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New Keywords[edit | edit source]

  • Maidens: has special effects for each Maiden. Requires special approval from the Maiden in question.
  • Fate: has flaws versus Creatures outside Fate.

Signature Charms[edit | edit source]

Charms may be re-bought, to improve them in several ways:

  • Charm no longer counts against the 1 Charm per round limit.

Thes following signature effects have the the first effect as prerequisite.

  • Charm cost is lessened by Essence motes (minimum 1).
  • Charm cost is lessened by [Applicable Specialization] motes (minimum 1).
  • Charm that has an area of effect based on a radius is doubled.
  • Charm with duration other than Instant is doubled.
  • Charm with a range other than touch or personal is doubled.

Sidereal Signatures[edit | edit source]

  • May share information through fortunetelling implements. With better implements come more detailed results. Requires that the Charm has the Fortune Keyword.

Dragonblooded Signatures[edit | edit source]

  • May share a Dragonblood Charm with up to [2 x Essence] targets except for Instant Duration Charms with a cost of 1 mote per target.
  • Reflexive Charms' costs may be reduced to 0 if they have the Innate Keyword.

Charm Maxima[edit | edit source]

A Charm type may lower or raise the Difficulty of an action by the same amount as the maxima.

A Charm type may cause a number of automatic successes equal to the maxima.

A Charm type may add or remove a number of dice equal to the maxima.

Solar charms have these maxima

Instant charms Attribute+Ability dice
Persistent charms Ability or Essence
Totals Attribute+Ability dice
Attribute+Ability automatic successes
Attribute+Ability successes reduction of Difficulty

Dragonblooded have these maxima

Instant charms Ability+Specialty
Persistent charms Specialty or Essence/2
Totals Ability+Specialty dice
Ability+Specialty automatic successes
Ability+Specialty successes reduction of Difficulty

Abyssal have these maxima

Instant charms Negative or positive dice equal to Attribute+Ability
Persistent charms Negative or positive dice equal to Ability or Essence
Totals Attribute+Ability negative dice (Minimum of target is Essence dice)
Attribute+Ability positive dice
Attribute+Ability automatic successes
Attribute+Ability successes reduction of Difficulty

Lunars have these maxima

Instant charms Attribute
Persistent charms Attribute or Essence
Totals Attribute dice
Attribute automatic successes
Attribute successes reduction of Difficulty

Sidereals have these maxima

Instant charms Essence
Lower Target Number by 3
Persistent charms Essence
Totals Essence dice
Essence automatic successes
Essence successes reduction of Difficulty
Lower Target Number by 3

Celestial Martial Arts have these maxima

Instant charms Martial Arts+Essence
Persistent charms Essence
Totals Martial Arts+Essence dice
Martial Arts+Essence automatic successes
Martial Arts+Essence successes reduction of Difficulty