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Cost of Proficiency Schticks
Tier Cost
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

General[edit | edit source]

Proficient[edit | edit source]

Cost 2
+1 AV bonus to any Proficiency. Max bonus is SchtickMax. Advancement: AV (Progression 10).

Skilled[edit | edit source]

Cost 4
+1 AV bonus to any Skill. Max bonus is SchtickMax. You may upgrade Proficient to Skilled by doubling its point cost. Advancement: AV (Progression 20).

Area of Expertise[edit | edit source]

Cost 1
EV Bonus to any phenomena: +5 EV Written things/Weapons (1), +8 EV Books/Swords (1/2), +10 EV Libraries/Sabers (1/3))
+EV to part of Proficiency (+8 EV Snake Style Kung Fu (Martial Arts) Schticks (1/2))
Advancement: EV, Progression 1, 1/2, 1/3

Prodigious[edit | edit source]

Requires Perk:Prodigy
Cost 1
Increase EV bonus by 1 level to Proficiency.
Advancement: Progression 5.

Action[edit | edit source]

Athletics[edit | edit source]

Endurance[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You regain 1 extra Shock point per Sequence when you rest.
Advancement: Gain an extra Shock point when resting (Progression 5).

Run like the Wind[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Move Action: Full Move.
Advancement: Add Full Move Action: Triple Move (1), Increase Full Move to Triple Move (3), adds a Free Active Defense to both Actions (8).

Jumping Jack[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may Jump Move meters instead of performing a normal Move. Advancement: Jump range Move x 2 m (2).

Tuck and Roll[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may make Free Move before or after you perform another Action.
Advancement: Action must be Attack (-2), Action must be Successful (-2), You may instead perform a Free Athletics Action (4), You may do both (8)

Ice Climber[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Succesful Athletics Action: You may perform a Free non-Athletics Attack at -5 AV
Advancement: Action may be any Attack (-2), Athletics Action need not be Successful (2), You may instead perform a Free Athletics Action (4), You may do both (8), Remove AV penalty (Progression 10, up to 0)

Running Man[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Full Move: Gain +1 Move. This resets when you stop. After this Action, roll Athletics+Toughness / Difficulty 8+2*Move adds.
Advancement: Lower Difficulty of Athletics+Toughness roll (Progression 1) , Ignore roll 1-5 Sequences (6/Sequence).

Monkey Leap[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Move Action: You may Jump Move meters in any direction instead of taking a Move.
Advancement: Move (Progression 20), Remove the Move Action (6), Only once per Sequence (-2).

Tumble[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Full Move: Free Action with Athletics Skill.
Advancement: Only any specific non-Action! Action (4), Only any Action(8), Only Move (12), Free Action (16), Gain Defense (Progression 5).

Daredevil[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You gain +5 AV on hazardous Athletics Actions.You may choose to make any Action hazardous.
Advancement: AV (Progression 20), EV (Progression 2), Regain a Shot on Successful Athletics Action (4), Use Luck, Athletics Action: Regain a Luck on a successful Athletics Action (10).

Olympian[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Gain 15 Health. Gain +11 EV to feats of endurance.
Advancement: Change 10 to [Athletics]+1 (0), Health (Progression 5/5SP), EV to endurance feats (Progression 1/2), expand EV to all Athletics (pay EV cost again)

Übermensch[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
+1 to Body, +1 WT, +5 Health.
Advancement: +1 Body, +1 WT, +5 Health (Progression 25).

Dodge[edit | edit source]

Confidence[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Regain a Shot at the end of a Sequence where you only Actively Dodged and didn't get Hit.
Advancement: 2-5 Shots (+3/Shot), Remove Active Dodge (1), Remove didn't get Hit (1).

Fox Defense[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Active Defense: Opponent pays 1 Shot to Attack you. You only gain +3 Defense from your Active Defense
Progression: Shots points (Progression 15), Raise your bonus from Active Defense up to +5 (2).

Move Away[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Dodge: Free Move if successful.
Progression: Full Move (3), Always gain the Move (1), May perform non-Attack Action instead (8), May perform any Action instead (8, requires non-Attack Action).

Nimble[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Successful Dodge: Opponent may not perform Attack or Defense as next Action.
Progression: Opponent must save before performing Attacks/Defenses (8), Opponent has -1 on the save (10).

Agile[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Active Dodge: You gain +5 Defense and Agility EV if hit.
Progression: Gain +1 EV (1, up to Skill Max).

Setup[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Successful Dodge: If you perform an Action against the Dodged target as your next Action, gain an extra Effect die.
Advancement: Gain Effect die 2-5 (5/die, Progression 25), Gain an extra d10 AV (10).

Lightning Reflexes[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Once per Sequence, Shot: You may make an +8 Defense Active Dodge with +5 Defensive EV.
Advancement: Not once per Sequence (7), No Shot Cost (8), +Defense (Progression 5), .

Zig-Zag[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Full Move: Active Dodge Defense.
Advancement: Only any specific Action (2), Only any Action (4), Only Move required (4), No Move required (8).

Elusive target[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Any unsuccessful Attack against you Stymies the opponent.
Advancement: Stymied until save (8), -1 on the save (10), instead of Stymie (also raises cost of until save) Stagger (2/10) or Freeze (8/16), Adding Stagger (10/18).

Retaliation[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Counterattack against the opponent when Hit.
Advancement: When Attacked (6), Before Attack (12).

Quicksilver Stance[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Quicksilver Stance: Free Active Defenses, each with a Move. (-5+8+2)
Advancement: Shot: Free Active Defense instead of Stance (2), Quicksilver is not a Stance (37), Full Move (2), Triple Move (4).

Martial Arts, Fighting[edit | edit source]

Fu Schticks.
Kung Fu Style Variants

Martial Artist[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Natural Weapons do Damage or Stun.
Advancement: Include choice Daze (+2), include choice Stymie (+2), include choice Staggered (+2), include choice May not spend specific Pool Point (+2), include option +1 Shot (+4/Progression 20), include option Down (+2) add Out (requires Down, +4).

Weapon Kata[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
1 Shock point: All close combat weapons you wield gain +1 AV this Sequence. This also affects shields and other defensive weapons.
Advancement: AV, +1 SP cost (Progression 20), Shock (Progression 1), Wound inflicts an extra Wound (Progression 25).

Defender[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may Defend against all Attacks aimed at you.
Advancement: Counter (10 (Hit Counter), 16 (Attack Counter), 22 (Defensive Counter)), Gain Active Defense bonus (Progression 2/3).

Striker[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Add Knockback to any Attack.
Advancement: Progression 4, Add Knockback (4), Gain Damage (Progression 1).

Marauder[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Attack, 2 Shock points: Attack gains Bleed.
Advancement: Remove Shock points cost (4), Exchange Bleed for Freeze (6), Add Freeze (16), Exchange Bleed for Unaware (-2), Add Unaware (8), Gain Cause Impairment w save 1-5 (4/Impairment, Progression 20).

Skirmisher[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Attack: Gain Free Move.
You may retreat from melee at no penalty.
Full Move Action: You may perform a Triple Move instead of a Full Move.
Advancement: Move (Progression 15), add Defense:Gain a Free Move (6)

Weapon Master[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Gain the following with all Weapons:
1 shockpoint: Add an Effect d10.
Advancement: Gain Effect d10 (Progression 25), Extra Damage (Progression 1), Remove shockpoint cost (5).

Armor Master[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
1 shockpoint: While Armored, remove d10 EV from an Attack.
Advancement: d10 EV (Progression 25), Extra Armor (Progression 1), Extra Shockpoints (Progression 5).

Guardsman[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Successful Defense: Gain a point of Defiance.
Defiance: Free Guarded Active Defense.
2 Defiance: Free Guarded Attack and +d10 damage.
Advancement: Damage Guarded Attack (Progression 2), Armor on Guarded Active Defense (Progression 1).

Man-At-Arms[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Successful Attack: Gain a point of Momentum.
Successful Attack, Momentum: Gain d10 Damage.
Successful Attack, 3 Momentum: Gain d10 AV.
Advancement: Damage (Progression 1), Remove Momentum cost of Damage (6), Remove 1/2 Momentum cost from AV (10/20), Gain a Momentum on an unsuccesful Attack (6).

Stunt[edit | edit source]

Array of Stunts[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Stunt Action: Free Move.
Progression: Free Full Move (1), Gain an Extra Non-Physical Action (+6), Gain an Extra Non-Stunt Action (+1)

Roll With It[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
1 Shockpoint: You may roll Stunt+Agility to lower the Damage of an Attack that has hit you. Progression

Teamwork[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Stunt Action: Stunt+Agility/Stunt+Agility. Someone else gains +1 AV/5 EV to their next Action versus an opponent.
Stunt Action: Buff someone elses next Action by +1 AV against your current target. This bonus lasts until the target's next Action.
Advancement: Lower EV for +AV (2/Step), +AV Buff (Progression 10), Duration (Progression 5).

Stunt Double[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Succesful Stunt Action: Gain 1 Shot.
Progression: Gain 2+ Shots (Progression 15), Stunt does not need to be Successful (1), Activation is now either Successful Stunt or Successful Active Defense (3).

Acrobatics[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You may raise the Difficulty of any Stunt by X. Gain 3X Effect Value.
Progression: Any successful Stunt provides bonuses from Combo (4), Any successful Stunt provides bonuses from Unbalance (5), Gain an extra multiple of X (4X) (3), Gain Lower Difficulty 2X, Lower EV X (6)

Slingshot[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You may use Stunt as any Action Proficiency.

Combo[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Stunt Action: Opponent is now open to a Combo. Gain an extra Effect die if target has been affected by Combo up to 1 sequence ago. May be used with any other Stunt-based Schtick. Advancement: Sequences since affected (Progression 5), also gain an AV die (10).

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Unbalance[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Successful Stunt: Gain +3 AV on your next Stunt against the target.

Array of Stunts[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Array of Stunts Stance: Gain the following: Attacked: Make a Free Active Defense, a Stunt if Hit, and a Free Move after the Stunt. Advancement: Always make a Free Move (1), Make a Free Double Move instead (3), Stunt Counter if Attacked/Before Attack (3/6).

Throw[edit | edit source]

Fu Schticks and Gun Schticks.

Weapon Juggle[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Thrown Attack: Draw thrown weapon as Free Action.
Ignore up to 5 points of Difficulty or penalty modifiers except Defense.
Advancement: Bank Weapon (2), Difficulty (Progression 1/2), Ignore all Difficulty modifiers except Defense (5), Weapon Tricks (2)

Bank Weapon[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You no longer need line-of-sight for Attack. Attacking blindly still incurs 5 points of Impairment.
Advancement: Lower impairment (Progression 5), Gain the ability to bank the projectile up to 180 degrees through any hole big enough (2).

Weapon Tricks[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Thrown Attack: Free Trick Action.
Advancement: Gain Thrown Attack: Free Stunt Action (2), Gain Thrown Attack: Free Thrown Attack (8), Gain Thrown Attack: Free Bluff Action, Use Thrown instead of another Skill when using Weapon Tricks (3).

Throw Anything[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may throw anything with Range of [Strength] meters and Damage of [Perception].
Advancement: Range (Progression 1), minimum Damage (Progression 2).

Knife Bouquet[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Attack, 2 Shots: Make 2 Attacks at a single target.
Advancement: Attacks (Progression 40), Multiple targets allowed (1), -1 Shot cost (3), No Shot Cost (6).

Combat Aim[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Shot or Aim Action: Add +5 Damage and +2 AV. Not cumulative with anything else.
Advancement: Damage (Progression 1), AV(Progression 10), Add Shots to Shot cost (Progression -15), Increase Range by 1 multiple (1).

Crippling Joint Strike[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Inflict Wound: Inflict 1 point of impairment on target until Wound is healed.
Advancement: Impairment (Progression 25), Inflict Stymie (4), Inflict Stun (2), Inflict Impair (8), Inflict Daze (4)

Deceit[edit | edit source]

Bluff[edit | edit source]

Fast Talker[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Passive: You may reroll a Bluff roll once per attempt.
Advancement: Reroll Bluff twice (Progression 5), Regain a Presence if you gain a Negotiated Victory (EV 10+) or better.

Short Con[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Presence: You may make a Free Bluff Action.
Advancement: Remove the Presence cost, add: On any non-Deceit Action (3)

Operators and Speakermen[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Any number of persons may aid your Bluff, with a Bluff+Manipulation vs Difficulty 10. Gain +1 AV per 5 EV of support. Advancement: Lower EV required for support (Progression 50).

Confidence Man[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Successful Bluff: You gain a Presence Pool point. (4-1) Advancement: Gain a Luck instead (1), Also regain a Luck point (5).

Wind-Up[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Successful Bluff: Gain +2 AV on further Bluffs against the same target.
Advancement: AV gain (Progression 10), Stacks of Wind-Up (Progression 25).

The Sting[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Successful Bluff: Gain d10 EV.
Advancement: +EV (Progression 1). Unsuccessful Bluff, Presence: Gain extra positive die (7), Repeat Presence use if unsuccessful (5).

Scam Artist[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Successful Attack: Gain a Free Bluff Attempt with +5 EV.
Successful Bluff: Gain a Free Attack with +5 EV.
Advancement: Both AV (Progression 40), Both EV (Progression 2)

Ace in the Hole[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
2 Presence: Gain d10 AV to next Action.
Advancement: Lower Presence cost to 1 (3). Exchange Presence for Successful Bluff (7).

Silver-Tongued Devil[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Presence: Use Bluff as any other Proficiency.
Presence: Gain d10 AV to this roll.
Advancement: Always gain the d10 to the roll (3), Remove the Presence cost of the Proficiency substittution (7)

Disguise[edit | edit source]

Quick Change[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Presence: Disguise attempt takes 1 Sequence.
Advancement: Remove Presence cost (4), gain a time bonus to Disguise per category of time you use (See Value Table)

Invisible Person[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may pose as an unnamed member of any group. You do not look any different.
Advancement: You may pose as anyone you can study for a minute (1).

Method Actor[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Presence: May use Disguise as any Proficiency one roll.
Advancement: Regain Presence if successful (4)

Flimflam[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Regain a Presence each time you succeed at a Disguise roll.
Advancement: Regain more Presence (3/Presence, Progression 15)

Hammerspace[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Action: Hide one object on your person. May only be found when you are explicitly searched, with a Security+Perception/Disguise+Wits. You may only hide one object on your person.
Advancement: +EV to Resistance of search (Progression 1/2), +Defense (Progression 1), Number of Objects (Progression 20).

Master of Disguise[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You no longer receive penalties for disguising without materials. It only takes 10 Actions to Disguise yourself.
Advancement: 5 Actions, multiple targets.

One with everything[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You may Disguise as any object as long as you remain immobile.
Advancement: May perform Move Actions (4).

Many-faced Scoundrel[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You may prepare a single Disguise in advance, that you may change into with 1 Action.
Advancement: More disguises, Changing is Move/Free.

Doppelganger[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Disguise Action, 1 Presence, 1 Mind: You become a perfect copy of target.
Pay 1 Presence and Mind per item that doesn't match:

  • Race/Species
  • Height (90-110%)
  • Mass (50-150%)
  • Clothing

Disguise 5[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
You may impersonate anyone you have ever seen, perfectly.
Pay 1 Presence per time anyone would normally see through the disguise. Advancement: Gain a Presence each time the disguise fools a Named person, or a group of Unnamed persons.

Guile[edit | edit source]

Strategy Schmategy[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Any unsuccesful Guile Defense provides a +5 EV to your next roll or Defense.

Poker Face[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Luck: Succeed on a Deceit Defense.

God of Gamblers[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Receive a new pool of points only usable while Gambling. This pool starts at 4.
Progression: Pool points (1/4 pool points, normal maxima)

Social Engineering[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Successful Guile Defense: Attacker loses 1 Presence.
Advancement: Any Guile Defense (4), Presence loss (Progression 20), Attacker becomes Stymied (4), Attacker is impaired ([Action!/Schtick/Fu/Construction|Progression as per Impairment]])

The Plan[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Presence: You may counter with Guile+Wits versus any Deceit attempt. You gain a Guile pool point if you gain 5 PV. Guile point: Gain +d10 to any Action with an intelligent target. Advancement: Lower PV required per Guile (Progression 20), gain a Guile Pool point/5 PV (5).

Playing Both Sides[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Failed Deceit Defense: Add +d10 to Defense attempt. Opponent gains:
Presence: Gain +d10 AV to Deceit Action.
May only be used once per Defense.

Battle of Wits[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Successful Guile Defense: Free Deceit Action.

Fake Mark[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
2 Mind, Dramatic Action: Redirect a Deceit Action that you are aware of to any valid target. This does not count as a Defense. (14-10)

Can't I Just Shoot Him[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
If an Interaction attempt gains 0 or less success margin against you, ignore it, and gain a Free Attack.
Advancement: increase Success Margin ignored (Progression 10), expand to Free Action (5), also gain a Free Move (3).

Xanatos Gambit[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
If all reasonably possible outcomes are desirable, then it's a Xanatos Gambit.
Target of Deceit Action: You may make a Deceit Counter using Guile vs the Deceit Proficiency used to target you, before the Deceit attempt. You may pay a Presence point to gain d10 Guile.
Advancement: You may pay one more Presence point to gain more Guile (1-3), You may pay any amount of Presence points until you succeed (1, requires 5 extra Presence points), You may also spend Luck or Mind points this way (5, requires Spend any amount).

Tactics[edit | edit source]

Tactics points may be used to provide the use of these Schticks to allies.

Beat the Grass[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Action: Opponent must declare their intended Action. Changing Actions incur a -5 EV penalty.
Advancement: EV (Progression 1), All opponents (6)

Get to Cover[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Tactics Point: Provide a Free Active Defense to all party members. All party members become Knockdown. Progression: Cover Defense bonus (Progression 10), No Knockdown (4), Requires Active Defense (-1), No Tactics Point Required (5), Also allows a Shaken roll (5).

Maneuvers[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Action: All allies gain a Free Move. Advancement: Allies gain a Free positive EV die on their next Action or Defense if they moved(5), the EV die lasts until an ally makes a Move(+5).

Planned Attack[edit | edit source]

Tier 3

Blitzkrieg[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Rapid attack

Deception in all things[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Provide Tactics Defense

Rapid Response[edit | edit source]

Tier 2

The Gate is Open[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Lose a Tactics roll versus an opponent: Next Tactics roll is Inspired.

The Way is Clear[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Win Tactics roll against opponent, Mind: Opponent is Confused by Outcome.

Sudden Strike[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Successful Tactics: Gain Double Outcome to your next Action vs that opponent.

Hold the Line[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Tactics Action: Opponent gets half Outcome next Action.

Chain of Stratagems[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
2 Tactics pool points: All other members of team gain a Tactics Pool point.

Tactical Action[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Free: You may use Tactics when you first enter combat, at normal Difficulty, to gain another set of Tactics pool points.
Advancement: One extra Tactics roll second Sequence in combat (5/4/3/2/1, may be bought 4 more times)

Trick[edit | edit source]

That old chestnut[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Presence: You may reroll a failed Trick roll.
Progression: Remove Presence Cost (5).

I think you think[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Successful Trick Defense, Presence: You may perform a Trick Action. This counts as a Counter.
Progression: Change to Unsuccessful Trick Defense (3), Change to Trick Attempt (6), Remove Presence Cost (4)..

Smoke and Mirrors[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may Actively Defend against Attacks with Trick.
Progression: You may Passively Defend against Attacks with Trick (5).

One Born Every Minute[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You may scope victims with ease.
Action: You find out who has the lowest Trick in the room within Presence meters.

Misdirection[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Successful Trick: Gain a Misdirection point. Can only be used within EV hours (max 24).
1 Misdirection point: Gain d10 Trick EV.

Oldest Trick In The Book[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Trick Action: Trick+Wits/Trick+Wits. Opponent loses and you gain Shots equal to EV/5. You gain 1 Misdirection point.
3 Misdirection points: Gain d10 Trick AV.

Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]

Gun Schticks

General[edit | edit source]

Untouchable[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You gain +2 Passive Defense with any Ranged Weapons Proficiency if you carry an appropriate Gun.
Progression: Passive Defense (Progression 5), You may Passively Defend against any Attack with Guns (2 points), You gain +5 Soak against Ranged Weapon Damage (Progression 2)

Weaponsmith[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Your gun is tricked out with cool doodads that provide 2 of the following choices:

  • Precision: Use a Shot or an Action to gain +3 AV on an Attack.
  • Light source: Your ranged weapon counts as a light source.
  • Shortened: Your ranged weapon now has half short range, but provides +5 Initiative.
  • Heavy: Your ranged weapon now has double short range.
  • Double: You may now reload once as a Free Action, before reloading normally.
  • Charge: Use a Shot or an Action to gain +10 Damage on your next Attack.

New Gun Feel[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You gain +2 AV, +8 EV first Sequence you use any new ranged weapon, that is a specific weapon you have never used before. Combines well with Bag full of guns or taking your opponents' weapons. Advancement: AV (Progression 1), EV (Progression 1/2)

Covering Fire[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Your Covering Fire rolls provide 2 points of Cover per 5 PV. Advancement: CF roll points (Progression 2)

[edit | edit source]

Tier 5

Archaic Weapons[edit | edit source]

Also Archery and Crossbow.

Quickload[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Action: Load an archaic weapon.

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Sureshot[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Aim Action: Ignore all penalties to Archaic Weapon Attack.

Banking Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may shoot around corners and ignore 3 points of cover. Advancement: Ignore cover (Progression 2).

Marksman[edit | edit source]

Tier 3

Fake Mark[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
2 Mind, Dramatic Action: Redirect a Deceit Action that you are aware of. This does not count as a Defense. (14-10)

Trick Arrow[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Action: You can construct special ammunition for your weapon: Choose 1 of the following:

  • Whistler
  • Frogleg
  • Stun Arrow
  • Piercing
  • Fire Arrow

or any other arrow from this list:
[Trick Arrows]

Fake Mark[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
2 Mind, Dramatic Action: Redirect a Deceit Action th at you are aware of. This does not count as a Defense. (14-10)

Arcane Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Choose Focus, Power or Luck when this Schtick is bought.
1 Focus, Power or Luck, 5 Shock points: Your attack gains +d10 AV and penetrates any kind of Damage Protection except Toughness.

Fake Mark[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
2 Mind, Dramatic Action: Redirect a Deceit Action that you are aware of. This does not count as a Defense. (14-10)

Wands[edit | edit source]

Wandslinger[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You gain +2 Passive Defense with the Wand Proficiency if you carry an appropriate Wand.
Progression: Passive Defense (Progression 5), You may Passively Defend against any Attack with Wands (2 points), You gain +5 Soak against Sorcery and Wand Damage (Progression 3)

Both Wands Blazing[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Carry two wands, Passive: You may make one Wands Attack per Wand per Attack Action.
Advancement: Extra Damage (Progression 1), One more attack per gun (20 points).

Sorcerous Wand[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Choose a Sorcery Schtick. You may use that Schtick with the Wand, gaining 8 extra Outcome with successful uses. Advancement: Outcome (Progression 2), choose another Schtick (1).

Marvel Wand[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
By spending 10 minutes meditating over your wand, you may change its type to any other Blast. Progression: Wand Weapon Damage (Progression 2).

Wandslinger[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Any wand you carry does +3 Damage and gains the following: Power: Gain d10 AV and +5(Total+8) Damage.

Advancement: AV (Progression 10)

Gunnery[edit | edit source]

Also Siege Weapons.

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Double Load[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Setup Action: Next Attack becomes a twin Attack with -2 AV.
Advancement: Remove Setup Action (5), Remove AV penalty (2), Make the Attack triple (8)

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Double Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.
Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)===Double Shot=== Tier 5
5 shock points: You may make a twin Attack with -5 EV.

Advancement: Remove shock point cost (4), Remove EV penalty (1), Make the Attack triple (7)

Guns[edit | edit source]

Gun Nut[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You can identify, maintain, field strip, reload and handle any gun. You also know a lot of trivia concerning guns. Advancement: Luck: Find an ammo cache (10 magazines) to a gun in your possession (1, in a campaign with Lightning Reload, this counts as Lightning Reload until the end of the next fight), Luck: Find a gun, You may support Guns Damage with Tech (2).

Trick Shot[edit | edit source]

Tier 2 As the Trick Shot Gun Schtick.

Bodyguard[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
As the Bodyguard Gun Schtick.

Golden Gun[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You now have a 3-point Signature Gun, as the Unique Schtick.

Gun Fu[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You may use Guns as Martial Arts. Onehanded Guns count as +5 Weapons, Twohanded Guns count as +8 Weapons. Closecombat-enhanced Guns count as one level higher. Advancement: Gun Damage (Progression 1), Free Close Combat Active Defense/Sequence (3), Double Wield Guns (7, gain a second Close Combat Attack when wielding 2 Guns).

Interaction[edit | edit source]

Intimidation[edit | edit source]

Cold Stare[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may Intimidate as a Move Action.
Advancement: Upgrade to Free with Attack (2), upgrade to Free (7)

Waiting it out[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
As a Free Action, you may force onlookers to halt any Actions during the current Sequence until your Intimidation Action is performed. You may perform your Intimidation Action as a Dramatic Action that lasts 1 Sequence. Advancement: Halt Actions 1 more Sequence (Progression 5), Increase maximum length of Dramatic Action by 1 Sequence (Progression 5)

Demonstration[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Action: Roll Combat Skill+Charisma vs 10+0. 10 Outcome provides an extra Intimidation die first Intimidation Action, until end of next Sequence.
Advancement: Upgrade Outcome needed to 5 (5), Provide a second die at Outcome 10 (5).

Physical Intimidation[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Perform a physical non-Attack Action (with the Body Attribute) to gain a positive die on Intimidation until the end of the next Sequence.

Menacing Snarl[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You receive no penalties for up to [Charisma] targets.
Advancement: Increase number of targets to all within sight and hearing range (2). Targets always become Shaken if you succeed (5), Difficulty of resisting Shaken increased by 1 (Progression 1).

Consequences[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Gain a Presence on any successful Intimidation roll. A successful Intimidate allows you to convert 1 Presence into Terror. Advancement: Convert 1 more Presence into Terror (1)

Terror[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You gain a point of Terror when you succeed on an Intimidate roll.
2 Terror points: Intimidated target temporarily panics and makes a Full Move away from you as the target's Action for this Sequence. The target may Actively Dodge, but not buy any extra Actions.
Advancement: You gain one extra Terror point per success (Progression 25), You gain an extra Terror point per 5 PV (1), Target is also Shaken (5), Target continues panicking as long as the Target remains Shaken (4)

Intimidating Presence[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Presence: Gain a Free Intimidation when you first meet someone or enter combat with them. Advancement: Remove Presence cost (3). Gain a Free Intimidation with every Attack you make (2).

Despair[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Target of a successful Intimidation also loses 1 Shot / 5 PV.
You may use 3 Terror points to add an extra PV die to an Intimidation roll.
You may use 2 Terror points to add an extra AV die to an Intimidation roll.
You may use 1 Terror point to add an extra EV die to an Intimidation roll.
Advancement: Lower PV needed (Progression 5), Lower Terror point costs by 1 to a minimum of 1 (5).

Leadership[edit | edit source]

Command Presence[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
All Leadership abilities now have double range.

Get to Cover![edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Presence: Provide a Free Active Defense to all party members. All party members become Prone.
Progression: Cover bonus (Progression 1), Optional Prone (4), Requires Active Defense (-1), No Presence Required (5), Also allows a Shaken roll (5).

Command Inspiration[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Action: All under your command within Charisma meters gain +1 Defense. Advancement: AV (Progression 5), Defense (Progression 10), Double Range (2).

Charismatic Leader[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
If you succeed on any Interaction or Deceit roll, all your subordinates also succeed.
Advancement: You may use Leadership as Defense against any Ranged Weapons, Deceit or Interaction (2).

Beacon of Hope[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Action, Presence: Your Hope is set to [Leadership]/5 points. 1 Hope: Target stops being Shaken, regains 5 SP or gains +5 Resistance on an Interaction Defense. You may not use this more than once per team member per Sequence. Progression: Target also regains 1 Pool point (Progression 25), Hope is now set to [Leadership+Charisma]/5 (9), Remove the Presence cost (3), Increase the use of this Schtick (+1/target/Sequence) (Progression 10).

Ray of Light[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Action, Presence: Target gains 1 Pool point or 1x5 Shock points. Advancement: 1 becomes [Charisma] (9), [Charisma] becomes [Charisma+Leadership] (9), Remove the Presence cost (3).

Performance[edit | edit source]

Fascinate[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
As long as nothing disturbs your performance, the audience will not stop attending it.
Advancement: Audience must now roll Willpower+Focus vs your Performance+Charisma to snap out of it (2), no circumstance awareness of the audience except for imminent physical danger (+3, requires previous advancement).

Hidden Play[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may now hide any Action with a Performance+Manipulation roll vs onlookers Guile+Perception.
Advancement: Hearth-Drenching Performance (3, You may now roll versus the lowest of former and Willpower+Empathy), You may now hide up to [Performance] other targets Actions in your performance (5).

Flawless Performance[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may reroll a failed Performance roll. The new result stands. You may not reroll more than once.
Advancement: Reroll becomes Routine (5), You may now add a d10 AV to the reroll (+3, requires Routine reroll).

Master Performer[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You are now proficient with all instruments of Performance.
Advancement: EV (Progression)

Hidden Performer[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
As long as you perform, you gain Performance as extra EV to Sneak. If the Sneak fails with less than Performance EV, you may roll Performance+Charisma vs spotter's Willpower+Empathy to make the spotter ignore the problem.
Advancement: EV (Progression 1), You may use Performance+Manipulation as Sneak (3).

Expressive Aria[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You may communicate any basic feeling to chosen targets within earshot, while performing.
Advancement: Communicate a short message instead (2)

Protective Performance[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Active Defense, Presence: You may shout, play or exclaim as an Active Defense with a positive die.
Advancement: You may now Defend without a Presence, not gaining a positive die. (3)

Mystic Performance[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Performance, at least 10 minutes: You may enthrall any person within earshot as if using the Influence Schtick]]. The optional Power cost is replaced with 2 Presence. Advancement: (Progression)

Paying Customers[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
You may now use your Performance to pay for anything up to Resources [Performance].
Advancement: Impressive (2), Lengthy Engagement (3), Increase Resources available (Progression 10)

Impressive[edit | edit source]

Presence: Increase the Resources available with a Performance+Charisma vs Performance-10, EV/5 increases the Resources.

Lengthy Engagement[edit | edit source]

You may now live as if you had Resources [Performance]. This will require at least a 10-minute performance each day.

Healing Power[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
You may use Performance+Charisma as Medicine+Wits to regain shockpoints.
Advancement: Also cure wounds (5), also cure disease and provide long-term treatment (2)

Social[edit | edit source]

Chameleon[edit | edit source]

Tier 1 You never receive Social penalties for unknown circumstances.

Taunt[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Action: Roll Social+Charisma vs target's Social(Willpower)+Empathy. Inflict 1 point of impairment lasting 1 Sequence.
Advancement: Cause Impairment (Progression as Power)

Support Group[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Presence: Target receives +d10 EV to resist any Interaction. May be used after EV has been calculated.
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 3

Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 3

Advancement: (Progression)

Mysterious Mutterings[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
The Mysterious Mutterings confuse others by uttering dire and largely incomprehensible warnings.
Action, Presence: Social+Charisma/Social+Empathy. If the EV is 5 or higher, target takes no action as long as no one takes hostile action against them. Mysterious Mutterings lasts [Power] Sequences. During this time, you must continually "mutter" or else the effect ends. While suffering from the effects of Mysterious Mutterings, the targets are disheartened, which makes them easier to affect using other social abilities. Add 5 bonus EV to any attempt to Interact with the targets. Mysterious Mutterings has no effect when used against targets engaged in combat. Advancement: bonus AV (Progression 5), bonus EV (Progression 1/2).

First Impression[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
The First Impression talent helps to favorably impress targets he or she has just met. The First Impression talent may only be used once against any one target.
Action: Make a Social+Charisma vs Social/Willpower+Empathy. A successful First Impression provides an AV bonus equal to the EV/5 for all Interaction-related Actions. The effects of First Impression last a number of days equal to the First Impression's EV/5.
Advancement: lower both EV dividers (2/step down to 1).

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 5

Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 5

Advancement: (Progression)

Willpower[edit | edit source]

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
Advancement: (Progression)

Title[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Advancement: (Progression)

Mind Bridge[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Focus: Initiate a Mind Battle with target within direct line-of-sight for [Focus] Sequences. If any participant loses that fight, their will is broken and must retreat or stand aside from the current conflict. Focus: A Skill roll may be performed with Willpower+Focus.

Medicine[edit | edit source]

Cyber Researcher[edit | edit source]

Cyber Research[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may design new cyberware prototypes (With the Prototype flaw). Advancement: You may design one Cyber Schtick withouth the Prototype flaw (5), You may design one Cyber Schtick with the

Marvel Cyber[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You have access to any Cyberschticks with a total cost of 2 points.
Advancement: Cyberschtick points (Progression 5).

Sword and Gun[edit | edit source]

Tier 3

Sword and Gun[edit | edit source]

Tier 4

Sword and Gun[edit | edit source]

Tier 5

Observation[edit | edit source]

Gambling[edit | edit source]

Poker Face[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Luck: Succeed on a Deceit Defense.

God of Gamblers[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Receive a new pool of Gambling points only usable while Gambling. This Gambling pool starts at 4.
Progression: Gambling Pool points (1/4 pool points, normal maxima)

Notice[edit | edit source]

Elementary![edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You automatically understand how clues are connected.

Danger Sense[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You are never totally surprised.

Sense Weakness[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Action: You gain knowledge of the target's highest Attribute
Action: You gain knowledge of the target's lowest Attribute
Action: You gain knowledge of one Proficiency or Attribute of the target

Advancement: gain: Action, Power: You gain knowledge of one Flaw or Creature Flaw. (2)

Sensate[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Ignore all negative modifiers to any Observation roll.

Notice Schtick[edit | edit source]

Recon[edit | edit source]

Alertness[edit | edit source]

Action: You gain a Free Recon Action.

Mnemonic Recall[edit | edit source]

Action: With a successful Recon+Perception versus a Difficulty set by the GM (normal situation 10, total chaos 25) you retain information about the scene and can later recall it using a Recon+Intelligence roll Diff set by GM (Default Time Value).

Research[edit | edit source]

Flash of Genius[edit | edit source]

Passive: Speeds a Research progress by a factor of 10, that is 2 steps on the Value versus Range and Time table.

Making Do[edit | edit source]

Passive: You gain no penalties for having no research tools as long as you have access to wrong research tools. Complex research tools requires complex replacements, and this Schtick does not allow you to build anything, and Tech Use is still necessary to operate advanced machinery.

Occult[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Divine/Prayer/Ritual[edit | edit source]

Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Animal Powers[edit | edit source]

General Animal Powers.
Animal Powers

Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Occultech[edit | edit source]


Mutation Therapy[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Raise the Mutation Threshold by 1, from Power to Power+1.
Advancement: Mutation Threshold (Progression 5)

Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Implant Therapy[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
One of your OcculTech Devices is implanted into you, removing the need for an AI/O port. This causes a permanent level of Mutation, but removes any Mutation buildup.

Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Demon Implant[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
One of your OcculTech Devices gains:
Action: Free Device Action at -5 AV.
Advancement: AV (Progression 10, Up to 0).

Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Tier 4

Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Corruption[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Power: Transfer PV/5 Mutation Points to a touched target with a Occultech+Power vs Occultech or Willpower+Power, Focus or Toughness.
Advancement: PV mutation point divider (25), Remove Power cost (5), Increase Range (Power/3m 2, Power m 4, Power x 3 m 6, Power x 10 m 8, LOS 10)

Tier 5[edit | edit source]

These proficiencies are only examples.

Pursuit[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Schticks

Drive[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Captain[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Pilot[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Mecha[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Ride[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 1[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 2[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 3[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 4[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Pursuit Tier 5[edit | edit source]

Security[edit | edit source]

Crime[edit | edit source]

Intrusion[edit | edit source]

Pickpocket[edit | edit source]

Sneak[edit | edit source]

Investigation[edit | edit source]

Forgery[edit | edit source]

Survival[edit | edit source]

Trapper[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may make traps in a chosen terrain that you have a Survival Proficiency for that cause Stun Damage at your Survival/Terrain+Agility to Detect with +8 EV.
Progression: Trap can instead cause: Damage +0 (0), Blind +5 (0), Bleed +0 (2), Grapple +5 (0), Hold (2). Upgrade to cause previous effect simultaneously (+1), EV (Progression 1).

Gatherer[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may make Gather (Food/Water 1-3, Water/Food 1d-4d) Survival+Perception rolls at Difficulty 0.
Progression: EV (Progression 5), Increase Food/Water (Progression 10).

Tracker[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Full Move: You may make a Free Survival tracking Action at +5 AV in a chosen terrain you have a Survival Proficiency for.
Progression: Gain a Free Move (2), Gain a Full Move (4), Gain a Movement Boost +8 (Progression 1).

Home Terrain[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You do not take movement penalties in a chosen terrain you have a Survival Proficiency for. Gain +5 EV to Athletics in the same terrain.
Progression: Athletics (Progression 1).

Heat and Shelter[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You can build a shelter and start a fire anytime, anywhere for up to 10 people.
Progression: People (Progression 2), Regain 1 pool point if you rest at the shelter (10), +1 any pool point regain, up to 5 (Progression 10).

Pet Owner[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Gain a Pet built on 15 points.
Progression: 5 points to the pet (1).

Wrangler[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You gain a +5 AV bonus to handle animals in any way.
Progression: AV (Progression 10).

Herbalist[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You can gather and prepare items found in nature in a chosen terrain you have a Survival Proficiency for, to make medicinal products. You can Heal / Rejuvenate with one day's gathering of items.

Scout[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Get +5 AV to Survival hiding rolls in a chosen terrain you have a Survival Proficiency for.
Progression: AV (Progression 10), Focus: +d10 AV to hide (5), +d10 EV to hide (5).

Ranger[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Gain a +5 Defend bonus when in a chosen terrain that you have a Survival Proficiency for.
Progression: Defense (Progression 5), Focus: +d10 Defense (0), Cannot be Surprised (10), Gain 1 Shot per Sequence when in combat (3), +1 Shot up to 4 (3), upgrade Shot gain to d10 (3, requires 4 Shot gain).

Tech[edit | edit source]

Build[edit | edit source]

Pack Rat[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Once per Session, you have the right tool for a job.or Luck: You have the right tool for a job. Advancement: More times per session (Progression 10).

Marvel Tech[edit | edit source]

Tier 4 You may choose Tech with a total cost of 2 points. You may change that Tech by spending [Points x 5] hours tinkering. Advancement: Tech points (Progression 5).

Repair[edit | edit source]

Pack Rat[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Once per Session, you have the right tool for a job.or Luck: You have the right tool for a job. Progression: More times per session (Progression 10).

Grease Monkey[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Divide repair times by 2. Progression: Repair time factor (Progression 10).

Demolitions[edit | edit source]

Engineering[edit | edit source]

As in architecture and Engineering.

Juryrig[edit | edit source]

Packrat[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Once per Session, you have the right tool for a job.or Luck: You have the right tool for a job. Progression: More times per session (Progression 10).

Givin' her all she's got[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Use a gadget or modification to boost another Schtick. Requires [points] hours to modify.
Add 5p to any other Schtick.
Progression: Bonus to any other system (5).

Use[edit | edit source]

Infinite Lever[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Mind or Action: Substitute Tech with Athletics.

Quick Measure[edit | edit source]

[edit | edit source]

Specialty Skills[edit | edit source]

Skills from specific campaigns or modules

Reality[edit | edit source]

Gather Possibility[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Gain a Pet built on 10 points.
Progression: 5 points to the pet (1).

Share Possibility[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You gain a +5 AV bonus to handle animals in any way.
Progression: AV (Progression 10).

Force Contradiction[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
1 Possibility: Roll Reality Manipulation+Possibilities/Reality Defence+Possibilities vs target with possibility for contradictifaction.
0-4: Nothing.
5-9: Shaken.
10-19: target has a d10 penalty die on Actions that cause contradictions.
20+: Target with possibility for contradiction fails all Actions that cause contradictions. This Effect lasts Possibility Sequences.

Storm Knight[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may make traps in a chosen terrain that you have a Survival Proficiency for that cause Stun Damage at your Survival/Terrain+Agility to Detect with +8 EV.
Progression: Trap can instead cause: Damage +0 (0), Blind +5 (0), Bleed +0 (2), Grapple +5 (0), Hold (2). Upgrade to cause previous effect simultaneously (+1), EV (Progression 1).

Stormer[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may make Gather (Food/Water 1-3, Water/Food 1d-4d) Survival+Perception rolls at Difficulty 0.
Progression: EV (Progression 5), Increase Food/Water (Progression 10).

Possibility Raider[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Full Move: You may make a Free Survival tracking Action at +5 AV in a chosen terrain you have a Survival Proficiency for.
Progression: Gain a Free Move (2), Gain a Full Move (4), Gain a Movement Boost +8 (Progression 1).

Realm Runner[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
You do not take movement penalties in a chosen terrain you have a Survival Proficiency for. Gain +5 EV to Athletics in the same terrain.
Progression: Athletics (Progression 1).

Shard Expert[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You can build a shelter and start a fire anytime, anywhere for up to 10 people.
Progression: People (Progression 2), Regain 1 pool point if you rest at the shelter (10), +1 any pool point regain, up to 5 (Progression 10).

Glory Call[edit | edit source]

Tier 4
You can gather and prepare items found in nature in a chosen terrain you have a Survival Proficiency for, to make medicinal products. You can Heal / Rejuvenate with one day's gathering of items.

Storm Duellist[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Get +5 AV to Survival hiding rolls in a chosen terrain you have a Survival Proficiency for.
Progression: AV (Progression 10), Focus: +d10 AV to hide (5), +d10 EV to hide (5).

Ranger[edit | edit source]

Tier 5
Gain a +5 Defend bonus when in a chosen terrain that you have a Survival Proficiency for.
Progression: Defense (Progression 5), Focus: +d10 Defense (0), Cannot be Surprised (10), Gain 1 Shot per Sequence when in combat (3), +1 Shot up to 4 (3), upgrade Shot gain to d10 (3, requires 4 Shot gain).

Psi[edit | edit source]

Psychic Defense[edit | edit source]

Psychokinesis[edit | edit source]

Psychic Senses[edit | edit source]

Psychic Control[edit | edit source]

Telepathy[edit | edit source]

Magic[edit | edit source]

Occultism[edit | edit source]

Alteration[edit | edit source]

Apportation[edit | edit source]

Conjuration[edit | edit source]

Divination[edit | edit source]

Creature Powers[edit | edit source]