Anime Mecha!/System
Mecha Attributes[edit | edit source]
Stats | Notes | |
Strength | Added to Close Combat Attack Damage | |
Maneuver | Added to Agility for Mecha Actions | |
Structure | Defending Attribute against all Damage | |
Movement | Mecha may move 1/2 Movement as a Move Action | |
Mecha Actions | Added to the Pilot's Shot Count | |
Perception | Added to Ranged Attack Damage | |
ECM | Added as Attack and Defense to Electronic Attacks | |
Presence | Attack and Defense Value in Presence Attacks. Adds to Presence when in Mecha. | |
Luck | Acts as a Luck Pool | |
Focus | Sets a maximum Focus available while in Mecha | |
Power | Acts as a Power Pool. Sets maximum Power available while in Mecha |
Attacks against Mecha[edit | edit source]
When a Mecha is attacked successfully, causing 5 points of Effect, it takes a Hit. When a Mecha takes Hits equal to its Structure, the Mecha breaks down and no longer functions.
Crit Checks[edit | edit source]
Every Hit causes a Crit check rolled with Structure, as per Wounds. If you fail a Crit check in a location a system fails in that location. When a location with a system takes a Hit, roll randomly to see which system schtick fails in that location. All systems take up 1 slot per schtick, unless modified.
Powered Armor Scale[edit | edit source]
Powered Armor count as having Structure-10 when hit by Mecha Scale Weapons, and Powered Armor Scale weapons count as Damage+10 when firing at infantry. The following Power Armor attributes count as +10 on human scale: Strength, Structure (becomes Toughness) and Movement. The Pilot may also add the Powered Armor's Perception to his own Perception. This does not apply to Guns Attacks.
Hot Powerplants[edit | edit source]
When Mecha takes the attack that gives it Hits equal to Structure, roll Structure against Actions+(Hits in Attack-1)*5. If this fails, Powerplant explodes dealing Structure Hits to all in adjacent hexes. All within Structure hexes take Structure Damage.
Optional: Knockback and Knockdown[edit | edit source]
Every point of Effect also causes Knockback. Roll Structure against the Effect Value. If it fails, the Mecha is moved 1 hex backwards from the shooter's direction per 5 points failed . If the Knockback roll is failed, roll Pursuit/Mecha+Agility+Maneuver against the Effect Value of the attack, if that fails the Mecha also suffers a Knockdown. If Mecha is pushed into woods, buildings, or other solid fixtures, it takes Damage equal to remaining number of hexes to be pushed times 5.
Hit Locations[edit | edit source]
Mecha Hit Location Table | |||
Dice roll | Front | Side | Back |
2-3 | Skull | Skull | Face |
4 | Face | Face | Skull |
5-6 | L Arm | L/R Arm | L Arm |
7-8 | L Leg | L/R Arm | L Leg |
9-11 | Chest | Chest | Back |
12-13 | R Leg | L/R Leg | R Leg |
14-15 | R Arm | L/R Leg | R Arm |
16 | Stomach | Stomach | Stomach |
17-18 | Hip | L/R Leg | Hip |