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Spirit Creation[edit | edit source]

Essence sets max Attribute and Ability without surcharge.
Essence provides Favored Abilities
Spirit also has a Portfolio with [Essence] components, that sets its area of interest. The intersection of components may only affect up to Magnitude [XXX].
Base Essence (Max +-2 without change in position)

(Essence+1)x10 Ability points
(Essence+1)x6 Attribute points (1=12p, 5=36p, 10=66p)
(Essence+1)xX Charms (1=8, 5=72, 10=242
Age/Personality = Background?

The Five Bureaus[edit | edit source]

Bureau of Destiny[edit | edit source]

As per Sidereals.

The Bureau of Heaven[edit | edit source]

Bureau of [Heaven] Celestial Matters Department of Celestial Concerns


Department of Abstract Matters Subdivision of Humanity


Subdivision of Wilderness


Subdivision of Destiny


Subdivision of Seasons


The Bureau of Humanity[edit | edit source]

As per Solars.

The Bureau of Nature[edit | edit source]

As per Lunars.

Bureau of Nature

Department of the Full Moon


Department of the Ascending Moon Leader


Department of the Half Moon Tricksters


Department of the Descending Moon Human interaction


Department of the New Moon


The Bureau of Seasons[edit | edit source]

As per Dragonblooded.

Spirits creating Magical Materials[edit | edit source]

Starmetal[edit | edit source]

Very rare. Costs 10 Ambrosia and 1 AHL per obol.

Orichalcum[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 Ambrosia per obol.

Jade[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 Ambrosia per 100 obols.

Moonsilver[edit | edit source]

Costs 2 Ambrosia per obol.

Soulsteel[edit | edit source]

Costs 5 Ambrosia per obol and souls.

Spirit Salaries[edit | edit source]

Spirits and Yu Shan

Bribe to use the gold portion of a canal, once Heaven Resource 4 Handful of Ambrosia, powerful talisman, one dot artifact

Maintenance of Aerial Rickshaw (artifact 4) Heaven Resource 2

Q. is a liquid.

10s of thousands of minor spirits in the Bureau of Heaven.

Transform of Q. requires Craft and Creation of Perfection Charm.

A. is an amorphous glowing mass.

A. can be made into jade and lesser substances.

2 weeks Ambrosia fare is sold for Resurser 4 in Creation.

Many millions minor elemental servants of the gods in Yu-Shan. Coin of Ambrosia, high quality meal, beautiful piece of jade, 1 month service.

Ambrosia resp. Quintessence

  • Definition av Ambrosia resp Quintessence

*Hur mycket ambrosia resp. Quintessence ger... * en bön * ett metafysiskt område * ett geografiskt område * tillbedjan Klart.

  • Hur får andar Quintessence?

* På vilket sätt? Klart. * Hur relaterar detta till andens permanenta Essence? Klart. * Vad ger anden ambrosia? Klart. * Hur mycket ambrosia får anden ? Klart.

  • Hur får andar ambrosia?

Klart. * På vilket sätt? Klart. * Vad ger anden ambrosia? Klart.

* Hur relaterar detta till andens permanenta Essence? Klart. * Hur mycket ambrosia får anden? Klart.

  • Hur mycket Ambrosia resp. Quintessence produceras per tidsenhet (totalt)?


* Salary must be defined not only for Gods working for a Bureau, but for Gods working for other gods.


Salary för Sidereals 0: Outcast gods. No Ambrosia, no Quintessence, no own living space.

1: Most starting gods (borde vara 2). No Ambrosia, can pay 2 servants. small apartment. Resources 2 in Heaven, Resources 3 in Creation. If resources are based in Creation, add +2 to costs of Heavenly purchases. Dragonboat rental problem (trol. Heaven Resource 2), Dhow ticket (trol. Heaven Resource 1) (Gods Essence 2).

2: Some Ambrosia, mostly Q. Small townhouse, or spatial apartment in normal neighbourhood. Resources 3 in Heaven, Resources 4 in Creation. (God Essence 3)

3: Most pay is in Ambrosia. Towering townhouse, (medelklass, villa har vi kommit fram till), Own Dragonboat, Aerial rikshaw, and a dozen servitor gods. Resources 4 in Heaven, Resources 5 in Creation. (Oscar: Gods need Essence 4 for this level of Salary)

4: All pay is in Ambrosia. Two of the Resources 3 housings. A few Essence 2 or 3 (vi tycker 3 eller 4) gods acting as Yojimbos, advisors, bla bla. Resources 5, (+1 Creation). (Oscar: Gods need Essence 5 for this level of Salary)

5: All pay in Ambrosia. Half dozen palaces, lots and lots. Several Dragonboats and Rikshaws. Legion of servitor gods, Lesser Dozen.

Repair Aerial Rickshaw (Heaven Resources 3)

Dragon Boat (Heaven Resources 2) Dragon Boat+Pilot (Heaven Resource 3)

Quintessence is divided between Gods by Essence (in some way).

Quintessence is a liquid

1 Quintessence = 1 motes of Essence 1 Quintessence = 1 jadeobol's worth = 1 liter liquid 100 Quintessence = 1 Ambrosia coin 1 coin of Ambrosia = 100 jadeobol God Salary Salary is based on Essence 3 god getting as much Quintessence per day from the general pool as the god gets Ambrosia from worship (1 Ambrosia/day), and a salary of about 1/5 that. 0 0 Q/day 1 1 Q/day 2 10 Q/day 3 100 Q/day 4 1k Q/day 5 10k Q/day 6 100k Q/day 7 1M Q/day 8 10M Q/day 9 100M Q/day 10 1B/day Heavenly Resources 0 3 Q. / månad 1 30 Q. / månad 2 300 Q. /månad, 3 3000 Quintessence/ månad 4 30 000 Q/månad 5 300 000 Quintessence/ månad 6 3 000 000 Quintessence/ månad 7 30 000 000 Q / månad 8 300 000 000 Q / månad 9 3 000 000 000 Q /månad 10 30 000 000 000 Q /månad Shrine Subconscious Prayer x1 Direct Prayer x2 Care of the Shrine x2 Sacrifice x3+

0 0 person 1 1-10 person. 1 Ambrosia/day. 2 11-30 Persons. 3 Ambrosia/day. 3 31-100 Persons. 10 Ambrosia/day. 4 101-300 Person. 30 Ambrosia/day 5 301- Persons. 100+ Ambrosia/day. Number of Gods by Essence 2 5x 10e8 3 5x 10e7 4 5x 10e6 5 5x 10e5 Gods 6 5x 10e4 Gods 7 5x 10e3 Gods 8 5x 10e2 Gods 9. 50 Gods 10. 5 Gods

1 coin of Ambrosia = 1 piece of beautiful jade = 1 high quality meal. = 1 prayer by 1 person

1 person can invest her spiritual energy into 1 Prayer to 1 God per day. More prayers split the investment. People with higher Essence than 1 multiply their prayer energy by their personal Essence per day.

Heavenly Favors 1 Ringa Trivial 1-9 Quintessence 1-9 Essence. 1-9 Jade obols. Fare Passenger Dhow. Small meal. Buy trinkets. Common room sleep. Shoe polish. Beggar Money. Hour-long Errand. Very common information (Yu-Shan city). 2 Betydande Trivial 10-99 Quintessence. 10-99 Essence. 10-99 Jade obol. Barbershop. Grand Quintessence meal. Fare Dragonboat. Fare Aerial Rickshaw. Half Day Errand. Common information (Stadsdel). Journeyman crafts stuff from 1000 Quintessence/Ambrosia. Lesser meal for 10. Sleep in own room. Buy Unskilled mortal. Salary Servitor god 1 month. 3 Ringa Mindre 100-999 Quintessence. 100-999 Essence. 1-9 Ambrosia. Fare Dragonboat+Pilot. Fare Aerial Rickshaw+Pilot. Jade artifact 1. Common Charm used for entertainment. Grand meal for 10. Lesser meal for 100. 1 Ambrosiamål. Rent minor apartment 1 month. Buy skilled mortal. Salary 10 Servitor gods 1 month. Salary Essence 2 God 1 month

4 Betydande Mindre 1000 Quintessence. 1000 Essence. 10 Ambrosia. Master crafts stuff from 1000 Quintessence/Ambrosia. Non-Jade Artifact 1 dot. Jade artifact 2. Grand meal for 100. Lesser meal for 1000. 10 Ambrosiamål. Rent small Townhouse or big apartment 1 month. Buy Dragonboat. Buy Aerial Rickshaw. Salary 100 Essence 1 gods Salary 10 Essence 2 gods Salary Essence 3 god 1 month. 5 Ringa Medelstor 10000 Quintessence. 10000 Essence. 100 Ambrosia. 1 liter Heavenly Wine Non-jade Artifact 2 dot. Jade artifact 3. Entrance for Entertainment God Essence 7 Buy small Townhouse or big apartment. Use uncommon charm for entertainment Give useful information of great use to someone. Create Shrine 1 for a God. Salary 1000 Servitor gods 1 month. Salary Essence 4 god 1 month. 6 Betydande Medelstor 100 000 Q. 100 000 E. 1000 A. 10 liters Heavenly Wine. 1 Peach. Non-jade Artifact 3 dot. Jade artifact 4. Entrance for Entertainment God Essence 8 Buy large house Buy young Dragonblood Acquire Manse 1. Create Shrine 2 for a God. Salary Essence 5 god 1 month.

7 Ringa Större 1 000 000 E. 10 000 A. 100 liters Heavenly Wine 10 Peaches Non-jade Artifact 4 dot. Jade artifact 5. Buy Palace or several large houses. Use rare charm for entertainment. Buy experienced Dragonblood. Salary Essence 6 god 1 month. Create Shrine 3 for a God. Acquire Manse 2. 8 Betydande Större 10 000 000 E 100 000 A. 1000 liters Heavenly Wine 100 Peaches Non-jade Artifact 5 dot. Buy several Palaces. Salary Essence 7 god 1 month. Create Shrine 4 for a God. Acquire Manse 3.

9 Ringa Enorm 100 000 000 E. 1 000 000 A. 10 000 liters Heavenly wine 1000 Peaches Salary Essence 8 god 1 month. Create Shrine 5 for a God. Acquire Manse 4. 10 Betydande Enorm 1 000 000 000 E. 10 000 000 A. 10 000 Peaches 100 000 Heavenly Wine. Salary Essence 9 god 1 month. Acquire Manse 5. Relative Favors Introduction Essence of god introducing you-1 Letter of Recommendation Essence of god writing letter+0 Get someone a job Essence of employer+1 Perform dangerous, but with no deadly risk at all, mission for god Essence of god+1 Give useful information that saves god from harm or increases their domain, or save god from great harm Essence of god+2 Give useful information that helps god greatly increase its domain. Essence of god+3 Perform dangerous, with some deadly risk, mission for god Essence of god+2 Perform very dangerous mission for god Essence of god+3 Perform suicidal mission for god Essence of god+4 Save a god's domain from great damage, or destruction. Essence of god+4 Save god's life Essence of god+4 Save god from certain, gruesome death/total annihilation Essence of god+5 Save someone's family Essence of god+5 Serve someone with no time or task limits Essence of god+5

Sanctum[edit | edit source]

Spirits may use any charms at their disposal while in their sanctum without paying the cost of the charm.