Battle System (Zoroaster)
This article is imported from the Zoroaster wiki. See the import log for details.
Battlefield Statistics[edit | edit source]
Every square is equal to about 600 ft x 600 ft, or 200x200 m. Time is equal to 6 minutes per turn.
Width | 1+ |
Depth | 1+ |
Victory points | Name, DC, Effects |
Unit Stats[edit | edit source]
A Unit may consist of up to 1000 fighting men.
Unit HP | Average unit member HP (+ average mount HP) * Unit Size/100 |
Unit AB | Average unit AB+8 |
Unit AC | Average unit AC |
Move | Average Move/10 |
Morale | Will Save+Leader Cha Mod+ modifiers |
Unit Damage | Average unit member damage |
Unit Size | AB |
50+ | +0 |
21-49 | -4 |
20- | -8 |
Spellcasters[edit | edit source]
- Spellcasters multiply their damage by their Unit Size/100.
- Spellcasters can do a maximum percentage damage equal to their Unit Size/Opp Unit Size*100, unless they use a spell with an area of effect.
- Area attacks do a maximum of Unit Size*Targets/Opp Unit Size percent damage.
Spell's Area of Effect | Targets | 100th | Spell |
5 ft radius | 4 | 1/25 | - |
10 ft radius | 12 | 1/10 | - |
15 ft radius | 24 | 1/4 | - |
20 ft radius | 44 | 1/2 | Fireball |
25 ft radius | 68 | 2/3 | - |
30 ft radius | 96 | 1 | - |
60 ft cone | 84 | 4/5 | Cone of Cold |
Unit Type Morale modifiers[edit | edit source]
Levy | -2 |
Militia | 0 |
Fighter | +2 |
Veteran | +2 |
Noble | +2 |
Cavalry | +2 |
Imperial Monk | +2 |
Enlightened Monk | +4 |
Feat Effects[edit | edit source]
Feats that affect AB, AC and movement work as usual.
Cleave | If attack damage exceeds HP of 1 member of unit, attack again once. Counts as 1 attack for morale purposes |
Mounted Combat | Unit doubles mount HP for purposes of Unit HP calculations. |
Noble Feat Effects[edit | edit source]
Great Cleave | May Cleave up to 3 times. May Cleave up to 5 if willing to tumble DC 15, or take AoO. May Cleave 8 times with Tumble DC 25, or take 2 AO. |
Turn Sequence terms[edit | edit source]
- Noble: Any character with more than 1 character level.
- Fighter: Any group of characters with 1 non-NPC class level.
- Cavalry: Any group of mounted Fighters with Ride skill.
- Militia: Any group of characters with 1 NPC class level.
- Formation: Any number of Units that that are connected to each other by at least a corner.
- General: Person in command of the entire army. General must have sufficient ranks of Lieutenant General to be able to lead all units present.
Turn Sequence[edit | edit source]
Before battle[edit | edit source]
0. Strategy[edit | edit source]
Both sides Generals roll Battle. Winner decides who will go first.
Alternating Turns[edit | edit source]
1. Rally[edit | edit source]
Unit commanders may roll for Rally. General may rally one unit. DC is 20-Morale.
2. Noble Actions[edit | edit source]
Nobles decide which unit they will lead, or if they will move indepently.
3. Unit Actions[edit | edit source]
General's Battle | Command die |
Less than 10 | d6-1 |
10-19 | d6 |
20-29 | 2d6 |
30-39 | 3d6 |
40-49 | 4d6 |
- Charge: +2 Atk, -2 AC this combat. Only when moving to contact.
- Maneuver: Normal Move. Single units may rotate 90% at the cost of Move 2. Units may move forward, or backwards at half speed.
- Retreat: Leave contact, may only move half move straight back.
- Stand and Shoot: Attack w/ -2/Range increment beyond first.
- Fight Defensively: As per personal combat option.
- Disengage: Receive attack from enemy. Move away from enemy.
- Reform: Change orientation of units in formation 90 or 180 degrees.
- March: Double Move this round. Unit is Flatfooted this round.
- Flee: Receive attack from opponent. All units in formation move their maximum move straight back.
- Bombard: Siege engines in formation attack.
- Volley: Bow units in formation fire.
- Ready: No Move. Attacks before opponent when engaged.
- Double Combat: Check Morale. If successful attack twice, otherwise lose 1 morale.
- Rally: Check Morale. If successful regain Unit Commander Charisma bonus morale (at least 1).
- Cross river: Unit Commander rolls Battle DC Difficulty of River (Std 20). If successful, formation moves across river. If the Battle is missed by 5 or more, the unit loses 1 morale. This may only be done once per battle round.
4.Combat phase[edit | edit source]
Bow units may attack, Siege engines may attack, and Units in contact exchange attacks.
Combat Sequence[edit | edit source]
- Noble Ranged
- Noble
- Stronghold
- Ranged
- Ready Units
- Cavalry
- Fighter
- Militia
Range modifiers[edit | edit source]
Bows get -1 per square beyond the first. Other ranged attacks have no range penalties.
Ranged Attack | Max Range |
Short bow | 1 |
Short bow, Far Shot | 3 |
Composite short bow | 2 |
Composite short bow, Far Shot | 4 |
Long Bow | 4 |
Long Bow, Far Shot | 5 |
Composite long Bow | 5 |
Composite long Bow, Far Shot | 7 |
Siege Engine | 3-8 |
Magic Missile | 1 |
Fireball | 1, 2 at 11 |
6. Results[edit | edit source]
Nobles deal 1/2 damage on the battlefield.
A Unit that hits the enemy deals one extra hit per 3 points of margin.
A Unit with less than 50 members deals no extra hits.
A Unit with less than 20 members deals 1/2 damage.
A Unit with less than 10 members does not deal damage.
If a unit's Unit HP is 0 or less, the unit is removed from the battlefield.
Roll for morale if:
- Unit is attacked
- Unit is hit by spell
- Unit is shaken
- -- Don't know if these should be here
- Unit in formation breaks
- Unit in formation is killed
1d20+Morale vs 1d20+Morale[edit | edit source]
If a unit is frightened, it immediately breaks and flees. If a unit is panicked, it is immediately destroyed.
Morale roll modifiers[edit | edit source]
Opposite Alignment with Leader | -2 |
Home House | +2 |
Home Province | +2 |
Led by noble | +4 |
Led by General | +4 |
Charged by Fighters | -2 |
Charged by Cavalry | -4 |
Attacked from rear | -4 |
Per unit outflanking | -2 |
High ground | +2 |
Difficult ground | -2 |
Morale Results table[edit | edit source]
Winner wins by... | Loser... | Morale |
0% | retreats | - |
50% | flees | Shaken |
100% | is destroyed | Panicked |
Design notes[edit | edit source]
Assumption : All units try to have a front of 100 if they can.