Exalted/Rules/Martial Arts

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All Celestial Initiation Charms have a complete Terrestrial Style as prerequisites (or Terrestrial Exaltation). There are several distinct Kung Fu Styles.

Kung Fu is the Old Realm word for Martial Arts

Form Weapons[edit | edit source]

All Styles have varying Form weapons, Primary and Secondary. All of the Primary weapons are learned with the Techniques. Secondary Weapons may be bought separately, for 2 xp per weapon after the Style's Form.

Form Armors[edit | edit source]

Some Styles allow for Armor. Same rules, with Primary and Secondary Armors being taught.

Style Combos[edit | edit source]

or " I use Flaming Fist of the Heavens with my Thunder Cloud Kick! " If you receive the same bonus from two separate Charms in two separate Styles, they combine up to the Circle maxima. You may use any Technique with any Style.

Teaching[edit | edit source]

To teach Celestial Martial Arts to Terrestrial-level practitioners, or Sidereal Martial Arts to Celestial-level practitioners you need Martial Arts 6 and knowledge of the complete Style being taught.

Style Techniques[edit | edit source]

Standard[edit | edit source]

  • Fist: In+0, Acc+1, Dmg+0B, Def+2, Rate 5, Str 1
  • Kick: In-1, Acc+1, Dmg+3B, Def-3, Rate 3, Str 2
  • Grapple: In-2, Acc+0, Dmg+0B, Def+0, Rate 1, Str 1, Piercing

Attacker mot folk i Grapple är Hazardous (Träffa sin polare) och ger minus på att träffa. Det borde finnas mer Grappletekniker/charms.