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Healing[edit | edit source]

Roll Sorcery+Power vs 0. Heals EV Shock Points. For a Power Point, you may heal Wounds, with a Difficulty equal to the number of Wounds times 5 the sorcerer tries to heal, with the EV healing only the Wounds. Range is touch or close enough.
Option System (Action!)#Wound Seriousness: Only the largest Wound is healed.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Revitalizing heal[edit | edit source]

Also heals Shock points when healing wounds.

Skilled Healer[edit | edit source]

Lessen Difficulty per Wound by 1. May be bought 4 times.

Group Hug[edit | edit source]

May target one more ally per heal. Must pay all Power costs.

Healing Fountain[edit | edit source]

The Difficulty to heal Wounds is lowered by 5. Only one Wound is healed each Sequence, up to the full amount.

Rejuvenating heal[edit | edit source]

A Heal also provides one point of any Pool (except Wounds).

Buff heal[edit | edit source]

Provide target of a Wound Heal a basic Enhancement. Duration is 1 Sequence / Wound healed. The Enhancement may be boosted as normal.

Healing Gesture[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Your heals now have a range of Power meters.

Healing Sign[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Requires Healing Gesture
Your heals now have a LOS range.