From The Workshop
- Progression for all things is +5/+3/+2/+1/+1/..., up to a maximum of SkillMax.
- Stats still cost 10 points per point, although with a maximum of SkillMax. Maybe it should be called (SkillMax-10) level now?
- Better progression is mapped to X(>1) Steps of progression per Cost 1, but the max is still the same. Worse progression is equal to cost Y(>1) per Step.
- Only the best progression is used. No multiples allowed.
- Bonuses of other types are encouraged, like (examples):
- Multiple identical Actions per Action of Type
- Multiple non-identical Actions per Action of Type
- Free Action of type [Action] with any other Action
- Multiple non-identical Actions of any kind
- Multiple non-identical Actions per Action of Type
- Multiple identical Actions per Action of Type
- A positive die
- A negative die on target
- Incur penalty (progression) on target
- Gain a Point if Action is succesful. (10)
- Free Defenses with Skill
- New Effect/Width pair. Effect follows progression, Width is inverse to progression (1 = Cost 5, 2 = Cost 3, 3 = Cost 2, 4 = Cost 1, 5 = Cost 1,...)
- Effect is as normal. Effect out.
- Width is Area of Effect / Effect Scale / Autofire / etc. Width includes multiple targets, Attack target sizes affected etc.
- Width can be 1: target, 2:Area target, X:X hexes. Or 1:human target, 2: Large target, 3: Huge target,... , or Width targets.
- Maybe we should introduce Penetration, too? Penetration > Armor = normal damage, Penetration ≤ Armor = Reduce damage by Armor
- Weapons: Stats are Penetration, Damage, Defense (for Shields), Schticks.
- Dagger: Damage 1/6, Penetration 1, Schtick: Small, 20
- Baton: Damage 1/6, Penetration 0, Schtick: Small, Stun, 20
- Staff: Damage 1/4, Penetration 0, Schtick: Large, Stun, 20
- Club: Damage 1/5, Penetration 0, Schtick: Stun, 20
- Sword: Damage 1/4, Penetration 1, 40
- Axe: Damage 1/5, Penetration 2, 40
- Short Spear: Damage 1/6, Penetration 3, 40
- Long Spear: Damage 1/5, Penetration 4, Schtick: Large, 60
- Big Club: Damage 1/4
- Big Sword: Damage 1/3, Penetration 2, Defense 0, Schtick: Large, 60
- Big Axe: Damage 1/4, Penetration 3, Defense 0, Schtick_: Large, 60
- Small Shield: Damage 1/6, Penetration 0, Defense 2, Schtick: Buckler, Clumsy, 20
- Shield: Damage 1/5, Penetration 0, Defense 3, Schtick: Clumsy 1, 40
- Large Shield: Damage 1/4, Penetration 0, Defense 4, Schtick: Clumsy, 80
- Clumsy: -5 AV as Weapon.
- Armor: Stats are Absorption (vs EV) and Hardness (vs Damage)
- Leather: Absorption 1, Hardness 1
- Hard Leather: Absorption 2, Hardness 3
- Reinf. Leather: Absorption 3, Hardness 2
- Hide: Absorption 3, Hardness 1
- Chainvest: Absorption 3, Hardness 3
- Chainmail: Absorption 4, Hardness 3
- Chestplate: Absorption 3, Hardness 5
- Reinforced Chain: Absorption 5, Hardness 4
- Plate: Absorption 5, Hardness 5
- Greaves +1 Absorption, -1 Move
- Arms : +1 Absorption