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All Gun Schticks only work with the Ranged Weapons Skill.

Bag Full of Guns[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Inspired by the work of Carl Cramér
Passive: You always get one Bag of Guns per session. Provides the following:
Action: Roll Guns vs Diff. 10 for each Gun when first pulled out and choose one with Damage Adds up to EV/5. If you botch, the bag is empty. If you fail any roll, you get a basic weapon of the smallest kind available. You may pay 1 Luck and retrieve a new bag at any time.

Old version[edit | edit source]

Concealability Difficulty
Negligible 5
Pocket 5
Jacket 10
Trench Coat 15

Booster schticks[edit | edit source]

Bigger Bag[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You can draw one more gun from the bag per Action.

Weapons Bag[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Add 8 to the EV to the rolls with Bag Full of Guns.
Progression: EV (Normal).

Tech Bag[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Choose a Tech schtick. All Guns may be equipped with this Tech Schtick for 10 EV.
Progression: Lower EV needed to 5 (100), Lower EV needed to 0 (200), Extra Tech Schtick (100).

Bodyguard[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Choose a charge in a fight. Passive: You may Passively and Actively Defend your charge as long as you are within a Move of your charge.
Progression: Luck: charge gains +d10 AV. (80 points)

This also exists as a Unique schtick.

Advancement[edit | edit source]

Dammit![edit | edit source]

Tier 5
If your charge is hit, you gain +d10 AV to your next Attack.
Progression: You gain the effect to all Attacks this Sequence (10 points)

Look Out![edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Your charge now only needs to be attacked to activate Dammit!.

I have a bad feeling about this[edit | edit source]

Tier 4, Requires Look Out!
Action: Activate Dammit! for your next Attack. You must have a charge for this to work.

Stay behind me[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You and your charge gain:
Passive: Both gain the benefit of their highest Initiative.
Bodyguard Move: Charge gains a Free Move.

Stop[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Passive: You gain +5 Initiative while Stay Behind Me is active.
Progression: Initiative (Normal).

Get down![edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Your charge gains:
Bodyguard Active Defense: You gain a Free Active Dodge, and a +1 Defense bonus.
Progression: Active Defense (Half AV progression)

Under My Protection[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may have one more charge active.

Both Guns Blazing[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Carry two guns, Passive: You may make one Guns Attack per Gun per Attack Action.
Advancement:Damage (Progression 1), One more attack per gun (20 points).

Carnival of Carnage[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Luck: Down an unnamed character.

Boosters[edit | edit source]

Roller Coaster[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
You gain +1 AV vs Unnamed Characters when downing unnamed characters. This ends any Sequence after which you have not Attacked an Unnamed Character.

Tombola[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Any 10 on a die downs an Unnamed Character that is not your target, .
Progression: Decrease possible result for downing an Unnamed Character (Starts at 10,9,8,7,6,5...) (Progression 25).

Swings[edit | edit source]

Tier 6
Gain a Free Attack on an unnamed character when you down an unnamed character.
Advancement: extra Free Attack vs unnamed characters (Progression 30)

Rides[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Gain a +2 AV versus unnamed characters.
Progression: AV (Progression 10).

Eagle Eye[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Gain 5 points of Armor Piercing with all Ranged Weapons.
Progression: Armor Piercing (Progression 2 per 5 points Armor Piercing).

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Critical Hit![edit | edit source]

Tier 1
5 Extra Armor Piercing provides +1 extra Damage.
Progression: Lower extra AP needed by one (Progression 25).

Bullseye![edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Requires maxed out Critical Hit! Progression.
5 Extra Armor Piercing also provides +1 AV.
Progression: Lower extra AP needed by one (Progression 25)

Dead Center[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Ignore 1 point of penalties.
Progression: Extra points of penalty (Progression 25), Ignore all penalties (25)

The Professional[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Guns Attack: You inflict Damage equal to your Outcome, Max 2 points.
Progression: Increase Damage (Progression 5).

Fast Draw[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Passive: Add your Wits to your Initiative (not your Shot pool) the first Sequence in a fight.
Passive: Drawing a gun is a Free Action for you.
Passive: You may always shoot first on the same Shot, unless your opponent also has Fast Draw, you then compare Initiative normally.

Great Balls of Fire[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
written by Carl 'Abbe' Cramér, modified by Oscar Ubeda Segmar
Power, Luck, Shot or Action: Make your next Attack cover an area equal to your Perception in Diameter. All within that area take half Damage on a miss, and full Damage on a hit. No Outcome is added. You gain normal Damage bonuses for aiming. Progression: Remove the cost of the Schtick (10 points), Increase area to Perception meters in radius (2 points), gain up to 5 Outcome on the Attack (5 points), gain all Outcome to the Attack (10 points).

Ka-chak![edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Guns Action: Gain +12 Guns EV until after your next Guns Action.

Leatherneck[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Shot: You may retroactively make an Active Defense with Guns (with the normal Shot Cost).
Progression: Defense (Progression 2), Remove a Shot Cost from this Effect (5 points), Active Defense: Free Attack (14 points).

Lightning Reload[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Passive: Never run out of bullets, never reload. This Schtick is only available in certain campaigns.

Hair-trigger Neckhairs[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Passive: You may use any Guns Proficiency AV whenever you would normally roll Observation/Notice to detect anything.

Gut Feeling[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Unexpected Fight: +Perception Defense first Sequence.

Slo'Mo Vengeance[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Lower the Wound penalties to your Guns Attacks by 2.
Progression: Ignore all Wound penalties to your Guns Attacks (6 points), Whenever you take a Wound, you may make a Free Guns Attack against the attacker that caused the Wound (6 points), You now only have to be hit (+4 points), You may now fire after being Attacked (+6 points), You may now fire before being attacked (+6 points).

Zen Markmanship[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Passive: Ignore up to 1 point of cover modifiers.
Passive: Ignore up to 1 point of visibility modifiers.
Progression: Add 1 point to cover and visibility modifiers ignored (20 points), Ignore all cover and visibility modifiers (80 points).

Hail of Bullets[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Guns Attack: Whenever you empty your magazines with an Attack, gain +8 Damage. Progression: Instead of gaining +8 Damage, gain a positive Damage Die (2), instead of gaining +8 Damage, gain +d10 AV (14), Instead of gaining +8 Damage, gain Perception extra Damage (0), Damage (Progression 1).

Blaze of Glory[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Whenever you reach 0 Shockpoints, you may make a Free Attack with -4 AV.
Progression: Remove AV penalty (4 points), Ignore Wound penalties on Attack (8 points), Add Wound penalties to AV (16 points, requires Ignore Wound Penalties), Regain Shock points inflicted (8 points), Regain a Wound inflicted (4 points), You only have to have been Wounded to use this effect (8 points), You only have to take Shockpoints to use this effect (16 points).

Itchy Trigger Finger[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Guns Attack Action, Shot: You may make a Free Guns Attack at -2 AV.
Progression: Add an extra Free Attack and increase cost by 1 Shot, (2 points), Remove the AV penalty (2 points per Free Attack), Remove the Shot Cost (10 points per Free Attack).

Mean Mother[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Guns Attack: Your Attack causes 1 extra point of impairment this Sequence per 4 Wounds inflicted.
Progression: Lower required Wounds inflicted by 1 (2 points), The impairment lasts EV/5 Sequences (8 points), the impairment lasts until the Wound is healed (requires 1 Wound/1 impairment, 8 points)

Smoke Round[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Attack: Inflict no Wounds. Inflicts 1 point of Impairment EV Sequences.
Advancement: Inflicts 1 point of Impairment per 5 Shock points inflicted (+5 points), Lower EV required to inflict (2/EV).

Gun Fu[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may use Guns as Martial Arts while wielding Guns. Guns do Strength+0 Melee Damage in your hands.
Progression: Melee Damage (Progression 1), May use Guns as Intimidation (2), Gain Gun Fu Stance (10)

Gun Fu Stance[edit | edit source]

Gun Fu Stance, Focus: Gain the following:
Martial Arts or Gun Attack: Add +3 AV to the Attack.
Martial Arts Action: Gain a Free Guns Attack.
Progression: AV (Progression 10), Remove Focus cost of Stance (10), You may use Guns as any Action Proficiency while in Gun Fu Stance (8).

Untouchable[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You gain +2 Passive Defense with any Ranged Weapons Proficiency if you carry an appropriate Gun.
Progression: Passive Defense (Progression 5), You may Passively Defend against any Attack with Guns (2 points), You gain +5 Soak against Ranged Weapon Damage (Progression 2)

Trick Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may use Guns as Stunt.
Progression: Add EV to Guns Stun (Progression 1).

Gunsmith[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Any Gun you modify either gains +1 to hit, 1 level of Damage, double range, or any other small benefit (like extra round capacity). Modifying it takes 10 minutes or 1 Action if you pay 1 Luck. You may always start a Session with up to Luck number of modified Guns.

Scattering Fire[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Written by Robin D. Laws
When you drop an unnamed character, all unnamed characters must spend their next Action making an Active Defense.
Progression: This Schtick now also works against Named characters, but they may spend a Shot to ignore the effect (1).