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OcculTech[edit | edit source]

Magic and Technology fused with living creatures.
Rewrite needed: [For each Device you activate or use you gain a Mutation point. If you ever gain more Mutation than your Capacity, remove all Mutation points and you gain a temporary Derangement, Supernatural Flaw or Parasite Mutation, an existing one is upgraded, or made permanent. You lose 1 Mutation point per night of rest, or hour in any OcculTech Demon Holding Facility (like an activated Demon Cage). For each month without receiving Mutation points, decrease an effect one step, or lose it.

Class Cost
Parasite 1
Growth 2
Infestation 3
Corruption 4
Abomination 5

Parasite Level[edit | edit source]

Arcane I/O port[edit | edit source]

This device is implanted into the user, allowing for the use of other OcculTech devices. Plugging in an OcculTech device normally takes an Action, and the apparatus starts working 1 minute (10 Sequences) later. The AI/O port (as it is most commonly called) does not incur any Mutation Points when used, but for every AI/O port installed, you gain a permanent Mutation point. These Mutation points lessen the Mutation points needed to gain a Derangement, Flaw or Mutation. Advancement: Lower startup-time of Devices to 1 Sequence (3), Plugging in a Device is now a Free Action (3), Extra AI/O port (1)

Demon Cage[edit | edit source]

This Disassembling Ectoplasm Containment Abomination Garage, model E, or Demon Cage to translate the Bureau speak, is used for capturing demons for a number of reasons: harvesting, experimenting and subversion.

This is an assembly kit for a cage capable of holding a supernatural creature. You activate the device by plugging it into an AI/O port:
Dramatic Action that requires [the target's Power] in Sequences: Roll [OcculTech+Power] / a supernatural creature's [Creature Powers+Power]. The creature must already be inside the rather cramped cage. On a Major Success, the creature is held in stasis inside the device for one day per point of Outcome, otherwise the stasis only lasts Outcome Sequences. You don't need to keep the Demon Restraint Device connected to an AI/O port during this time. If the Dramatic Action fails, the demon is freed. The remaining time is shown on a LED display on the device.

Demon Eye Goggles[edit | edit source]

Anyone using these goggles sport two glowing demonic eyes, blinking separately at random intervals. You may perceive mystical energies and use OcculTech as Notice while this device is plugged into an AI/O port. Advancement: Notice EV (Progression 1), Use OcculTech as Observation (4), Increase Notice AV with Demon Goggles (Progression 10), Nightvision (2), Gain Regeneration 1, Hardened Armor (ignore up to 10 points of Armor Piercing) (1)

Death Suit[edit | edit source]

This is a suit of demonic skin, flesh and fluids that protects and heals the wearer. As it is a living being, it can also sprout demonic powers.
Gain [Power] Armor. You also acquire the Bad Looks 1 Flaw, as your body is covered by something that looks like demon skin or flayed flesh.
Advancement: Resistance/Ignore AP (Progression 1/2), 1 Power point: Transform into anything with roughly (+-10%) your mass (1), Also gain ability to transform into mundane outfits (1), Suit gains a basic Creature Power (2), Gain an extra Pool point per rest (1), Bad Looks 2 (-1).

Demon Spine Bracelets[edit | edit source]

These look like bracelets with pulsing, fleshlike mounts, where bony spines or teeth jut out on command when plugged in.
You may mount any amount of Bracelets, plugging them all into a single AI/O port.
As per the Creature Power Abysmal Spines.
Power, Demon Spine Attack: You drain the Wounds you inflict, and up to 5 shock points.

Demon Tongue[edit | edit source]

As per the Creature Power Tentacles.
Power, Tentacle Attack: Also inflict a poison, causing 1 point impairment with Duration [EV/5] hours.

Ecto Bullets[edit | edit source]

Ecto Bullets, when the proton packs and ghost trap just ain't enough... Inspiration and quote by [H. Clapham]. Original by Carl Cramér. Modified by Oscar Ubeda Segmar.

The party line is that these are ordinary handgun bullets imbued with ectoplasmic energy. In fact, a tiny demon is imprisoned in each bullet, and released to die explosively when the bullet hits. The explosion looks like a ghostly cloud of green or gray vapor, and punches big holes in the mystic image of things. Inanimate targets are not hurt more than usual.

These are hard as hell to make (literally), which explains why there are so few Ecto Bullets going around. The Buro can only equip certain high threat units with them. A GM can introduce some in his campaign (often as a one-off for a demon hunt), but a character with the Schtick must have some explanation for how he finds/makes the bullets. Making [Power] Ecto bullets or less causes 1 Mutation point.

Ecto bullets can be fired from normal guns using the Guns skill. They need not be connected to an AI/O port. Targets hit by Ecto Bullets lose 1 Power point for each Wound they would normally lose, instead of losing Wounds and Shockpoints. An Ecto Bullet that hits an Abomination or Supernatural Creature gets to do damage compared the Power of the target, rather than Toughness, and it is torn, has body parts displaced, turns inside out, and otherwise does very gory things when hit by Ecto Bullets (though this has no game effect). Damage Immunity to Summoning rather than OcculTech protects against the special abilities of Ecto bullets, effectively turning them into normal bullets.
Advancement: Inflict Mutation points instead of draining Power points (0), Inflict Mutation point and lose Power Point (8), add Shock point loss (1), add Wound loss (8), Extra Damage (Progression 2).

Healing Spike[edit | edit source]

This hefty solid spike is covered in writhing energy patterns, and is often attached to pulsating wires or tubes that attach the spike to an AI/O port.
The user can heal or injure targets in close combat. Heal Action: Recover OcculTech+Power/0 EV shock points. Recover 1 Wound per Effect die.
Attack: Use Martial Arts. Damage Strength. Inflict [Power] extra shockpoints if you cause any EV.
Advancement: Damage (Progression 2), Healing (Progression 1), Provide a Creature Power or inflict a Flaw on target (2), Augment Healing 1 (1)

Interference Fence[edit | edit source]

Similar to OcculTech suppression fields used in the lab, but designed for use in the field, the Interference Fence is a series of bone-frame screens with hide stretched over them (all synthetic). Folded, it is about half a meter square and a centimeter thick per meter of unfolded circumference. Unfolded, it is used to encircle an area, that is then shielded from arcanowave effects.

Once in place (an Action per Move meters of circumference) and plugged in, it provides an area free of low-end arcanowaves. It can then be safely unplugged, and will continue to operate on the ambient low-end arcanowaves it absorbs. This can allow arcanowave experiments in the field, but also negates any use of arcanowave in or into the area.

The screen is normally quite fragile and easily damaged (Toughness 1). It is of course immune to OcculTech attacks, but any other attack striking it causes normal damage. An area attack with Damage 6 completely destroys the fence. It is also possible to adjust the wavelength of an OcculTech device to allow penetration, using an OcculTech Action. This lasts until one of the two Devices is unplugged.

Leech Rounds[edit | edit source]

Reinforcement Spike[edit | edit source]

This device is a three-foot skeletal hypodermic needle filled with foul-smelling, green ectoplasm. The user must have the Reinforcer connected to an AI/O port when injecting the needle.

The user inserts the needle and injects the ectoplasm into any intelligent subject. The subject then grows a temporally hard, insect-like shell which provides 8 points of armor protection. The armor lasts for a number of hours equal to the [user's Power]. During the hours the Spike affects him, the target accumulates Mutation points at a rate of 1/hour. Advancement: Armor (Progression 1/2), Regeneration (2), Wound Threshold (Progression 25), Wounds (Progression 10), Shockpoints (Progression 1).

Secretion Gland[edit | edit source]

Growth Level[edit | edit source]

Agony Grenade[edit | edit source]

Demon Grenade[edit | edit source]

Helix Gun[edit | edit source]

Helix Rifle[edit | edit source]

Helix Ripper[edit | edit source]

Hornet Gun[edit | edit source]

Occultech Blaster[edit | edit source]

Occultech Drone[edit | edit source]

Spell Shield[edit | edit source]

Pain Weapon[edit | edit source]

Infestation Level[edit | edit source]

OcculTech Wings[edit | edit source]

These are huge ([Strength+Constitution] meter wingspan) wings composed of a number of OcculSteel struts, over which an ultra-thin elastic Demon skin is stretched. Visually, the effect is a combination of bat and robot. When plugged into an AI/O port, the Aerial Mobility Unit allows you to fly with a Move equal to your OcculTech. You are not a very agile flyer, basically moving in a straight line between two points each move. Below half this, you can hover and otherwise move just as if you were walking.

The wings can fold themselves against your back, and can then be concealed under a bulky coat.

Cerebral Grepper[edit | edit source]

OcculTech Sheath[edit | edit source]

Juicer[edit | edit source]

Neural Lash[edit | edit source]

This is a coil of wires attached to a rectangular 3 inch by 5 inch ARB battery pack which can be strapped or taped to any sufficiently large portion of your outer anatomy. When plugged into an AI/O port, the ARB pack writhes obscenely, generating energy that stimulates your nervous system, making you artificially faster.
Passive: Gain [Power] extra Initiative.
Power point or Mutation point: Gain an Extra Action. You may only use this once per Action.

Pulser[edit | edit source]

This broadcast device takes the form of a small skull of a reptilian creature packed with wires and diodes: it can be attached to a band which can be adjusted for wear on the forehead, arm, thigh, or can be strapped to the torso. When activated with a successful OcculTech+Power/15 (it can be connected to an AI/O port as a part of this action), it alters the magical atmosphere of a small area, providing +3 AV to any abominations or you (your choice when the device is triggered). This occurs within a circular area centered on the user, with a radius equal to the EV in meters. The effect is terminated if the device is unplugged from the user's AI/O port or the user moves out of the area.
Advancement: Radius upgraded to EV x 10 meters (2), Duration upgraded to Effect dice in days (2), AV +5 (4), targets gain an extra Effect Die (2)

Psychobeacon[edit | edit source]

The Psychobeacon is a crustacean-like shell encasing the rear of your skull. It can be concealed under a cap or whig, but is quite bulky and must be carefully hidden.

This is a telepathic broadcast unit, that can be used to communicate or to control the weak-willed.

You can send messages to characters you know who are within [OcculTech] kilometers. If the target also has a Psychobeacon, the range is ten times that.

It is also possible to use the Psychobeacon as a telepathic loudspeaker, to broadcast a message to a crowd. This can be a good way to induce total panic in a large number of innocent bystanders. Any number of unnamed characters in a group count as but a single target when controlling minds.

When used to control minds, the Psychobeacon works like Intimidation (OcculTech+Power/Intimidation+Empathy); On a Major Success, the target must obey your command; otherwise he is merely disgusted and confused. Either way, the effect lasts only one Sequence per 5 EV.

Slaver[edit | edit source]

Allows the control of mundane items at a range of Power meters, including vehicles, with a Strength of [Power]. You can manipulate any part of the item, allowing you to drive cars, cut with scissors and write with pens. Each controlled item requires a Power point to activate.

Corruption Level[edit | edit source]

Heart of Darkness[edit | edit source]

Abomination Level[edit | edit source]

Arcanoborg[edit | edit source]

This Device replaces your entire body and causes you to become an Abomination, and immune to Mutation Add points of Attributes equal to your Power.
Add Advancements: Extra Attribute points (Progression 1)

Aura Degenerator[edit | edit source]

A solid web of OcculSteel and Demon skin covering a the body. Hides the aura and the image of the user with Occult/OcculTech+Power (Sneak and OcculTech).
Progression: Stealth Bonus (Progression 10, +3)

Healing Pod[edit | edit source]

When inert, this device looks like a globe of green slime, about 4" across. It is malleable and sticky, and can be pasted onto something else to be easily transported. It is activated by placing it against a patient, whereupon it will slowly expand to cover the patients entire body, with only a vein-like tendril connecting it to your AI/O port. Once it has encapsulated the patient, it will use your OcculTech energy to rebuild the patients damaged body.

The Healing Pod heals just like Medicine, and can save the dying and restore Wound Points between fights. It is considered supernatural healing, same as the Healing Sorcery Schtick.

Each use gives you and your patient a single Mutation point each.

Monkey Mimic[edit | edit source]