Action!/Schtick/Fu/Style Variants
Snake Style[edit | edit source]
Tier 1
You gain +1 AV to your next Attack when you Defend successfully (Cumulative).
Progression: Normal AV Progression, Success no longer required (20), May also use any Action in Combat to gain the AV bonus (20).
Snake Strike[edit | edit source]
Tier 2, requires Snake Tier 1
Attack, Shot: +4 AV. Causes Stymie and Damage.
Progression: No Shot Cost (60 points), Normal AV Progression, cause Impairment (80).
Snake Stance[edit | edit source]
Tier 3, requires Snake Tier 2
Snake Stance: +10 to Passive and Active M/FA Defense, Ignore First Down, Ignore First Stun.
Progression: Passive and Active M/FA Defense (Double Normal Progression), Free Active Defense once per Sequence (+140), Focus: Free Active Defense (+100), upgrade Ignore First Down to Ignore First Out, Ignore First Stymie (+40), upgrade Ignore First Stymie to Ignore First Impair (+40), Ignore First Unaware (+40), upgrade Ignore First Unaware to Ignore First Blind (+40), upgrade Ignore First Stun to Ignore First Daze.
Coiling Snake[edit | edit source]
Tier 4, requires Snake Tier 3
Action: Regain 2 Shots. You may not attack during the sequence in which you perform this Action. (-1+6-1)
Progression: 3 Shots (+60), 4 Shots (+60), 5 Shots (+60), You may Attack this Sequence (20), 1 Shock (+60, requires 5 Shots).
Venom Strike[edit | edit source]
Tier 5, requires Snake Tier 4
Attack, Focus: Gain positive d10 to AV. Cause Damage and extra Stun.
Progression: Upgrade extra Stun to Stunned Result (+60), Gain Bleed (+50), Gain May not Attack (+20), Gain May not perform any physical Action (+40), Gain positive die to EV (+50), cause Damage and Stun (80).
Tiger Style[edit | edit source]
Tier 1
Tiger Claw: Damage +0 and Penetration 1.
Progression: Damage (Normal Progression), Penetration (+1 +30, +1 +50, +1 +100, +1 +100...), Cause extra Wound (+100), Add Disarm as Option (+40), Add Disarm (+120), Upgrade Disarm to Sunder (+140).
Relentless Tiger[edit | edit source]
Tier 2, Requires Tier 1 Tiger
Gain Armor A5/P1.
Progression: Armor Absorption (Normal Progression), Armor Hardness (+1 30, +1 50, +1 100, +1 100...), Gain +1 Wound (+100 up to 5), Ignore First Down (+20), +1 Down up to 5 (20), Ignore First Out (+40, Requires Ignore Down 5).
Ferocious Tiger[edit | edit source]
Tier 3, Requires Tier 2 Tiger
Full Move: Attack with Tiger Claw. Add Down and Stun.
Progression: Upgrade Down to Knockdown (+60), Gain Shock (+60), Upgrade Stun to Fatigue (+60), Cause Bleed (+120)
Wounded Tiger[edit | edit source]
Tier 4, Requires Tier 3 Tiger
Focus: Gain Double Attack with Tiger Claw and Frenzy. Double Attack lasts until Frenzy ends.
Progression: Exchange Focus for Shot (+20), Normal AV Progression, +1 to all Frenzy Saves (+20), Remove Focus/Shock Cost (+60).
Unyielding Tiger[edit | edit source]
Tier 5, Requires Tier 4 Tiger
Unyielding Tiger Stance: Any Hit may be Counterattacked with Tiger Claw. Inflict extra Shot. Gain +8 Passive F/MA Defense.
Progression: Counter on Attack (+60), Counter on Defense, before Attack (+120), Regain Shot on Counter Damage (+60), Regain Focus on Counter Damage (+80), Regain Shock on Counter Damage (+60), Upgrade extra Shot to Blinded (+20), Passive F/MA Defense (Normal Progression).
Crane Style[edit | edit source]
Tier 1
Attack: Use Focus as Strength.
Progression: Add Focus to Strength (60).
Eagle Style[edit | edit source]
Bear Stance[edit | edit source]
Tier 2
Attack: Add +10 to Toughness this Sequence.
Progression: Toughness (Normal Progression), Duration:Passive (
Dragon Stance[edit | edit source]
Dragon Tail[edit | edit source]
Dragon Wing[edit | edit source]
Dragon Claw[edit | edit source]
Tier 4
Attack: Add +8 Damage, +2 AV .
Savate Kick[edit | edit source]
Tier 5, Savate Pugilist
Attack, Focus: Free Guns Attack.
Savate Defense[edit | edit source]
Tier 5
Focus: Free Active Defense once per Sequence