Anime Mecha!/System

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Mecha Attributes[edit | edit source]

Stats Notes
Strength Added to Close Combat Attack Damage
Maneuver Added to Agility for Mecha Actions
Structure Defending Attribute against all Damage
Movement Mecha may move 1/2 Movement as a Move Action
Mecha Actions Added to the Pilot's Shot Count
Perception Added to Ranged Attack Damage
ECM Added as Attack and Defense to Electronic Attacks
Presence Attack and Defense Value in Presence Attacks. Adds to Presence when in Mecha.
Luck Acts as a Luck Pool
Focus Sets a maximum Focus available while in Mecha
Power Acts as a Power Pool. Sets maximum Power available while in Mecha

Attacks against Mecha[edit | edit source]

When a Mecha is attacked successfully, causing 5 points of Effect, it takes a Hit. When a Mecha takes Hits equal to its Structure, the Mecha breaks down and no longer functions.

Crit Checks[edit | edit source]

Every Hit causes a Crit check rolled with Structure, as per Wounds. If you fail a Crit check in a location a system fails in that location. When a location with a system takes a Hit, roll randomly to see which system schtick fails in that location. All systems take up 1 slot per schtick, unless modified.

Powered Armor Scale[edit | edit source]

Powered Armor count as having Structure-10 when hit by Mecha Scale Weapons, and Powered Armor Scale weapons count as Damage+10 when firing at infantry. The following Power Armor attributes count as +10 on human scale: Strength, Structure (becomes Toughness) and Movement. The Pilot may also add the Powered Armor's Perception to his own Perception. This does not apply to Guns Attacks.

Hot Powerplants[edit | edit source]

When Mecha takes the attack that gives it Hits equal to Structure, roll Structure against Actions+(Hits in Attack-1)*5. If this fails, Powerplant explodes dealing Structure Hits to all in adjacent hexes. All within Structure hexes take Structure Damage.

Optional: Knockback and Knockdown[edit | edit source]

Every point of Effect also causes Knockback. Roll Structure against the Effect Value. If it fails, the Mecha is moved 1 hex backwards from the shooter's direction per 5 points failed . If the Knockback roll is failed, roll Pursuit/Mecha+Agility+Maneuver against the Effect Value of the attack, if that fails the Mecha also suffers a Knockdown. If Mecha is pushed into woods, buildings, or other solid fixtures, it takes Damage equal to remaining number of hexes to be pushed times 5.

Hit Locations[edit | edit source]

Mecha Hit Location Table
Dice roll Front Side Back
2-3 Skull Skull Face
4 Face Face Skull
5-6 L Arm L/R Arm L Arm
7-8 L Leg L/R Arm L Leg
9-11 Chest Chest Back
12-13 R Leg L/R Leg R Leg
14-15 R Arm L/R Leg R Arm
16 Stomach Stomach Stomach
17-18 Hip L/R Leg Hip