Earth 2197 Backdrop

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Jul 4, 2009 World War III started by terrorist conspiracy, problably linked to the Church of Man. USA, Russia and China hit hard, with Japan and Australia left almost unscathed. World economy collapses.
Autumn 2013 Japanese-Australian Expeditionary Force guidelines drawn up.
Aug 15, 2015 China declares Church of Man state religion.
Spring 2016 Rebuilding of Japan, Australia and South East Asia starts. Ends around 2035. Church of Man terrorist attacks are frequent. Technophobia is widespread.
2023 The third Kamikaze is used by the Japanese to stop a Chinese Invasion.
2026 A new UN building is built in Sydney. The JAEF is transformed into the UNEF, but the nickname, Jefs, still stick to the workers and soldiers of the expeditionary force.
2030 - 2100 Church of Man, through political and terrorist action, almost completely stops scientific progress in Europe and China.
2037 - 2114 The Long March. North America is reclaimed. Open and covert war between the UNEF and some of the city-states in America. Canada shows itself to be an unexpected ally of the UNEF. Church of Man vehemently condemns actions of UNEF.
2039 First apperance of Worker Mechanoids, commonly called Mecha or Mechs.
2043 - 2048 Civil internal struggle in the former Soviet union.
Oct 23, 2045 Russia and Ucraine jointly declare themselves the Russian Empire. A Tsar is reinstated, a distant relative to the Romanov family, Eric Janosz, a former carpenter.
2051 - 2053 The now-united Russia expands into Siberia. China lends Siberia civil support, but Siberia and Russia unite once again. This is the first time Mecha are used in battle, and quickly show their worth in the Siberian wooded swamps.
2054 - 2064 Africa is rebuilt with the help of UNEF. Africa is one of the winners in the rebuilding phase, new countries and areas are rebuilt with minimal problems.
Dec 1, 2089 European Union finally accepts support from the UNEF. France imposes martial law.
2091 - 2104 France divided in civil war. German and UN interventions. Three-sided clashes between Main Noirs, Pieds Legèrs and Alliance forces.
May 25, 2105 Pieds Legèrs take control and proclaim the 6th French republic.
Summer 2114 The Long March ends. America is divided into several confederations of states; the United North States, the Gulf Confederacy and the American League of Nations.
2115 - 2135 Battle for supremacy, both military and ideological, between the UN and the Church of Man. A state of cold war is apparent.
2120 - 2135 The Church of Man accepted as a religion and lifestyle, its fundamental theses integrated into society. Recruit base for terrorists sinks to a minimum.
April 25, 2137 Doctor Inferno is born in a small Chinese ChoM Collective.
April 27, 2147 Yumi Dai is born at Kyoto Central Hospital.
2156 A bright rising star in the ChoM defects after sacking all the ChoMs funds.
2150 - 2170 China suffers great internal strife. Local government breaks down and is replaced with feudal rule.
2170 A rescue operation goes terribly wrong when UN forces try to intervene. Civilians and UN troops are massacred in a small Kanton village. UN blames China and pulls out.
2179 Doctor Inferno uses a submarine camouflaged as a volcanic island and his mecha production facilities to ravage the worlds economy.
2180 Professor Yumi reveals his secretly built satellite network, and stops the Doctor in his tracks. Doctor Inferno implements the Kanto Plan. Professor Yumi’s wife dies in the ensuing earthquake, but his only daughter Sayaka survives.
2181 Yumi buys Karn Island, a product of the Second Kanto Earthquake, and proclaims it the Karn Republic. Massive immigration ensues.
2190 The Russian Empire begins a cold war against EU and China, with plans for expansion.
2197 Now!