Troll[edit | edit source]
This is a group of Schticks used by Troll shamans, sorcerers and wizards.
- Blast: Typically Stone, Earth, Lightning, Thunder and Plant.
- Defense
- Healing
- Enhancement
- Fertility
Defense[edit | edit source]
You now receive a Passive Defense against everything equal to your Sorcery. With a Power point you may add Power to your Toughness as long as you perform an Active Defense with your Defense Schtick.
Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]
Magical Training[edit | edit source]
8 points
A point of Power provides an extra d10 Defense against Sorcery attack.
Forcefield[edit | edit source]
1 points
A point of Power provides an extra d10 Defense against any type of attack.
Defense Shield[edit | edit source]
Active Defense, Power: Active Defense is equal to AV + 10. This may be exchanged for the normal Power point Effect.
Mana Shield[edit | edit source]
You may use Power Points as Wounds.
Damage Shield[edit | edit source]
You may cause Power+0 damage to anyone who attacks you in close combat.
Progression: Damage (Progression 5).
Armor Shield[edit | edit source]
Instead of Defense providing Passive Defense against all attacks, you may add your Power to your Toughness. You may switch between the two modes with an Action. You get both at a cost of a Power Point. You still get Passive Defense versus Sorcery.
Invulnerability[edit | edit source]
At the cost of 1 point of Power per Sequence, you lower all incoming Damage values by Sorcery+Power.
Catch[edit | edit source]
Power, successful Active Defense against an Occult: Catch the Occult Effect and dissipate it harmlessly or bounce it in a random direction.
Release[edit | edit source]
Requires Catch
Successful Catch: You may throw or bounce the Catched Effect towards any target with Sorcery+Power vs the original Occult Effect's Defense. This may also cause a Stunt.
Healing[edit | edit source]
Roll Sorcery+Power vs 0. Heals EV Shock Points. For a Power Point, you may heal Wounds, with a Difficulty equal to the number of Wounds times 5 the sorcerer tries to heal, with the EV healing only the Wounds. Range is touch or close enough.
Option System (Action!)#Wound Seriousness: Only the largest Wound is healed.
Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]
Revitalizing heal[edit | edit source]
Also heals Shock points when healing wounds.
Skilled Healer[edit | edit source]
Lessen Difficulty per Wound by 1. May be bought 4 times.
Group Hug[edit | edit source]
May target one more ally per heal. Must pay all Power costs.
Healing Fountain[edit | edit source]
The Difficulty to heal Wounds is lowered by 5. Only one Wound is healed each Sequence, up to the full amount.
Rejuvenating heal[edit | edit source]
A Heal also provides one point of any Pool (except Wounds).
Buff heal[edit | edit source]
Provide target of a Wound Heal a basic Enhancement. Duration is 1 Sequence / Wound healed. The Enhancement may be boosted as normal.
Healing Gesture[edit | edit source]
Tier 2
Your heals now have a range of Power meters.
Healing Sign[edit | edit source]
Tier 2
Requires Healing Gesture
Your heals now have a LOS range.
Enhancement[edit | edit source]
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 Sequence (or infinte with Power point)
You may enhance one of the following with a Sorcery roll Difficulty 0 and Resistance equal to the base score. This enhancement lasts one Sequence, or with a Power Point, until you want to start regaining the Power Point. You also gain 2 Booster schticks.
- 1 Attribute (with EV/3 adding a bonus to the attribute)
- includes Move
- this enhancement does not provide any Pool points or changes to Pools.
- 1 Pool (increasing and adding to the Pool)
- Luck (EV/5)
- Shots (EV/3)
- Presence (EV/4)
- Power (but not above the Sorcerers own Power, except by paying 1 Power) (EV/5)
- Wounds (EV/5)
- 1 Skill (with AV as Diff, increasing EV/5 points)
- Initiative (+1 per EV, Diff Initiative).
- Health (Raise Health by Outcome, Diff 10)
- Damage add of one attack (with Diff 10+Weapon Damage as Diff, EV raising the Damage add)
- Provide the Regeneration schtick (Difficulty 10, Resistance 10)
- Buff a Schtick with X points (Difficulty 10+Schtick cost, Resistance 10+Schtick cost). Add a level of to the schtick per EV.
- Replace a night of sleep (Requires a Power Point).
Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]
Duration[edit | edit source]
The Enhancement lasts one extra Sequence.
Extra target[edit | edit source]
You may enhance one more creature or object with a single Action.
Multiple enhancements[edit | edit source]
You may use one more enhancement with a single Action.
Extra enhancement[edit | edit source]
You may add an enhancement type to your repertoire of Enhancement types.
Short Range[edit | edit source]
Enhancement now has a range of Power meters.
Medium Range[edit | edit source]
Requires Short Range
Enhancement now has a range of Power x 4 meters.
Long Range[edit | edit source]
Requires Medium Range
Enhancement now has a range of Power x Power meters.
Fertility[edit | edit source]
Gain the following abilities:
- Bless Crops : Cause yield Power x 10 % increased with [Power] Powerpoints.
- Bless Couple: Increase likelihood of conception by Power x 10 % with [Power] Powerpoints.
- Fertilize: Can grow anything anywhere for Power weeks for a Powerpoint.
- Growth: Can grow anything living Power x 10 % for [Power] Powerpoints over night.
and one of the following:
Harvest Chi[edit | edit source]
Power: Gain a positive die. You may not gain more than two positive dice with any effect including this one.
Restore Chi[edit | edit source]
Action, Power: Target regains Occult/Sorcery+Power vs 0, EV/5 Soul Poolpoints. This is very tiring and causes the target to fall asleep at least an hour.
Hinder Chi[edit | edit source]
Power: Target gains a negative die. Target cannot gain more than 2 negative dice with any effect including this one.
Adjust Chi[edit | edit source]
Action: You may transfer one Soul Poolpoint from and to you and/or a willing target.
Action, Power: Transfer up any amount of Soulpoints from and to you and/or a willing target.
Shadow Chi[edit | edit source]
Action: Target may not use up to Occult/Sorcery+Power vs Interaction/Willpower+Soul, EV / 5 Pool points of the sorcerer's choosing, for EV Sequences.
Empower Chi[edit | edit source]
Power: You gain the equivalent of two Power points worth of effect.
Germinate Chi[edit | edit source]
Power: You gain a +4 AV bonus to your next Action. If that Action is successful (EV > 0) you regain the Powerpoint.
Enfeeble Chi[edit | edit source]
Action: Target loses a Soul point with a successful (EV > 0) Occult/Sorcery+Power vs Occult/any+Soul.
Action, Power: Target loses 3 Soul points with a successful (EV > 0) Occult/Sorcery+Power vs Occult/any+Soul.
Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]
Extra Ability[edit | edit source]
Gain one more Fertility ability.