Enhancement[edit | edit source]
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 Sequence (or infinte with Power point)
You may enhance one of the following with a Sorcery roll Difficulty 0 and Resistance equal to the base score. This enhancement lasts one Sequence, or with a Power Point, until you want to start regaining the Power Point. You also gain 2 Booster schticks.
- 1 Attribute (with EV/3 adding a bonus to the attribute)
- includes Move
- this enhancement does not provide any Pool points or changes to Pools.
- 1 Pool (increasing and adding to the Pool)
- Luck (EV/5)
- Shots (EV/3)
- Presence (EV/4)
- Power (but not above the Sorcerers own Power, except by paying 1 Power) (EV/5)
- Wounds (EV/5)
- 1 Skill (with AV as Diff, increasing EV/5 points)
- Initiative (+1 per EV, Diff Initiative).
- Health (Raise Health by Outcome, Diff 10)
- Damage add of one attack (with Diff 10+Weapon Damage as Diff, EV raising the Damage add)
- Provide the Regeneration schtick (Difficulty 10, Resistance 10)
- Buff a Schtick with X points (Difficulty 10+Schtick cost, Resistance 10+Schtick cost). Add a level of to the schtick per EV.
- Replace a night of sleep (Requires a Power Point).
Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]
Duration[edit | edit source]
The Enhancement lasts one extra Sequence.
Extra target[edit | edit source]
You may enhance one more creature or object with a single Action.
Multiple enhancements[edit | edit source]
You may use one more enhancement with a single Action.
Extra enhancement[edit | edit source]
You may add an enhancement type to your repertoire of Enhancement types.
Short Range[edit | edit source]
Enhancement now has a range of Power meters.
Medium Range[edit | edit source]
Requires Short Range
Enhancement now has a range of Power x 4 meters.
Long Range[edit | edit source]
Requires Medium Range
Enhancement now has a range of Power x Power meters.