Guns[edit | edit source]
Gun Nut[edit | edit source]
Tier 1
You can identify, maintain, field strip, reload and handle any gun. You also know a lot of trivia concerning guns.
Advancement: Luck: Find an ammo cache (10 magazines) to a gun in your possession (1, in a campaign with Lightning Reload, this counts as Lightning Reload until the end of the next fight), Luck: Find a gun, You may support Guns Damage with Tech (2).
Trick Shot[edit | edit source]
Tier 2 As the Trick Shot Gun Schtick.
Bodyguard[edit | edit source]
Tier 2
As the Bodyguard Gun Schtick.
Golden Gun[edit | edit source]
Tier 3
You now have a 3-point Signature Gun, as the Unique Schtick.
Gun Fu[edit | edit source]
Tier 3
You may use Guns as Martial Arts. Onehanded Guns count as +5 Weapons, Twohanded Guns count as +8 Weapons. Closecombat-enhanced Guns count as one level higher.
Advancement: Gun Damage (Progression 1), Free Close Combat Active Defense/Sequence (3), Double Wield Guns (7, gain a second Close Combat Attack when wielding 2 Guns).