Exalted/Rules/Martial Arts/Styles/Radiant Spirit of Enlightenment Style
Radiant Spirit of Enlightenment Style[edit | edit source]
By me
Developed by a Zenith Solar during the First Age. Never commonly used by the Sidereals or the Lunars due to the high Essence costs for non-Solars. In the Second Age, it is all but forgotten. All Charms of this Style cost 5 motes and 1 Willpower less for Solars.
Armor and Weapons: All natural weapons count as form weapons for this Style. Solars may also use any weapon or effect created by Solar charms (including bolts), as form weapons in this Style. None of the Charms in this Style are compatible with armor.
Glorious Shield of Faith
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4 Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious Duration: 1 scene
Increase all Difficulties of Creatures of Darkness against the martial artist by the martial artist’s permanent Essence. This charm becomes obvious when the martial artist is hit by a CoD.
Eye of the Inquisitor
Cost: 6 motes Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Obvious Duration: Instant
Detect all Creatures of Darkness and their types within perception range. Examples include demon, deathlord, deathknight, ghostblood, ghost, undead.
Touch of Solar Righteousness
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4 Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious Duration: 1 Scene Prerequisites: Glorious Shield of Faith, Eye of the Inquisitor
The martial artist does Essence extra damage with all Martial Arts attacks with a golden flare at the point of impact, and all Martial Arts damage is considered aggravated against Creatures of Darkness.
Blazing Cone of Golden Light
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Obvious Duration: Instant Prerequisites: Touch of Solar Righteousness
As the martial artist hits a Creature of Darkness, a 90 degree cone of golden light pours out of the CoD, hitting all CoDs within Essence x Essence meters with an unblockable, undodgeable attack for Martial Arts+Essence+Strength damage.
Vigilance of the Holy Army
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4 Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious Duration: Instant Prerequisites: Blazing Cone of Golden Light
The martial artist and a Unit with a maximum Magnitude of the martial artist's Essence gain a glowing Mark as a Caste Mark at the 1-3 motes level, which provides Essence bonus dice on Martial Arts, Integrity and Resistance rolls against Creatures of Darkness.
Radiant Spirit of Enlightenment Form
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5 Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious Duration: 1 Scene Prerequisites: Vigilance of the Holy Army
A glowing aura as per the 8-10 mote level provices several bonuses. Firstly, the martial artist continously receives the benefit of Eye of the Inquisitor. All Martial Arts attacks against Creatures of Darkness now count as Piercing, and these attacks receive Essence automatic successes. Additionally, Creatures of Darkness receive Essence aggravated damage when they touch the martial artist. Lastly, while the martial artist is using this form, she is immune to all forms of unnatural mental influence from Creatures of Darkness. This is a perfect effect.
Insight of the Invictus
Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5 Type: Special (Supplemental/Reflexive) Keywords: Obvious Duration: Instant Prerequisites: Radiant Spirit of Enlightenment Form
Glowing contrails follow the martial arts movements. The martial artist’s attack or defense now counts as perfect against Creatures of Darkness.
Banishing the Dark Hordes
Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6 Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious Duration: Instant Prerequisites: Radiant Spirit of Enlightenment Form
The martial artist shines like a small sun, causing the servants of the dark to recoil in pain and fear as they reflect his light. The martial artist rolls Essence and inflicts [successes] number of aggravated health levels on all Creatures of Darkness in a Unit with a maximum Magnitude of the martial artist’s Essence. Each Creature of Darkness of the Unit may soak by rolling Essence and removing successes health levels from the damage. All Creatures of Darkness must make a Valor roll, Difficulty equal to the inflicted health levels, or flee. This roll may be remade each round if the target has Essence 2+. Zenith Caste Solars may roll twice their Essence dice with this charm.
Searing Blow of Justice
Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Obvious Duration: Instant Prerequisites: Insight of the Invictus
The martial artist inflicts (Essence+Martial Arts)x2 extra damage against Creatures of Darkness with this attack. Each health level inflicted also causes 1 extra point of wound penalty (with a maximum of Essence +Martial Arts points). This effect lasts for the rest of the scene.
Unforgiving Mark of the Sun
Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Obvious Duration: Instant Prerequisites: Banishing the Dark Hordes
If the martial artist hits a Creatures of Darkness with this attack, she attaches a glowing symbol of holy power to the target. The martial artist may then attack the target at any distance, which causes the the symbol to flare up beside the martial artist and on the Creature of Darkness. Any attack the martial artist performs during the next Scene may be made at any distance, and is considered unblockable, against the Creature of Darkness marked by the holy symbol. For Solars, this effect lasts for a Scene or until next sunrise, whichever is longer.
Consecration of the Heavenly Land
Cost: 30 motes, 2 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6 Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious Duration: Instant Prerequisites: Searing Blow of Justice, Unforgiving Mark of the Sun
The martial artist soars high into the sky and down again, slamming her fist into the ground. The ground within Essence x 5 miles becomes holy, inflicting Essence+Martial Arts Aggravated Damage (soakable by Stamina only) each round to all Creatures of Darkness within this area. This lasts for the rest of the Scene or, if a Solar performs this Charm, a year and a day. All shadowlands within the area of effect disappear and no new shadowlands can appear within this time. This charm does not work in the Underworld or in Malfeas. Wether it would work in Autochthon is anyone's guess.