Creation[edit | edit source]
You can create geometric forms or items by rolling a Sorcery+Power roll.
The neat trick about this schtick is its versatility. They only last a Sequence unless you pay a Power when creating them, though.
Your Power sets the weight limit of the Object (And also its Toughness). Items don't have Shockpoints. You get to create items in one material per Creation Schtick.
You get to form one form of shapes at start, with each new cathegory costing a booster schtick. You also get a booster schtick.
Wall[edit | edit source]
Wall may be Sorcery-height meters long (you may roll this if you wish).
Wounds are based on a segment of the wall that is 1 meter x 3 meters x 4 in. (4 in is the standard brick size).
Wooden wall = Toughness 6.
Brick wall = Toughness 16.
Stone wall = Toughness 17.
Force wall = Toughness [Power+5], Fragile. Difficulty [Power + 10]
Fire wall = Damage [Power], no weight. Passable.
Water wall = Immune to Normal Weapons. Cannot be destroyed. Passable.
Wind Wall = Impenetrable for Ranged Weapons, Cannot be destroyed. Easily Passable. Transparent. Difficulty 10
Iron Wall = Toughness 25, 20 Wounds per segment.
Gold Wall = Toughness 17(-10 for very soft material) , 22 Wounds per segment. Difficulty 32
Maximum Difficulty (Base Toughness+10) of a Wall is equal to caster's [Sorcery + Power] + (Caster's [Power]/extra Power point).
Booster Schticks / Flaws[edit | edit source]
Fragile[edit | edit source]
Rebate 2
Destroyed on first Wound. Min Toughness 4.
Weak[edit | edit source]
Rebate 1
Half the normal Number of Wounds.
Cannot be destroyed[edit | edit source]
Requires Passable or Easily Passable. Cannot be destroyed.
Passable[edit | edit source]
Rebate 1
May be passed through as an Action.
Easily Passable[edit | edit source]
Rebate 2
May be passed through as part of a Move.
Soft[edit | edit source]
Rebate 1
Lower Toughness by 10.
Extra Tough[edit | edit source]
Wall gets Toughness +5.
Immune to Normal Weapons[edit | edit source]
Immune to Ranged Combat[edit | edit source]
Immune to Close Combat[edit | edit source]
No Toughness[edit | edit source]
Mobile[edit | edit source]
Creation moves with caster, but cannot move other objects.
Push comes to Shove[edit | edit source]
Requires Mobile. May be used to push other objects with a Strength of [Power].
Transparent[edit | edit source]
Damage[edit | edit source]
Instead of Toughness the Wall does Damage. Must be Passable or Easily Passable.
Disc[edit | edit source]
Sorcery r = sqrt (Sorcery)
Sphere[edit | edit source]
Costs 10 points to learn
Sphere radius = Sorcery
+1 Power = double the radius.
Toughness is halved.
Cylinder[edit | edit source]
Item[edit | edit source]
Armor[edit | edit source]
Weapon[edit | edit source]
Large-Scale Creations[edit | edit source]
For a Power point, you may push the Weight Limit of an item up to Sorcery+Power.