Pursuit Rules[edit | edit source]
When someone is trying to catch someone, there are two methods to resolve the issue: Speed or Maneuver. The defender chooses which method is preferred at the beginning of the chase, and that regulates what attribute is used as attacking and defending attribute is played out. You may perform one free Pursuit Action each turn in a chase, and you may use your regular Action to perform another type of Pursuit each Sequence.
Speed Pursuit[edit | edit source]
This is a straightforward, no-holds-barred speed contest where the object of the chase is to reduce the pursuers Shot Count to 0. Each round both participants roll Pursuit (or possibly Action!) with a Difficulty set by the defender (and Speed as a maximum, modified by the GM), with Speed as the attacking and defending Value. Each 5 points of EV reduces the losing sides Shot Count by 1. A failed Pursuit roll causes damage as if the negative Outcome was the Damage Value of an attack.
Maneuver Pursuit[edit | edit source]
This is an attempt to shake off pursuers by twisting, turning, performing cool maneuvers and otherwise making death-defying stunts. The object is still to reduce the opponents Shot Count to 0. Each round participants roll Pursuit (or possibly Action!), one after the other, with a Difficulty set by the defender (and a max set by the GM), with Speed as the attacking and defending Value. Each 5 points EV gains the acting side a point of Shot Count. A failed Pursuit roll causes damage as if the negative Outcome was the Outcome of an attack, with the damage set by the stunt.
Attacks[edit | edit source]
Pursuers may attack eachother if the range of the weapons involved are equal to the difference in Shot Count times the Speed, or more.
Using vehicles as weapons[edit | edit source]
A vehicle normally inflicts its Strength in Damage, unless it has the No Hands flaw, in which case it does its Structure in Damage.
Flyers[edit | edit source]
Flying vehicles get their Move as a bonus modifier to Active Dodges. All passengers then get the same modifier to all Actions that round.
Dedicated flyers may fly at x10 the speed their normal Move indicates. While flying this fast, they get their Move as a negative modifier to all Actions taken except weapon attacks with the Anti-Air option. They get their Move as a bonus to their Dodge while flying this fast.