Characters (Earthdawn!)

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Character sheet here: Sheet

All characters start with 5 in all primary attributes.

They also get a package depending on race:

  • Troll:

+6 Str, +5 Tou, -3 Mov, -1 Per, +1 Focus, Heat Sight, Armor 1

  • Orc:

+2 Luck, +5 Str, +2 Tou, -1 Man, -1 Emp, +2 Focus, +1 Mov, Lowlight

  • Human:

+5 Luck, 3 Versatility Schticks (or 60p combined)

  • T'skrang:

+2 Agi, +2 Tou, +2 Cha, Tail +5 EV Stunt, +2 Man, +2 Emp

  • Windling:

Astral Sensitive, +6 Luck, -4 Str, -3 Tou, +2 Wits, +2 Emp, +3 Cha, +2 Agi, Flight (Mov+2)

  • Dwarf:

Heat Sight, +3 Str, +3 Tou, +3 Focus, -1 Man, -2 Mov, +3 Emp (100)

  • Elf:

+3 Agi, -2 Tou, +2 Wits, +2 Per, +2 Focus, +2 Emp, +1 Cha, Lowlight (100)

  • Obsidiman:

-2 Agi, +10 Str, +6 Tou, -2 Man, -2 Wits, -2 Luck, -6 Mov, Armor 5, Hibernation (100)

  • Blood Elf:

+3 Agi, +2 Per, +2 Focus, -1 Emp, +3 Cha, Lowlight (100)