Characters (Cyberpunk Mystique)

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The characters will form an independent team of Maputo Professionals, Inc., a troubleshooting firm based in Vancouver, BC. The common languages of Maputo International, the German Branch, are German and Japanese.

Players will probably need several characters because of injuries and mission requirements. Characters will be created using the normal Action! rules with the following parameters:

  • No schticks except Cyberware, Tech and Info schticks and Perks~/Flaws are commonly available. A small number of psychers and jockeys will be allowed, they may buy Psi and Vehicle schticks.
  • All characters will receive a Wealth 5 or 6 Perk as a part of the recruitment package.
  • Cyberware lowers the maximum apparent Empathy of the character by 2 per schtick or induces 2 points of psychosis, each point raising the difficulty to resist them. The points may be combined for a more pronounced syndrome, or spread out on several lesser psychosis. Focus lowers the total of Cyberware psychosis points by its rating.
  • Cyberware can also induce CIRS (pronounced curse). Each time a character with cyberware rolls a boxcars or snake eyes, there is a chance of an episode. Roll for each psychosis, even if they are at Diff 0.