Blood Share
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Discipline use (Adept Powers): Cavalryman.
The Blood Share talent allows an Adept to transfer damage between his mount and himself. First, the Adept makes a small cut somewhere on himself and on his mount, then touches the two cuts together.
Blood Share talent normally does not require the character to spend Focus, but if a Cavalryman wants to use this talent on another willing Adept, he can do so by spending 1 Focus. Using Blood Share in this way requires that deep trust exist between the Adept and his volunteering comrade. Members of the Cavalryman Discipline almost universally honor this trust, and have coined the term "blood betrayer" to refer to anyone who uses Blood Share to transfer so much damage to another Adept that the second Adept dies. Other Cavalrymen shun blood betrayers.
Action (Focus): Adept Powers+Toughness/0. Transfer up to this EV in Shock points, and EV/5 Wounds.