive your Powers, and cannot be built on more points than your points in Corruption x 5 (or your total for named characters).

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Extra Points[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
The Creature receives 10 points at creation.

Flaw:Dominated[edit | edit source]

Your creator ignores your EV modifiers (including Attributes) when using Suggestion or Interaction on you.

Flaw:Time Restraint[edit | edit source]

The Corrupted creature only survives Power days.

Flaw:Susceptibility[edit | edit source]

You have an allergy, psychosis or spiritual problem with a thing.

Flaw:Sustenance[edit | edit source]

1 to 3:
1: Double the normal food.
2: Feces, garbage, radioactive isotopes.
3: Brains, blood or life force.

Flaw:Monstrous[edit | edit source]

Creature becomes Monstrous and cannot pass for a normal member of its species anymore.

Cricket Legs[edit | edit source]

You gain the following abilities:
Defensive, Successful Defense: Jump [Strength] meters in any direction.
Move: Jump [Strength] meters in any direction.
Action: Jump [Creature Powers]+[Strength] meters in any direction.
Advancement: Exchange [Strength] for [Power] (Creature Power becomes a teleport).

Damage Immunity[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You lower the Damage or EV of a specific type of Effect by your Power. You also raise your Soak or EV against it by Sorcery
Examples include:

  • Anything fired with Guns
  • Armed Martial Arts Attacks
  • Fu Schticks
  • Fire and explosions
  • Creature Powers except Abysmal Spines
  • Abysmal Spines
  • Sorcery except Blast
  • Blast
  • Unarmed Martial Arts Attacks

There is always a way around the Immunity (Guns->Silver Bullets, Martial Arts->Magic Weapons, etc).
Advancement: Lower Damage (Progression 1 up to Max), Raise Soak (Progression 1 up to Max)

Dark Gift[edit | edit source]

You can give a willing or helpless victim the use of one of your Schticks. You don't lose the use of the power. Recipients have to drink your blood or similar, and it costs them a Power point. The gift lasts for Creature Powers hours, unless you too spend a Power point, in which case it lasts Creature Powers days. They temporarily gain Occult/Creature Powers 10.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Darker Blood[edit | edit source]

Target gains the use of another of your Creature Powers.

Raw Power[edit | edit source]

Tier 2 Add 1 to gained Occult/Creature Powers. Maximum your Skill Max in Creature Powers. Advancement: AV (Progression 2).

Dark Mastery[edit | edit source]

By Carl Cramér
You have mastered a particular weapon or fighting technique by making a pact with darkness. You get to select one Kung Fu power, and can use that power with your Creature Powers skill, but you still need Focus to power it, as usual. The most usual case of Dark Mastery are Signature Weapons.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Dark Arts[edit | edit source]

Gain the use of another Kung Fu Power.

Death Grip[edit | edit source]

Passive: If you hit with an Attack you may lose the use of that Attack to inflict Damage from this Attack each time the target takes an Action, and at the start of each Sequence. This may be stopped by a Occult/any+Power, Action/Martial Arts+Focus or Willpower+Soul roll difficulty 0 with PV equal to your Occult/Creature Powers+Power or by a stunt depending on the Attack.

Death Resistance[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You gain +10 EV on all Shock rolls.
Advancement: EV on Shock rolls (Progression 1/3), You ignore impairment from damage and pain (5 p).

Dematerialization[edit | edit source]

Action, Power: You become intangible and can pass through solid matter. You can only use Creature Powers in this form. You still take damage from Attacks.
Dematerialized Action, Power: You may Greater Teleport as per the Sorcery schtick Teleport.

Dispel Magic[edit | edit source]

Your touch and will dispels magic.
Passive:You may use Passive Defense with Creature Powers against Sorcery.
Action: Destroy a spell cast earlier with Occult/Creature Powers+Power Difficulty (spellcaster's AV) EV (spellcaster's EV). Spellcaster may Actively Defend if the attempt is sensed in any way.

Displacement[edit | edit source]

You appear as several illusionary selves.
Action: You gain a +1 bonus to your Active Dodge.
Power: You gain +1 bonuses to your Active Dodge equal to your Power.
Active Defense: You lose a [+1 bonus to your Active Dodge].

Domination[edit | edit source]

Dual Attack[edit | edit source]

Elemental[edit | edit source]

You become Elemental and gain Damage Immunity to your element. You may buy any three kinds of these or other Booster schticks.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

This Power has one Booster Schtick Track. For each level bought in any Booster Schtick, cost goes up for all Booster Schticks.

Extra Wound[edit | edit source]

(Progression 5): +1 Wounds.

Extra Hardy[edit | edit source]

(Progression 25/+3): +3 Wound Threshold, +7 Health.

Extra Tough[edit | edit source]

May not buy Extra Speed (or any other Move bonus).
(Progression 5/4): +4 Armor.

Extra Fast[edit | edit source]

(Progression 5): +1 Initiative.

Extra Speed[edit | edit source]

May not buy Armor.
(Progression 5/+2): +2 Move.

Extra Elemental[edit | edit source]

Any Adaptation Booster Schtick.

Elemental Attack[edit | edit source]

Elemental Aura[edit | edit source]

Elusive[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Passive: You gain +5 Defense.
Attacked, Shot: Attack misses. This ends any Active Defence and removes the Defence bonus until your next Action.

Extra Head[edit | edit source]

One extra head.

False Image[edit | edit source]

Feature Teleport[edit | edit source]

Action, enter feature: You my Teleport as per the Sorcery schtick Teleport, but range is to nearest feature or feature within line of sight. Action, Power: You may Greater Teleport as per the Sorcery schtick Teleport.

Flight[edit | edit source]

You can fly through the air at your normal Move rating. You are very agile in the air, and can hover and otherwise move just as if you were walking.

Flaws[edit | edit source]

No Hover[edit | edit source]

You must Move at least half your Move each Sequence or begin falling at a rate of half your Move per Sequence.

Clumsy[edit | edit source]

You may only turn once (up to 60 degrees) at the start or end of your Move.

Foul Spew[edit | edit source]

You may regurgitate or produce a noxious, slippery or just plain disgusting substance around you or at specific ranges, in specific shapes. Choose a substance and 2 points of Boosters:

Foul Spew[edit | edit source]

Tier 2 vs Willpower+Soul

Nauseating Chunks[edit | edit source]

Tier 2 vs Toughness+Focus

Slippery Slime[edit | edit source]

Tier 2

Noxious Vapors[edit | edit source]


Boosters[edit | edit source]

Area[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
The substance now spreads 1 meter from a target point, instead of dousing a target. Progression: Power meters (3),

Alternate[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may produce one more substance

Joined[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may produce a substance that has two effects, that you already possess.

Evaporating[edit | edit source]

Duration Control.

Goo[edit | edit source]

Power point:Duration.

Gotcha Arm[edit | edit source]

Growth[edit | edit source]

Provides +2 Strength, +2 Toughness, -1 Agility. 12.5% Length. Add Length and increase all values per schtick.
Advancement: Bonus Package(+2 Strength, +2 Toughness, -1 Agility, +12.5% Length) (Progression 10). Flaw:Always On.

Flaw: Always On[edit | edit source]

Growth cannot be turned off.

Holy[edit | edit source]

You become Holy, and gain Regeneration 1. You also gain Good Looks 5 (+10 EV to Social).

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

These share a single Progression 10.

Extra Tough[edit | edit source]

You gain +1 Wound.
Progression: Wounds (Progression 5)

Extra Hardy[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You gain +1 Wound Threshold, +2 Health.
Progression 10

Extra Healing[edit | edit source]

You heal +Power Shock points per Sequence or 1 Sequence (6 seconds) less is required for Wound regeneration.
Progression: Shock points (Progression 10/+Power), -1 Sequence (2)

Horde[edit | edit source]

You may buy a Gang, Clan or House of a chosen Creature type as a Creature Power.

Immortality[edit | edit source]

You cannot die. If you do, you mysteriously disappear, and appear at the end of the scenario.

Inevitable Comeback[edit | edit source]

You die hard. After the end of a Sequence in which you died for the first time, you reanimate with full Wounds and 1 SP.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Die harder[edit | edit source]

You can die yet another time.

Instant Healing[edit | edit source]

Free, Lower [Maximum Wounds] by 5: You can heal instantly and fully. [Maximum Wounds] returns at a pace of 1 Wound per day.

Insubstantial[edit | edit source]

You may pass through solid matter, albeit very slowly. You may Move 10 centimeters per Sequence while this ability is in use. You may not move through a category of matter (typical examples include metal, stone, wood, living matter, or worked materials).

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Leakage[edit | edit source]

You may Move a further 10 centimeters per Sequence.

Specificity[edit | edit source]

You may narrow the matter not passed through (typical examples include lead, marble, teak, humans, or brick work).

Lethal Impression[edit | edit source]

Magic Resistance[edit | edit source]

Should be replaced by Damage Immunity: Blast or Sorcery except Blast
Don't forget to choose a vulnerability.
(Cost bör höjas till 4)
You resist any Occult Effect by lowering its EV by Power and raising your EV by Creature Powers. Any Occult Effect that does not require a roll now requires a roll against your Creature Powers + Power.
Advancement: Defense increase (Progression 5), Resistance increase (Progression 1/2)

Marked for Death[edit | edit source]

This Power starts with the Flaw:Wretch.
Passive: Target is Stymied on all rolls.
Action: Target lose their next extra die.
3 Shots, Power: Target receives 2 negative dice on a current roll of your choice.
Action, Power: Target loses an extra die each time they use one or more extra dice, Duration [Creature Powers/Power vs 0], 1 Sequence per 5 margin.
Marked for Death lasts EV weeks, or indefinitely by comitting a Power point.

Flaw:Mark[edit | edit source]

You may only target someone that you have succeeded against with a minimum PV of 10.

Flaw:Specific Skill[edit | edit source]

Submission requires a specific Interaction Skill.

Flaw:Wretch[edit | edit source]

You may only target someone that you have succeeded against with a Creature Power or any Interaction and minimum PV of 20.

Massive[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You gain +2 Wound Threshold and 5 SP.
Advancement: WT (Progression 10), 5 x SP (Progression 5)

Monster Mark[edit | edit source]

Your horrifying touch causes a target to feel your presence everywhere.
Passive: You may target a Marked target with a Creature Power ignoring range.
Mark Target, PV 5: Gain a positive die against the target.
Mark Target, PV 10: Gain two positive dice against target.
Mark Target, PV 20: Target's Defense is set 0 versus your Actions.
Action: Mark a target with a touch and a Creature Powers+Power/Occult or Willpower+Soul.
Advancement: Gain the following: Attack hit, Power:You may Mark the target (3).
This Power lasts a scene or indefinitely by committing a Power point.

Monstrous Attribute[edit | edit source]

Gain 2 +1 modifiers, and a -1 penalty to Attributes. You may not more than add SchtickMax to an Attribute or lower an Attribute below 1.

Monstrous Movement[edit | edit source]

Gain +4 Move.
Advancement: Move (Progression 15/+4).

Phantasm[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You can create realistic phantasms of one sense, usually sight. With 2 additional points, you can create full sense illusions.Phantasms are usually static, but you can make them move around using a Move Action. If you want your illusions to attack, use a Blast as a Secondary Attack to the Phantasm.

These Phantasms are very realistic, but you must be familiar with whatever you are mimicking, or it will seem unreal to onlookers. To create a believable Phantasm roll Creature Powers+Power against your targets' Observation+Perception. If your target knows more about whatever you are imitating than you do, or if the phantasm lacks a sensory component relevant to the situation, the difficulty is raised by the target's Intelligence. Regardless of whether the Phantasm is believed or not, it still persists, disbelief does not cause it to vanish. Striking one hard will dispel it, however.

Poison[edit | edit source]

Choose 1. Attack with Creature Powers+Power vs Martial Arts+Toughness.

Damaging Poison[edit | edit source]

Does 1 shockpoint at end each Sequence, Duration [Power] Sequences
Advancement: Shockpoints at end of Sequence (Progression 10).

Slowing Poison[edit | edit source]

Causes a point of impairment each hit. Lasts [Power] hours. Advancement: Increase impairment, Gain: Power, Attack hit: Impairment is increased to [Power] points.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Extra Duration[edit | edit source]


Possession[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may possess target touched creature with the following action:
Action, Power: Creature Powers+Power vs Occult(Willpower)+Soul with a PV of [Target 10]. This means that you rob the target of their body, taking it for your own.
While in the victim's body, you use all your own attributes and skills, you only assume the appearance and mannerisms of your victim. You can access the victims memories, and act out the part using Creature Powers instead of Deceit/Disguise. Your victim can try to interact with you but this takes time as his thought processes are slowed down except under extreme duress. You can let your victim regain control over himself, seemingly abandoning his body, though you can reclaim control at any time.
If you are killed while possessing a body, both you and the host die, but if you have Immortality or Inevitable Comeback, your own body can be restored. Doing an exorcism with Sorcery:Summoning or similar Occult Proficiencies is the safest way to remove a possessor from a host.
Advancement: lower PV required (Progression 4).

Vanishing form[edit | edit source]

Tier 2 Your body disappears. A power typical of demons and ghosts.

Loaned Feathers[edit | edit source]

Tier 1 You may use one of your possessed hosts Schticks or Attributes.

Regeneration[edit | edit source]

You regenerate 1 Wound per minute, and 5 shockpoints per Sequence.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Fast Regeneration[edit | edit source]

Progression 1
Gain +1 level of more Shockpoints per Sequence.

Closing Wounds[edit | edit source]

Progression 5
You regenerate more Wounds per minute. When you reach 10 Wounds per minute, you regenerate 1 Wound per Sequence. At 20 Wounds per minute you gain 2 Wounds per Sequence.

Secondary Attack[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Choose two of your Creature Powers. By paying a Power you may now use the two in tandem with one roll.
Advancement: Lower the Power cost to 4 Shock points (1). Lower Shock point cost (1/Shock point).

Sense Chi[edit | edit source]

You can sense Chi and other magical energies.
An Action allows you to sense one of the following:

  • target's Power, Focus or Luck
  • target's Power, Focus or Luck left
  • One of the target's magical Skills

Sense Sin[edit | edit source]

"Tell me your secrets..."
Tier 2
You may use Creature Power+Power as Social+Manipulation vs Social(Willpower)+Empathy to reveal their darkest secret. Repeated use only goes into greater detail (PV is summed for each attempt). Only one attempt may be made per day.

Sense Weakness[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Action, Power: You gain knowledge of one Flaw or Creature Flaw.

Advancement: gain:
Action: You gain knowledge of the target's highest Attribute
Action: You gain knowledge of the target's lowest Attribute
Action: You gain knowledge of one Proficiency or Attribute of the target.(2 for all three)

Side Effect[edit | edit source]

Silence[edit | edit source]

Suggestion[edit | edit source]

Roll Creature Powers/Power vs [Occult or Willpower]/Soul. A non-suicidal order is followed PV Sequences.

Mesmerize[edit | edit source]

Targets forget Suggestion attempts.

Jedi Mind Trick[edit | edit source]

Roll Creature Powers+Power vs [Occult or Willpower]/Soul+5. A reasonable suggestion is followed ("These are not the Droids you're looking for", "Go home and make yourself a better life"). Not usable in combat or other stressful situations.

Slave Mentality[edit | edit source]

Must devote an Action with a roll every Sequence. Any order must be followed. Death takes 3 rounds. Only works on Unnamed characters.

Tentacles[edit | edit source]

You gain a Tentacle.
You gain the following:
Action: Attack with [Creature Powers/Tentacle Strength+0]or use an Action with any of your Tentacles.
Tentacles have Strength+Toughness+Dexterity equal to Power x 3, and a Range of Power meters.

Extra Tentacle[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You gain an extra Tentacle.

Extra Stat points[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Gain 3 Tentacle Stat points.

Independent[edit | edit source]

Tier 8
Tentacle may be ordered (as a Free Action) to perform a specific Action until it can't perform that Action, once per Sequence.

Extra Range[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Gain 2 meters range with your Tentacles.

Abyssal Tentacles[edit | edit source]

Tier 1, Progression 1
Gain a level of Tentacle Damage.

Long Range[edit | edit source]

Damage Progression becomes 2.
Tentacles now have a Range of Power x 10 meters.

Short Range[edit | edit source]

Tier 0, Damage Progression 1/2
Tentacles now have a Range of 3 meters.

No Range[edit | edit source]

Tier 0, Damage Progression 1/3
Tentacles now only work in Melee Range.

May wield implements[edit | edit source]

Tier 5

Tiny[edit | edit source]

You are tiny. So tiny, in fact, that you are harder to hit.
Passive: You gain +3 Defense because of your size. You also do -2 Damage with natural attacks.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Nimble[edit | edit source]

Progression 10 (2/Schtick up to 5)
You gain a further +3 Defense, -2 Damage.

Transformation[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
1 of:

  • Named Form: Transform into other named form. May modify any Attributes, May raise them up to a maximum of 2*Max (Not adding any Attribute bonuses aquired to the Max). (Snakeman, Ghostly form, Living Scrap-pile).
  • Unnamed Forms:Transform into any 3 unnamed forms or a category of unnamed forms (wolf, bat, rat or animated furniture).
  • Cosmetic:Transform into any other creature of your type.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

More forms[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Choose another Named form or Unnamed group of forms.

Boost Form[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Requires Named Form: Add 5 points to form.

Faster Transformation[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Your transformation times go from an Action to a Move. Advancement: Move to Active Defense (2), Active Defense to Free (4)

Flaws[edit | edit source]

Slower Transformation[edit | edit source]

Flaw 1
Your transformation times are raised 2 steps on the Range and Time table.

Lowered Defense[edit | edit source]

Flaw 1
You gain a -5 Defense modifier while you Transform.

Transport[edit | edit source]

You can transport from place to place by travelling through some mystic means. The transport is nearly instantaneous, but requires a 10-minute ritual to start, and a Move to activate. Maximum range is equal to [Creature Power] and the means to transport [Power] people or the means stays open for [Power]/2 Sequences.
Advancement: Lower starting time (5 per level on the table).

Two Heads[edit | edit source]

Undead[edit | edit source]

You are now one of the Undead.
Passive: You no longer take Shock points.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

These share a single Progression 5.

Extra Tough[edit | edit source]

You gain +1 Wound.

Extra Hard[edit | edit source]

You gain +3 Armor. Progression: Armor (Progression 5/+3).

Extra Strong[edit | edit source]

You gain a level of Damage in close combat.

Unholy[edit | edit source]

You become Unholy, and can cause a normal Corrupting Blast, attacking with Occult/Creature Powers+Power. You also gain Bad Looks 5.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

These share a single Progression 10.

Extra Hardy[edit | edit source]

You gain +1 Wound Threshold.

Extra Tough[edit | edit source]

You gain +5 Shock points.
Progression: Shock points (Progression 5/+5)

Extra Corruption[edit | edit source]

You gain 2p to your Corrupting Blast.
Progression: Booster points (Progression 5/+2)

Unluck[edit | edit source]

Tier 2 You may only inflict up to 2 negative dice on any target.
You gain the following abilities:
Active Defense: You may counter any positive die used against you.
Action: You may inflict a negative die. Only one negative die may be active at any time.
Power: You may inflict a negative die on any target. It lasts until the Power is regained.

Wallcrawler[edit | edit source]

You may run, walk, or stand, at normal speed, on any solid surface that could hold you. You can ignore sticky or slippery surfaces, such as those produced by Foul Spew. Advancement: Extra Move while Spider Climbing, Sneak,

Lightfoot[edit | edit source]

You may ignore your weight when standing on surfaces, but the surface needs to be solid and not fluid.

No foot[edit | edit source]

You can run on fluid surfaces.

Ward Breaker[edit | edit source]

Wings[edit | edit source]

Wish[edit | edit source]

Flaws[edit | edit source]

By Carl Cramér, except where noted.
Many supernatural creatures have one or more weaknesses. These sometimes harm you, and other times only cause only. For example, some vampires are turned by crosses; some vampires even burn at the touch of a cross. Some weaknesses are a condition which stymies you. You can have several separate weaknesses of the same type.
The gamemaster is free to create whatever weakness he wants for any supernatural creatures of his own creation, or to create new weaknesses for old supernatural creatures. Player character supernatural creatures should have at least one Weakness, usually Dark Form, and can have several.
Optional Rule: For each extra weakness you have beyond the first, mandatory weakness, you get one free Creature Power schtick.

Addictive[edit | edit source]

You leave at least some of your victims alive, and to them, your powers are highly erotic and addictive. They seek you out to get more; those with a Magic attribute actually have a mystic, intuitive sense of how to find you. When they find you, they may desire more of your attention, or they may decide that you are a perversion, to evil to exist, but still be highly attracted to you. They may also lead hunters and other enemies to your door.

Alien[edit | edit source]

You have a hard time understanding and communicating with normal people; you are either too strange, too animalistic, too bestial or too stupid to understand human speech and behavior. Sorcerers with Summoning can speak to you, and other appropriate powers may work, but otherwise you are entirely incommunicado. Naturally, you can speak to others of your kind, but if 'your kind' is common in the campaign, this is not really a flaw at all.

Attrition[edit | edit source]

There is a way in which your powers (or most of them, anyway) can be taken away from you, one at a time. This is a relatively easy stunt (like cutting of the eyestalks of a Beholder), and generally requires only simple success on a stunt, but only negates one of your powers. They are regained as Pool points.

Dark Form[edit | edit source]

You simply look terrible, monstrous and frightening. You are obviously unusual and anyone versed in such things can spot that you are a supernatural creature. Examples include walking corpses, ogres, spectral ghosts and so on. You cannot use any social skills except to frighten. This is the standard weakness, that almost all supernatural creatures have. The standard solution is to have the Transformation schtick.
There is a bonus to Dark Form; you can scare people even if you lack the Intimidation skill, using your Creature Powers action value. This only works once, and not against people used to having monsters around, such as other supernatural creatures.

Dependency[edit | edit source]

You need some unusual or exotic substance to survive. This can be a continuous need, like the vampires blood-thirst, or you can be something you must keep, such as dirt from your grave or a fetish where your soul is kept. If denied this substance, you cannot recover Pool Points and will become more and more agitated.

Dormancy[edit | edit source]

You have some condition that induces dormancy. During this time, you will always seek out a safe place to rest and cannot awaken once you has fallen into dormancy. The conditions are almost always predictable and regular, something no group of investigators can induce. Vampires commonly have dormancy weakness during the day, ghosts may have a dormancy weakness at all times except the hour after midnight etc. You always know ahead of time that you will become dormant, giving you time to seek shelter.

When forcibly awakened (such as by an attack), you suffer 8 points of impairment. For each sequence after that in which you were awakened, this penalty is reduced by one, but never to less than 1 point of impairment

Fear[edit | edit source]

You have an irrational fear of something. This can be a type of item, certain people, or just about anything. When facing your fear, you suffer 8 points of impairment. For each sequence after that in which you were first subject to your Fear, this penalty is reduced by one, but never to less than 1 point of impairment.

A creature subjected to something it fears often tries to talk it's way out or otherwise stall to regain it's composure.

Geas[edit | edit source]

This kind of weakness absolutely prevents you from or forces you into doing certain things. Some vampires cannot enter a dwelling unless invited inside, devils cannot go onto holy ground and few succubi can seduce virgins. It is absolutely impossible for you to break this geas on your own, but if forced to break it by the weakness yourself or a force representing you (a succubus raped by a virgin) the geas is broken. If you are fooled into breaking your geas, you lose the use of all your Chi-powers and take a Wound Point each Sequence until you has somehow atoned, which may not be possible.

Haunt[edit | edit source]

You are bound to a specific domain or locale, perhaps even an item. You cannot go far from your haunt. If it is an item, you cannot move or otherwise affect that item in any way. This is common in spirits of all kinds, is in many ways similar to Geas, and has the same consequences.

Hunt[edit | edit source]

You have strong hunting instincts that manifest in a particular situation of in the presence of a certain type of victim. A werewolf hunts under the light of the full moon, some ripper murderers cannot resist killing beautiful maidens walking alone. If you have a very strong reason not to follow your instincts you may make a Willpower+Empathy total against your own Creature Powers+Magic or the Skill+Attribute of your victim you is seeking (the Interaction/Social+Charisma of the maiden above), but if this fails you is overcome by instinct and will hunt, no matter the cost.

Paralysis[edit | edit source]

There is some way to in which you can be paralyzed, totally preventing any action on your part. It is generally quite difficult to achieve, but a an Outcome 5 Effect or a specific attack causing a Wound will do the trick. Examples include the classic staking of a vampire.

Power[edit | edit source]

You cannot use your supernatural creature powers under certain circumstances. Any sort of circumstance can trigger this weakness, but it is commonly tied to your origin or other weaknesses. Examples include a zombie that cannot use it's powers when tied up in gold thread or an invisible supernatural creature that cannot use it's powers once it has been spotted. Supernatural creatures with many powers can sometimes still use some of them when under this weakness.

Rage[edit | edit source]

Under certain conditions, such as the smell of blood, under the light of the full moon or when wounded enough to suffer impairments, you go berserk. You will go absolutely mad, killing indiscriminately and heedless of your own wounds. This means you will not try to escape and won't use tactics beyond a mindless charge against the most obvious opponent, thus taking extraordinary risks. The rage ends at the end of the fight, but you may have to make Willpower+Focus rolls to avoid attacking friends.

Spirit[edit | edit source]

Spirits are extradimensional creatures. They can be invoked through the powers of Summoning, and all but the most powerful of them also have the Supernatural Creature flaw.

Supernatural Creature[edit | edit source]

Supernatural creatures are filled with the essence of their power, and this makes them vulnerable to magical control. They are not automatically spirits, and cannot be Invoked, but are otherwise subject to all the powers of Summoning.

Tool Ignorant[edit | edit source]

You lack the ability and/or understanding to use human tools, machines, and other devices. It can be a matter of physical form, but also a mindset; technology and magic devices are simply beyond your comprehension, and your bestial nature prevents the use of most types of schticks except creature powers. Depending on your type, some abilities, schticks or types of tools may be excepted; a werewolf could still use Animal schticks (if he has them), and a construction robot may still be able to use elevators and other heavy machinery. Neither of them could use a Fu schtick, sword, mobile phone, or magic wand.

Transformation Trauma[edit | edit source]

This flaw is only applicable for monsters with a strong human identity, that transformations between human and monster form. It implies a strong opposition between the monstrous and human side of the personality. Whenever you lay off your "wolves clothing", you suffer some trauma. You tend to fall asleep or collapse, and your memories of what transpired wen you were in monster form are often hazy and uncertain. In many cases, they will be mistaken for dreams.

Unliving[edit | edit source]

You are not a mundane creature with a natural energy flow or mundane healing ability. You will never recover Wounds naturally, and cannot be healed with the Medicine skill. Magical or Tech healing will work normally.

Vulnerability[edit | edit source]

A certain item or material causes damage if placed against your flesh. If the item is normally used to cause damage, such as silver bullets, use the normal damage value. Otherwise the damage value of the touch is the wielder's Power +5. No damage-reducing powers (such as Damage Immunity, Armor or Regeneration) will work, and your soak attribute (usually Toughness) is ignored when resisting this attack.

Against natural phenomena that are not used by a certain character such as sunlight or sea water, the damage value is based on your own Power attribute. If you are vulnerable to interaction, any successful interaction of the type you are vulnerable to causes an automatic Outcome 10 Effect.

Examples of substances to which you might be vulnerable:

  • Holy symbols.
  • Some metal (e.g. silver, gold, cold steel).
  • Specific flowers or herbs (wolvesbane, garlic).
  • Types of wood (ash, jew et. al.).
  • Certain books (bible, koran, torah, pulp novels).
  • Certain weapons.
  • Specific words.
  • A portrait of an old love.
  • The bones of a victim.
  • Direct sunlight (1W/10 Sequences, lower by 2 Sequences per point of Flaw down to 1W/1Sequence at 5 points, Light cover (Normal clothes and a hood) increases the time by a factor of 5).
  • Indirect sunlight(with Light and Heavy Cover)
  • Running water.
  • Dogs with angel eyes (dark circles around the iris).

Creatures[edit | edit source]

Abominations[edit | edit source]

Entities[edit | edit source]

Monsters[edit | edit source]

Spirits[edit | edit source]

Evolutionary[edit | edit source]

Other Creature Powers[edit | edit source]

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