This page should contain all existing Interactions.
- Minor Successes cause one effect.
- Major Successes remove 1d pool points, and cause one Effect.
- Victories remove 2d pool points, and cause two Effects.
- Total Victories remove 4d pool points, and cause three Effects.
Cost | EV Modifier | Pool point Cost | Pool point range | Cost / AV | AV range |
20 | +5 | 20 x Worth | 1-5 | 20 | 1-5 |
40 | +8 | 30 x Worth | 6-8 | 30 | 6-8 |
60 | +10 | 50 x Worth | 9-10 | 50 | 9-10 |
+20 | +1 | +100 x Worth | +1 | +100 | +1 |
Passive Defense is worth x1/2 AV. Active Defense is worth x1/2 AV, Proficiency x1/2 AV, Attribute x1/2 AV /Skill x1 AV /Damage x1 EV /Secondary Attribute x1/2 AV /
Examples in common usage[edit | edit source]
Confuse[edit | edit source]
140 points
- 1. Freeze.
- 2. Freeze, 1d Reason.
- 3. Freeze, May not Perform Mental Action next Action, 2d Reason.
- 4. Freeze, May not Perform Mental Action next Action, Stymie, 4d Reason.
Refresh[edit | edit source]
100 points
- 1. Regain Down.
- 2. Regain Down, 1d Shock.
- 3. Regain Down, Out, 2d Shock.
- 4. Regain Down, Out, End any Effect, 4d Shock.
Heal[edit | edit source]
140 points
- 1. End any Effect.
- 2. Regain d10 Wounds, End any Effect.
- 3. Regain 2d10 Wounds, End any two Effects.
- 4. Regain 4d10 Wounds, End any three Effects.
Rejuvenate[edit | edit source]
220 points
- 1. Regain Down.
- 2. Regain Down any 1d Pool points.
- 3. Regain Down, Out, any 2d Pool points.
- 4. Regain Down, Out, any Effect, any 4d Pool points.
Berserk[edit | edit source]
Frenzy, Hindered Defense , Double Attack. (40 points)
Stunned[edit | edit source]
- 1. Stun.
- 2. Stun, 1d Shock.
- 3. Daze, 2d Shock.
- 4. Daze, Down, 4d Shock.
Damage[edit | edit source]
- 1. Stun.
- 2. Stun, 1d Wounds.
- 3. Stun, Down, 2d Wounds.
- 4. Stun, Down, Out, 4d Wounds.
Bleed[edit | edit source]
- 1. Bleed.
- 2. Bleed, 1d Wounds.
- 3. Hemorraghe, 2d Wounds.
- 4. Hemorraghe, Down, 4d Wounds.
Magic Drain[edit | edit source]
120 points, 240 if you gain the Power.
- 1. Stymie.
- 2. Stymie, 1d Power.
- 3. Impair, 2d Power.
- 4. Impair, Down, 4d Power.
Dispel Magic[edit | edit source]
220 points
- Countermagic.
- Countermagic, 1d Power.
- Countermagic, Down, 2d Power.
- Countermagic, Down, May not Perform any Occult Action next Action, 4d Power.
Burn[edit | edit source]
- 1. Singe
- 2. Singe, 1d Wound
- 3. Burn, 2d Wound
- 4. Burn, Down, 4d Wound
Freeze[edit | edit source]
- 1. Freeze
- 2. Freeze, 1d Wounds
- 3. Freeze, Down, 2d Wounds
- 4. Freeze, Down, Out, 4d Wounds
Electrocute[edit | edit source]
- 1. Freeze
- 2. Freeze, 1d Shock
- 3. Freeze, 1 Wound, 2d Shock
- 4. Freeze, 2 Wounds, 4d Shock
Blinded[edit | edit source]
- 1. Unaware
- 2. Unaware, lose 1d Shots
- 3. Blind, lose 2d Shots
- 4. Blind, Down, lose 4d Shots
Grapple[edit | edit source]
Stymie, Down, Out, Shock.
Hold[edit | edit source]
Freeze, Down, Out, Shock.
Knockdown[edit | edit source]
Down, Out, Freeze, Shock.
Embarrased[edit | edit source]
Blush, Embarrass, Staggered, Presence.
Fatigue[edit | edit source]
Stun, Daze, Stymie, Shock.
Disarm[edit | edit source]
Both Weapons Locked (20), Choice Both Disarm (60), Disarm (80), Shock (0).
Sunder[edit | edit source]
May not Actively Defend or Attack (40), May not Actively Defend or Attack with save (80), Weapon Destroyed (160), Shock (0).
Armor Buff[edit | edit source]
Ignore First Down (20), Armor 1-3 (100) , Hardness 1-3 (0).
Taunt[edit | edit source]
Afflicted, Tormented, Stun.