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Lei Kung Fu.jpg

Low Kick[edit | edit source]

Focus Requirement: 0
Strength Requirement: 5
Attack: A kick that does +5 Damage, with a Knockdown if you inflict any Damage.
Progression: Knockdown on Hit (+40 points), Kick Damage (Normal Progression), Action required is now a Move (40 points), Attack may be used as a Hit Counter (+60 points, requires Move Action enhancement)

Body Blow[edit | edit source]

Focus Requirement: 0
Strength Requirement: 6
Attack: You perform a stunning blow to the body doing +5 Damage. The opponent receives a -1 impairment for EV rounds. This is specifically cumulative with Body Blow.
Progression: Damage (Normal Progression), AV (AV Progression), Impairment (Progression according to Cause Impairment Fu Power), Add Stun Damage (80 points), Add Fatigue Damage (80 points)

Bottle Fight[edit | edit source]

Focus Requirement: 0
Strength Requirement: 6
Anything one-handed picked up now counts as a light weapon, +8 Damage and breaks on the first Attack.
Progression: Damage (Normal Progression), Weapon lasts encounter (+20), Weapon may also cause Bleed (40), Weapon also causes Bleed (100)

Wild Swing[edit | edit source]

Focus Requirement: 0
Strength Requirement: 7
Attack: A punch that does +8 damage, hitting all nearby targets. You may not perform an Active Defense until you take your next Action.
Progression: Damage (Normal Progression), Add Focus prerequisite: Add +5 AV to the Attack (0 points), Add Knockdown Damage (120 points), Add a Knockdown on Shockpoints (40 points), Add a Knockdown on Hit (+40 points, req Kd on Sp)

Neck Blow[edit | edit source]

Focus Requirement: 0
Strength Requirement: 7
You aim for the neck.
Successful Attack, 2 SP: +2 levels of Damage, causes Knockdown on hit. Progression: SP Cost -1 (20), Damage (Normal Progression), Drain Shockpoints (Max 5) (40 points), Drain Shockpoints (No max) (+40 points).

Roundhouse Punch[edit | edit source]

Focus Requirement: 0
Strength Requirement: 8
Attack: A punch that does +8 damage, +5 AV. Progression: AV (Normal AV), Damage (Normal Progression), Knockback (Double Normal Progression)