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  • A guarded diplomat named Jackev Wardiaz needs someone to salvage a derelict exploration spaceship in the M'Feri Rift. Further, the job must be completed without official entanglements.
  • A merchant named Lise Perry needs someone to discover the fate of a scientific expedition lost in the Agur Sector.
  • A diplomat named Steria Tewards needs someone to discover the fate of an experimental spaceship lost in the R'Klani Rift.
  • A felinoid alien named Moni Aton needs someone to expose a corrupt government official. In addition, the crew must deal with an obnoxious alien.
  • An alien diplomat named Sani needs someone to investigate an alien generation ship which has been detected in the O'Velloo Rift.
  • A wealthy corporate agent named Mothy Campbenn needs someone to expose a corrupt corporate executive. In addition, the crew must deal with a malfunctioning robot.
  • A shady corporate agent named Johne Barnels needs someone to discover the fate of a passenger spaceship lost in the Goni Tani Expanse.
  • A cryptic corporate agent named Jane Hughy needs someone to escort a group of robot cargo spaceships to a nearby world.
  • An alien corporate agent named Caani Zyge needs someone to recover an object from the ruins of the Tradi Spaceport on New Oberon. In addition, the crew encounters an old enemy on the same job.
  • A crime lord named Joshy Reeder needs someone to transport 25 tons of luxury goods to an uncharted star system in the J'Hevoo Sector.

Himalaya - Tender[edit | edit source]

This is the ship that provides fuel to the flotilla.

  • Captain Teshub Leofstan Stankić, Male (daring, compassionate, materialistic)
  • Tanker Chief Rylie Cyneweard Coke, Female (devious, brilliant, rebellious)
  • Flight Captain Orla Konstantinov, Female (dependable, manipulative, mysterious)
  • First Mate Driskoll Mehmedović, Male (domineering, violent, carefree)
  • Fuel Engineer Séraphin Sapphire (spontaneous, naive, restless)

Kilimanjaro - Command Ship[edit | edit source]

Contains the military part of the expedition.

  • Barracks, Command post, Backup Systems, Mecha Hangars.
  • Captain (Commander) Rebecca "Icer" O'Gorman (spontaneous, inspirational, idealistic)
  • Lieutenant Commander Akpan "Deadpan" Tobias (conceited, courageous, decisive)
  • Flight Master Sergeant Oiva Violeta "Firebat" Wechsler (easy-going, manipulative, depressed)
  • Master Sergeant Celestino Orlagh "Lariat" Ahmad (materialistic, lively, stubborn)
  • Master Sergeant Ingunn Evgeniya "Rocket" Nuremberg (brilliant, lonely, cheerful), Cyborg kosmonik
  • Master Sergeant Eleonoora Gauti "Model" Mazza (easy-going, cowardly, sensitive)
  • Sergeant Ann Þóra "Viking" Nevin (sly, manipulative, anxious)
  • Sergeant Katrina Quique "Tigress" Gehrig (fun-loving, fearless, cruel)
  • Sergeant Ilma Brígida "Wolf" Braxton (decisive, cheerful, fun-loving)
  • Sergeant Yaxkin Eir "Wheeler" Baldini (decisive, judgemental, anxious)

Mont Blanc - Food Ship[edit | edit source]

Provides food for the fleet.
Both hydroponics and protein looms.

  • Captain Babar Roman "Bear" Turnbull (rebellious, restless, foolish)
  • Jeong-Hun Ion "Blaster" Haralampiev (nurturing, violent, dependable)
  • Linda Trajan Church (sensitive, brilliant, cheerful)
  • Adrianna Blanco (cheerful, eccentric, idealistic)
  • Phoebe Netta Babić (uninhibited, wise, restless)

Aconcagua - Survey Ship[edit | edit source]

Contains the civilian part of the expedition.

  • Captain Deepa Kojo Poulsen (cruel, domineering, dishonest)
  • Survey Leader Olufunmilayo Catherine Mishra (industrious, inspirational, materialistic)
  • Planetologist Borghild Régis O'Hannagan (bold, compassionate, charming)
  • Xenobiologist Jett Gosse Salamon (carefree, optimistic, unkind)
  • Astronomer Vitaliy Melanija Guan (overbearing, adventurous, restless)

Fuji-sama - Engine Ship[edit | edit source]

Lots and lots of fusion reactors coupled with a slingshot drive. Always powering up for interstellar jumps.

  • Captain Grigor Marina Heinrichs (resilient, confident, stable)
  • Fusion Engineer Pétronille Stithulf Vroomen (perceptive, attentive, touchy-feely)
  • Fusion Engineer Oghenekevwe Perla Félix (people-oriented, nice, likable)
  • Slingshot Researcher Katalinka Winona Van Rompay (funny, dreamer, aggressive)
  • Particle Accelerator Engineer Eunice Pedr Addicks (hilarious, theoretic, extroverted)