Wizard Wars/Classes/Dragonkin

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Dragon Kin is an inherited template that can be added to Humans, Goblins, Half-Orc, Orcs, Wild Elves and Gray Elves.

Dragon kin are always more formidable than others of their kind that do not have dragon blood, and their appearance betrays their nature — scaled areas, reptilian eyes, and somewhat larger teeth and claws. They do not have wings.

CREATING A DRAGON KIN[edit | edit source]

“Dragon kin” is an inherited template that can be added to Humans, Goblins, Half-Orc, Orcs, Wild Elves and Gray Elves (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

A dragon kin uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature's type changes to dragon. Size is unchanged. Do not recalculate base attack bonus or saves.

Hit Dice: Increase base creature's class HD by one die size, to a maximum of d12.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +1 and its DR by 1/-.

Attack: A dragon kin has two claw attacks and a bite attack, and the claws are the primary natural weapon. A dragon kin fighting without weapons uses a claw when making an attack action. When it has a weapon, it usually uses the weapon instead.

Full Attack: A dragon kin fighting without weapons uses both claws and its bite when making a full attack. If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack and its bite as a natural secondary attack. If it has a hand free, it uses a claw as an additional natural secondary attack.

Damage: Dragon kin have bite and claw attacks. If the base creature does not have these attack forms, use the damage values in the table below. Otherwise, use the values below or the base creature’s damage values, whichever are greater.

Size Bite Claw
Small 1d3 1d2
Medium 1d4 1d3

Special Attacks: A dragon kin retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains a breath weapon based on the dragon variety (see the table below), usable once per day. A dragon kin's breath weapon deals 3d6 points of damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 half-dragon’s racial HD + half-dragon’s Con modifier) reduces damage by half.

Dragon Variety Breath Weapon
Earth 10-foot cone of positive energy
Air 20-foot line of lightning
Water 20-foot line of cold
Fire 10-foot cone of fire
Shadow 10-foot cone of negative energy
Dragon Variety Resistance
Earth Acid
Air Lightning
Water Cold
Fire Fire
Shadow Positive energy

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Con +2, Cha +2.

Skills: A dragon-kin gains skill points as a dragon and has skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier) x (HD + 3). Do not include Hit Dice from class levels in this calculation —the dragon kin gains dragon skill points only for its racial Hit Dice, and gains the normal amount of skill points for its class levels. Treat skills from the base creature’s list as class skills, and other skills as cross-class.

Favored class: Dragon Paladin.

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature+1.

Alignment: Same as the dragon variety.

Level Adjustment: Same as base creature +2.