When creating a Skill Action Value, make a roll using Skill Value if you have the exact Proficiency, or Skill Value-5 if you only have the Skill.
- Stunt,
- Dodge,
- Martial Arts,
- Thrown,
- Athletics
- Bluff,
- Disguise,
- Trick,
- Tactics,
- Guile
- Archaic,
- Guns,
- Heavy Weapons,
- Vehicle,
- Gunnery
- Social,
- Leadership,
- Intimidation,
- Performance,
- Willpower
- Psychologist,
- Physician,
- Arcanotechie,
- Cyber Researcher,
- Exotic Medicine
- Gambling
- Navigation
- Notice
- Recon
- Bureaucracy
- Arcanowave/Occultech,
- Creature Powers,
- Sorcery/Psi,
- Super Powers
- Gambling
- Animal Powers
- Adept Powers
- Pulp Powers
- Artifact
- Summoning
- Necromancy
- Glamour
- Prayer
- Rituals
- Hermetic Magic
- Mentalism
- Drive,
- Mecha,
- Ride,
- Pilot,
- Captain
- Intrusion,
- Crime,
- Pickpocket,
- Sneak,
- Forgery
- Tropical
- Subtropical
- Cool Temperate
- Warm Temperate
- Polar
- Military Recon
Other exotic Survival types include: Urban, Dungeon, Ocean, Zombie, Mars.
- Build,
- Demolitions,
- Juryrig,
- Repair,
- Use
Knowledge and education
- Examples include Egyptology, Ancient languages, Occult traditions, Things Man was not meant to know
Profession and livelihood
- Examples include Security Guard, Nuclear Physicist, Police, Mercenary, Freedom Fighter
The fine and not-so-fine arts
- Examples include Songwriting, Journalism, Taoist ceremonies, Landscape painting