Immortal!/Schtick/Perks & Flaws

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You may only buy these with GM permission.

Skill and Attribute Perks[edit | edit source]

Specialist[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 point
The SkillMax for one of your Proficiencies is raised by 1.

Unready[edit | edit source]

Provides 1 point
A chosen Skill with AV 11+ now has a Skill Max of one less (-1).

Untrained[edit | edit source]

Provides 1 point
A chosen Skill with AV 11+ now only contains one Proficiency (All other Proficiencies are set to 0).

Veteran[edit | edit source]

Costs 2 points
The SkillMax for one your Skills is raised by 1.

Elite[edit | edit source]

Costs 2 points
The SkillMax for one your Skills is raised by 1.

Assault[edit | edit source]

Costs 2 points
The Offensive SkillMax for one your Skills is raised by 1.

Defensive[edit | edit source]

Costs 2 points
The Defensive SkillMax for one your Skills is raised by 1.

Talented[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 point
The Effect Value of one of your Skills is raised by 3.

Natural[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 point
The Effect Value of one of your Skills is raised by 2.

Superiority[edit | edit source]

Costs 4 points
Passive: Gain a d10 to all uses of a Proficiency.

Supremacy[edit | edit source]

Costs 4 points, requires Superiority
Widens the scope of Superiority. Replace Superiority with
Passive: Gain a d10 to all uses of a Skill.

Superior Attribute[edit | edit source]

Costs 3 points
An attribute gains a +1 modification.

Heroic Attribute[edit | edit source]

Costs 3 points
An attribute gains a +1 modification.

Flawed Attribute[edit | edit source]

Provides 2 points
You have an unfortunate weakness, that your opponents will surely try to use against you. An Attribute gains a -1 modification. It is not possible to remove this Flaw.

Tragic Attribute[edit | edit source]

Provides 2 points
Your weakness now dwarfs your other abilities. An Attribute gains a -1 modification. It is not possible to remove this Flaw.

Good Looks[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 point
Adds 5 to the Effect Value of Interaction/Social Actions.

Bad Looks[edit | edit source]

Provides 1 point
Adds 5 to the Effect Value of Interaction/Intimidation Actions.
Subtracts 10 from the Effect Value of all other Interaction Actions.

Endurance[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 point
You gain 5 shock points. Progression 1.

Fast[edit | edit source]

Costs 2 points
Your Move is 1 point higher. Progression 5.

Slow[edit | edit source]

Provides 1 point
Your Move is 1 point lower. You may not lower Move below 0. If it is 0, you are handicapped and need help or a wheelchair to move around.

Combat Coolness[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 point
Your Initiative is 1 point higher. No combination of Initiative enhancement with Combat Coolness can more than double your Initiative.

Battle Experience[edit | edit source]

Costs 3 points
Your Shot Count is 1 point higher. No combination of Shot Count or Initiative enhancement with Combat Coolness can more than double your Shot Count or Initiative.

Civilian[edit | edit source]

Provides 2 points
Your Shot Count is 1 point lower. If it is 0, there is a 1 in 2 chance that you will not be able to act this round.

Material Perks[edit | edit source]

Resources[edit | edit source]

Costs 1 point per Resource point.

Resources Cash in pocket Cash per month Resources Cash in Pocket Cash per month
Zero 25 cents $10 11 $100k $3M
1 $1 $30 12 $300k $10M
2 $3 $100 13 $1M $30M
3 $10 $300 14 $3M $100M
4 $30 $1k 15 $10M $300M
5 $100 $3k 16 $30M $1B
6 $300 $10k 17 $100M $3B
7 $1k $30k 18 $300M $10B
8 $3k $100k 19 $1B $30B
9 $10k $300k 20 $3B $100B
10 $30k $1M 21 $10B $300B

Cash per month modifiers[edit | edit source]

  • +3 Total income per year
  • +2 Slow liquidation. One time sum.
  • +1 Liquidation. One time sum.
  • +1 Total Income per month
  • +0 Executive Auction. One time sum.
  • -1 Per week
  • -1 What your Henchman has per month (1)
  • -2 What your Lieutenants have per month (3)
  • -3 What your Sergeants have per month (10)
  • -4 What your minions have per month (30)

Social Perks[edit | edit source]

Social Capital/Recognition[edit | edit source]

1 point per level. Provides a pool of points used for Favors and Contacts. Also provides a way of making things happen.

Position of Power[edit | edit source]

0-60 points.

Contact Perks[edit | edit source]

Contact[edit | edit source]

1 point. Standard Contact.

Buddy[edit | edit source]

2 points. Positive Contact.

Friend[edit | edit source]

4 points.

Contact Network[edit | edit source]

4 points. You always have a Standard Contact available.

Buddy Network[edit | edit source]

8 points. You always have a Buddy available.

Powerful Contact[edit | edit source]

2 points, 4 points. Often a Corp or Tribe member. May be combined with any other contact.

Gang[edit | edit source]

2 points. You may call in gang members equal to [a chosen skill/5] that represents the clan with a Luck point or a Skill roll (and a favor).

Clan[edit | edit source]

4 points. You always have [chosen skill/5] members present, and may call in clan members equal to [a chosen skill] that represents the clan with a Luck point or a Skill roll (and a favor).

House[edit | edit source]

8 points. You always have [chosen skill] members present, and may call in house members equal to [a chosen skill] times 5 that represents the house with a Luck point or a Skill roll (and a favor).

Mentor[edit | edit source]

1 point per 50 points of Mentor.

  • 1 point(50, Max 14): The Local Police Commish.
  • 2 points(100, Max 17): Special Forces Instructor at Fort Bragg
  • 3 points(150, Max 19): Ninja master Kuroi, best of them all.
  • 4 points(200, Max 21): The Demon Lord Azogh, beholden to none.
  • 5 points(250, Max 22): Councillor of Pi Tui, the Ice Queen of the Netherworld.

Supporting Characters[edit | edit source]

All these do not gain xp but may be enhanced with xp, that provide 50 points/xp.

Henchman[edit | edit source]

6 points.Built with 30 points.

Lieutenant[edit | edit source]

3 points. Built with 15 points.

Sergeant[edit | edit source]

1 point. Built with 5 points.

Minion[edit | edit source]

2 points for 5. All built on the same template with 2 points.

Sidekick[edit | edit source]

2 points. Built with 10p.

Nemesis[edit | edit source]

Provides 1p per 10p in the Nemesis. The Nemesis is always out to defeat you, not necessarily kill.

Friend[edit | edit source]

Hero Flaws[edit | edit source]

Provide 1 point. As per the Hero System.

Berserk[edit | edit source]

Circumstances Points
Uncommon 5
Common 10
Very Common 15
Chance Points
-3 or worse +5
1 or worse +10
5 or worse +15

Distinctive features[edit | edit source]

You are easy to find in any crowd.

Hunted[edit | edit source]

Some person or organisation wants you captured.

Wanted[edit | edit source]

The justice system wants you found and apprehended.

Code of Honour[edit | edit source]

You live according to a strict set of ideals or rules.

Debt[edit | edit source]

You owe some person or organisation a huge amount of cash.

Obligation[edit | edit source]

You owe your fealty or allegiance to some person or organisation.

Enemy[edit | edit source]

Some person or organisation wants you to fail at every turn.

Nemesis[edit | edit source]

Some person or organisation wants you to fail at every turn.

Secret[edit | edit source]

You have a secret that you do not want revealed.

Social Stigma[edit | edit source]

You are a member of a social group that have a social stigma attached.

Mental Affliction[edit | edit source]

You have a mental problem that pops up from time to time. (Willpower/Focus Diff 20 on all Snake Eyes)