These are the campaigns.
There was a previous project that became a Mecha! project and can be found here.
This campaign uses a similar model to the,
although Rings and Abilities have changed.
Rings have changed to 8 attributes with no connection, which are:
BT had Body, Willpower, Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Charisma, Edge and Social Standing.
Stamina, Willpower, Strength, Perception, Agility, Intelligence, Reflexes, and Awareness and Edge.
There are new classes, too:
- 'Mech Pilot
- Courtier
- Specialist
- Merchant
Skills[edit | edit source]
Acting (Awa) Artisan* (Awa) Calligraphy (Awa) Courtier (Awa) Divination (Awa) Etiquette (Awa) Games (Awa) Instruction (Int) Investigation (Var) Lore* (Int) Medicine (Int) Meditation (Void) Performance* (Awa) Spellcraft (Int) Storytelling (Awa) Tea Ceremony (Void) Theology (Int) Animal Handling (Int) Commerce (Awa) Craft* (Int) Engineering (Int) Locksmith (Int) Athletics (Var) Battle (Per) Weapon Skills* (Var) Chain Weapons (Agi) Heavy Weapons (Agi) Kenjutsu (Agi) Knives (Agi) Kyujutsu (Ref) Archery (Agi) Ninja Ranged Weapons (Ref) Peasant Weapons (Agi) Polearms (Agility) Spears (Agi / Ref) Staves (Agility) War Fans (Agility) Defense (Agility) Horsemanship (Agility) Hunting (Per) Iaijutsu (Ref) Jiujutsu (Agi) Know the School (Int) Anatomy (Int) Deceit (Awa) Explosives (Int) Forgery (Int) Poison (Int) Sleight of Hand (Agility) Stealth (Agility) Traps (Int) Underworld (Var)
52 from L5R
- Academics*:Various
- Acrobatics
- Acting
- Administration
- Animal Handling
- Appraisal
- Archery
- Artillery
- Arts*:Various
- Blades
- Brawling
- Bombing
- Bureaucracy*:various, by region
- Careers*:various
- Climbing
- Comms./Conv.
- Comms./HPG
- Computers
- Cryptography
- Demolitions
- Disguise
- Engineering
- Escape Artist
- Fast Talk
- First Aid
- Forgery
- Free Fall
- Gambling
- Gunnery/Ballistic
- Gunnery/Laser
- Gunnery/Missile
- Gunsmith
- Interests*
- Interrogation
- Intimidation
- Jump Packs
- Languages*
- Leadership
- Martial Arts*
- MedTech
- Navigation*
- Negotiaton
- Piloting*
- Pistols
- Protocol*
- Quickdraw
- Riding
- Rifles
- Running
- Scrounge
- Security Systems
- Seduction
- Sensor Operation
- Shotguns
- Staffs
- Stealth
- Strategy
- Streetwise*
- Submachine Guns
- Support Weapons
- Surgery
- Survival
- Swimming
- Tactics*
- Technician*
- Throwing Weapons
- Tracking
- Training
- Whips
- Zero-G Operations
The Five Houses[edit | edit source]
Davion[edit | edit source]
New Avalon Institute of Science[edit | edit source]
- Statistics: Int+1
- Starting Social: +1
- Poverty and Well-Equipped cost 1 point less.
- Skills: Bureaucracy/Federated Suns 2, Computers 1, Academic/Any 1, Academic/Any 2, Language/Any, Alertness 2, +1 to 4 of these skills, Any one field skill +1
- Fields: Civilian Tech, Basic Technician, Scientist, Military Scientist.
NAIS College of Military Sciences[edit | edit source]
- Statistics: Reflexes, Int or Willpower +1
- Starting Social +1
- Promotion costs 2 points less and Well-Equipped cost 1 point less.
- Academic/Any +2, Bureaucracy/Federated Suns +2, Computers +1, Swimming +2, Leadership +1, Strategy +2, +1 to any 2 skills, +1 to any 1 field skill
- Fields: Basic Training, Aerospace Pilot, Armored Infantry, Cavalry, Dropship Pilot, Infantry, MechWarrior.
Kurita[edit | edit source]
Aerospace and Interstellar Institute[edit | edit source]
An Ting University[edit | edit source]
Dover Institute of Higher Learning[edit | edit source]
Located on Benjamin, the Dover Institute grew out of the destroyed People's Reconstruction Effort (PRE). The Institute trains MechWarriors to think before they act, and can spend days dissecting a single simulator battle. Since the military academy is part of a larger, civilian institute; MechWarriors often have a more liberal background in literature and the sciences than graduates of other military training centers.
Dieron District Gymnasium[edit | edit source]
One of the least prestigious academies in the Draconis Combine, DDG is essentially what its name implies. Cadets have the freedom to take what what courses they desire, which are often hastily assembled and meet in a corner of the massive gym. Once a cadet has accumulated enough class time, he or she can earn a sort of "pass" for simulator time. Once enough sim hours have been logged, they qualify for a live-fire session. Some cadets take their time graduating, while others hurry out as quickly as possible; but all are battle-ready. DDG, which is located on Shionoha, only graduates around fifteen MechWarriors a year, but they are generally the most well-prepared graduates.
Internal Security College[edit | edit source]
Located on New Samarkand, the ISC is the required academy for the Combine's feared Internal Security Force. The enrollment lists are classified, and classes include espionage, interrogation and terrorism. Nevertheless, a significant number of graduates end up serving the ISF from within the DCMS, often keeping tabs on their fellows.
Hachiman Technical Institute[edit | edit source]
Tech school.
Imperial Institute of Technology[edit | edit source]
Prestigious Tech School.
Luthien University[edit | edit source]
Noius Archipelagus Institue of Science[edit | edit source]
Minoru Kurita University[edit | edit source]
Coordinator Minoru Kurita established this "university" around the fall of the Star League in preparation for the fighting that he believed was to come (and did, in the form of the Succession Wars). MKU is known for churning out infantrymen as fast as possible, with their first battle often serving as their final exam. Due to the exceptionally high rate of failure of this final, MKU boasts few alumni.
Pagoda for Luthien Officers[edit | edit source]
Located on the capital of Luthien, PLO trains MechWarriors and aerospace fighter pilots. The pagoda mostly caters to nobles who will not see actual combat. It focuses on social niceties rather than military training, though such classes are available for students who wish to pursue them. It is the rare student who avails him- or herself of all of the resources at the academy to earn a real education. The highest ranking of the pagoda's alumni is Isoroku Kurita, who was one such cadet.
Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy[edit | edit source]
Located on the original capital of New Samarkand, SZMA is especially notable in that it graduates the most MechWarriors per year of any training facility in the Inner Sphere, over 400. SZMA also has an aerospace fighter pilot program. It is often considered the most prestigious military academy in the Draconis Combine and all of its graduates receive a daisho. SZMA boasts Theodore and Hohiro Kurita among its alumni.
- Attributes: Reflexes or Willpower +1
- Social +1
- Promotion, Brave, Well-Equipped cost 1 point less, Quirk/Loyalty to House Kurita provides 1 extra point.
- Academic/Any Military Science +2, Martial Arts/Military +2, Blades +2, Tactics/Any +2, +1 to any 3 skills, +1 to any field skill
- Fields: Basic Training, MechWarrior, Aerospace Pilot, Armored Infantry, DEST Training
Sun-Tzu School of Combat[edit | edit source]
The school of combat instructs all of its cadets in combined-arms warfare, no matter their specialty. STSC is notable in that it is the only school to award a daisho to graduates in all modes of study. Hohiro Kurita attended STSC before completing his training at SZMA, as his father Theodore believes in STSC's approach to warfare.
University of Proserpina[edit | edit source]
All arms, close to Davion. 3074: Located on the border world of Proserpina, UP is one of the centers of advanced technology in the Draconis Combine. Infantry crews, MechWarriors, and pilots are all trained at UP, which was one of the first military training facilities to offer a battle armor program.
Wisdom of the Dragon[edit | edit source]
Wisdom is more akin to a finishing school or an officer school than a traditional military academy. In fact, only officers and officer candidates may take part in the program. It is not uncommon for seasoned officers to attend the school for refreshers. Regardless of whether an individual received one elsewhere or not, all graduates are given a daisho.
Rasalhague[edit | edit source]
Liao[edit | edit source]
DEST Operative[edit | edit source]
Marik[edit | edit source]
Steiner[edit | edit source]
Inner Sphere[edit | edit source]
Mercenary[edit | edit source]
Gain 55 character points and no school.
Periphery[edit | edit source]
May not be 'Mech Pilot.
Wolf's Dragoons[edit | edit source]
Eridani Light Horse[edit | edit source]
The Black Thorns[edit | edit source]
=[edit | edit source]
ComStar[edit | edit source]
ComStar Pilot[edit | edit source]
ComStar HPG Official[edit | edit source]
ComStar Technology School[edit | edit source]
The Clans[edit | edit source]
Clan Wolf[edit | edit source]
Clan Jade Falcon[edit | edit source]
Clan Snow Leopard[edit | edit source]
Fields[edit | edit source]
DEST Training[edit | edit source]
Requires Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy, MechWarrior or Armored Infantry Field
Basic Tech[edit | edit source]
Basic Training[edit | edit source]
OCS[edit | edit source]
Aerospace Pilot[edit | edit source]
Armored Infantry[edit | edit source]
Cavalry[edit | edit source]
DropShip Pilot[edit | edit source]
Infantry[edit | edit source]
MechWarrior[edit | edit source]
NAIS Advanced Studies[edit | edit source]
Requires NAIS
- Wealth, Well-Equipped and Well-Connected cost 1 point less.
- Add +2 to 3 other NAIS skills, add +1 to any 4 other skills.
- Fields: Aerospace Technician (Basic Tech), Doctor (Scientist), Engineer (Civilian Tech or Basic Tech), 'Mech Technician (Basic Tech), Planetary Surveyor (Scientist), Vehicle Technician (Civilian Tech).