Backgrounds (Unforgotten)
This is a Space Opera! campaign.
Backgrounds and Careers[edit | edit source]
Each of theses careers contain 1 or 2 Background Flaws. The Flaws presented are the most common. You may buy these packages for 160 points if the GM allows.
Activist[edit | edit source]
These are the people who believe in their purpose, their ideals, and do something about them.
- Cash 4 (40)
- Contact (10)
- +1 Attribute Evolutionary modifier (20)
- +1 AV Skill Evolutionary modifier (20)
- +5 EV Skill Evolutionary modifier (40)
- Henchman (30p)
- Organization (Gang) (40)
- Any flaw
Companion[edit | edit source]
Courtisans, entertainers and people that spread happiness. With training and experience.
- Cash 6
- Contact
- Interaction/Perform 10
- Interaction/Social 10
- +1 AV Training Interaction modifier
- +1 Training Empathy modifier
- +5 EV Training Interaction modifier
- Talented and Natural (Interaction)
- [any] Good Looks 5 (+5 EV Social)
- any Flaw
Corp[edit | edit source]
The big businesspeople. Money and refinement. And if you believe that, here's some land ready for exploitation.
- Cash 6
- +1 AV Interaction/Social Training modifier
- Academics/Business 10
- Action/Sports 10
- Art/any 10
- Interaction/Performance 10
- Tactics/Deceit 10
- Tech/Use 10
- +5 EV Interaction Training modifier
- Contact
- +1 Attribute Evolutionary modifier
- Debt or Enemy or Vice or Wanted
Criminal[edit | edit source]
- Security/Crime 10
Pick 9:
- +1 Evolutionary modifier to any Attribute
- -1 Evolutionary modifier to any Attribute (Attribute 1+)
- any schtick (20 points)
- 2 Evolutionary Attribute points
- +5 EV [any] Skill [any type] modifier (different each time)
or (2 Picks)
- +1 AV [any] Skill [any type] modifier (different each time)
3 of:
- Debt or Enemy or Vice or Wanted
Devout[edit | edit source]
One of the Mystics that follow the teachings of the Emperor.
- 4 Mystic Powers (Creature, Esotech, Kung Fu or Sorcery)
- Focus 8 or Power 8
- Occult/Sorcery 10 or Occult/Creature 10 or Occult/Mystic 10
- Code of Honour or Obligation or Wanted
Evolutionary[edit | edit source]
The illegal. The secret revolutionary. The next step in human evolution.
- +1 Evolutionary modifier to 5 Attributes (may be same)
- -1 Evolutionary modifier to 5 Attributes (Attribute 1+, may be same)
- 4 Evolutionary Powers (Attribute, Creature or Super)
- Wanted and Secret or Obligation and Social Stigma
- +1 Evolutionary modifier to 4 Attributes (may be same)
- +1 AV [any Proficiency] Evolutionary modifier or 2 Evolutionary Powers (Attribute, Creature or Super)
- +1 AV Evolutionary modifier to [any] Proficiency
- Secret or Social Stigma
[edit | edit source]
The nobility. The upper class. The Hand of the Navy.
- Cash 6
- Action/Martial Arts 10
- Deceit/Tactics 10
- Guns/Gunnery 10
- Interaction/Leadership 10
- Pursuit/Captain 10
- Tech/Use 10
- Tech/Juryrig 10
- Training Pursuit Schtick
- Title (Ensign) (10 points)
- Code of Honor or Wanted
Noble[edit | edit source]
The nobility. The Ex-Navy. The Bureaucrat.
- Cash 10
- Action/Martial Arts 10
- Guns/Guns 10
- Interaction/Leadership 10
- Academics/[any] 10
- Arts/[any] 10
- Interaction/Perform 10
- Pursuit/Ride 10
- Tech/Use 10
- +5 EV [any] Training modifier
- +5 EV Social Evolutionary Good Looks
- Noble (0 points)
- Code of Honor or Obligation or Wanted or Debt
Pilot[edit | edit source]
Flyga. Köra. Åka.
- +1 AV Pursuit [Cyber, Evolutionary or Training] modifier
- +1 AV any Pursuit Proficiency [Cyber, Evolutionary or Training] modifier
- +5 EV [Cyber, Evolutionary or Training] modifier Pursuit
- Vehicle +extra Schticks(5 Tech schticks) or 5 Training Pursuit Schticks
- Obligation or Debt or Wanted
Proletariat[edit | edit source]
The worker class. The cloned ones. Duh.
- +4 Strength Evolutionary modifier
- +4 Toughness Evolutionary modifier
- Evolutionary Death Resistance
- -2 Mind or Spirit Attributes Evolutionary modifier
- Unusual looks (Large)
- Social Stigma
- Any Flaw
Relic Hunter[edit | edit source]
- Academics/[any] 10
- Action/Stunt 10
- Action/Martial Arts 10 or Guns/Guns 10
- Tech/[any] 10
- Pursuit/[any] 10
- Artifact (20p)
- Use Artifacts
- +1 Luck Training modifier
- Security/Intrusion 10
- Contact Network (40p) or Buddy (20p) and Sidekick (20p)
- Any flaw
Rural[edit | edit source]
- 160 extra Attribute or Skill points (interchangeable). May only be used to buy Attributes or Skills.
- Option: any Flaw and 10 more points to the pool.
Ship Owner[edit | edit source]
- Access to Frigate+extra Schticks(5 Tech Schticks).
- +1 AV [any] Skill [any type] modifier
- Pursuit/Captain 10
- any 1 schtick
- Code of Honor or Obligation or Debt or Wanted
Soldier[edit | edit source]
- +1 AV Guns [Training or Cyber] modifier
- +1 AV Action [Training or Cyber] modifier
- Battle Experience (+1 Shot)
- Combat Cool (+1 Initiative)
- 3 Gun [Training or Cyber] Schticks
- Mental Affliction or Wanted or Enemy
Tribesman[edit | edit source]
The rock people. The natives. Brothers and sisters of the secret ways.
- Soul 5
- 1 Mystic Power (Creature, Fu or Sorcery)
- Debt or Wanted or Code of Honor or Obligation
Universitarian[edit | edit source]
- 10 Skill adds
- +1 AV [any] Skill Cybernetic, Evolutionary or Training modifier
- +3 EV [any] Skill Cybernetic, Evolutionary or Training modifier
- Academics/[any] 10
- 2 Extra Academics Proficiencies
- Any flaw