Action!/Schtick/Fu/Jagan Staff

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Jagan Staff[edit | edit source]

Staffs only

Jagan Earth[edit | edit source]

Whirlwind Style, Strength 12, Agility 14, Focus 13
Jagan Earth Attack: You may make 2 Attacks or an Attack and a Jagan Earth Defense, with +5 Damage.
Jagan Earth Defense: Active Defense with +Agility Defense and Soak.

Jagan Water[edit | edit source]

Jagan Earth, Strength 13, Agility 14, Focus 13
Jagan Water Stance: Gain the following abilities:
Passive: Gain +Focus Initiative and AV on Jagan Earth Attacks. All Jagan Earth Attacks also inflict -1/2 EV 1 Sequence, and a Knockdown on hit.

Jagan Air[edit | edit source]

Jagan Water, Strength 13, Agility 14, Focus 14
Jagan Air Stance: Gain the following abilities:
Passive: Gain +Focus Move, Defense and 3 levels of Damage. Ignore all Action penalties while this Stance is active.

Jagan Fire[edit | edit source]

Jagan Water, Strength 14, Agility 14, Focus 14
Focus, Stance: Gain all the following abilities:
Passive: Gain +d10 AV on all Jagaan Earth Attacks and Jagan Earth Defenses. You may use this Stance and one of Air or Water Stance simultaneously, switching between them with an Action.

Jagan Arcanum[edit | edit source]

Power 15, Focus 15
Focus, Stance: Gain all of the following abilities:
Passive: Staff Attacks gain +8 Magic Damage.
Passive: Gain a Power when you inflict a Wound with an Attack. 3
Passive: Gain up to Power Shock Points when you inflict up to Power Shock Points. 3
Passive: Gain a positive die to all Attacks. 10
Passive: Gain a positive die to all Damage. Damage type turns into pure Magic Damage. 6

Jagan Mors[edit | edit source]

Power 15, Focus 15
Focus, Stance: Gain all of the following abilities:
Extra Pool Drain, Death effects, Weakness.

Jagan Animus[edit | edit source]

Power 15, Focus 15
Focus, Stance: Gain all of the following abilities:
Area of Effect. Glare. Overdrive.

Jagan Vitas[edit | edit source]

Power 15, Focus 15
Focus, Stance: Gain all of the following abilities:
Healing. Initiative. Movement.

Jagan Daemon[edit | edit source]

Power 15, Focus 15
Focus, Stance: Gain all of the following abilities:
Fire Burn Damage. Impairment. Mind Control/Confusion.

Jagan Tenebris[edit | edit source]

Power 15, Focus 15
Focus, Stance: Gain all of the following abilities:
Darkness. Tentacles. Silence.

Jagan Lux[edit | edit source]

Power 15, Focus 15
Focus, Stance: Gain all of the following abilities:
Sun. Awareness Presence.