Knacks (Earthdawn!)

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Adept's Best Friend[edit | edit source]

Scout 5, Tracking Adept
Continuous Strain 2: Use Survival+Focus / Willpower+Soul of target animal that belongs to an Adept. Must be touching Adept. May be used in reverse, finding the Adept, for 1 more Strain.

Air Legs[edit | edit source]

Air Sailor 3, Air Captain Adept
Strain 2: Use Air Captain+Focus to resist Wounds aboard Airships or Use Air Captain as Stunt aboard Airships.

Air Mount[edit | edit source]

Cavalryman 11, Spirit Mount
Strain +2 / round
Spirit Mount can now fly (same Move).

Air Whisper[edit | edit source]

Elementalist 6, Air Speaking
Action, Strain 1/round: Sorcery+Charisma / 15. May Air Speak to any target in range. The range for this talent knack is the Air Speaking EV x 3 yards;

Arcane Curses[edit | edit source]

Wizard 6, Arcane Mutterings
Strain 3
The Arcane Curses knack enhances the effect of the Arcane Mutterings talent. Action, Focus: Willpower+Focus/Willpower+Empathy. If the EV is 5 or higher, target takes no action as long as no one takes hostile action against them. Arcane Mutterings lasts Circle rounds. During this time, the Adept must continually "mutter" or else the effect ends. While suffering from the effects of Arcane Mutterings, the characters are disheartened, which makes them easier to affect using other social talents. Add the Adept's Circle to any attempt to Interact with the targets. Arcane Mutterings has no effect when used against targets engaged in combat.
If you get EV 10 on the Action, this knack imposes -2 impairment for Circle rounds. This effect continues even after the Adept stops mumbling.

Armor Beater[edit | edit source]

Sky Raider 7, Swordmaster 6, Warrior 5, Martial Arts Adept
Strain 3
-5 Armor with armed Martial Arts Attack.

Arrow Cutting[edit | edit source]

Swordmaster 9, Riposte
Strain +3
You may deflect Missiles with Riposte. Defense, Focus, Strain 5:[Martial Arts+3] / Ranged Attack. Only deflect.

Arrow Stop[edit | edit source]

Archer 5, Archery Adept
Attack, Strain 2:If Adept hits with at least 5 Outcome, Arrow Stop allows for Intimidation with AV-5, doing 1 Shock point of Damage.

Assault[edit | edit source]

Air Sailor 7, Air Captain Adept
Air Captain Action, Strain 4: The Adept gains a +2 AV modifier as he maneuvers his vessel, or fires his cannons.

Astral Spy[edit | edit source]

Nethermancer 7, Orbiting Spy
Strain 1 + Strain 1 per Action with Spy
Make Orbiting Spy astral, invisible.

Astral Tracking[edit | edit source]

Scout 9, Tracking Adept
Strain 1 + Strain 1 per Action with Spy
Make Orbiting Spy astral, invisible.

Avoid Spell[edit | edit source]

Thief 11, Warrior 11, Avoid Blow
Strain 2
May use Avoid Blow on any spell.

Backbiter[edit | edit source]

Archer 5, Bank Shot
Strain +2
Ignore Shield bonuses.

Boarding Action[edit | edit source]

Sky Raider 8, Air Captain Adept
Air Captain Action, Strain 4: The Adept gains a +2 AV modifier as he maneuvers his vessel.

Cat's Skill[edit | edit source]

Beastmaster 7, Cat's Paw
Strain 2: Add Circle to jumping, climbing or balancing with Stunt. Strain 0: You take no damage from falls up to Circle meters.

Claw Riposte[edit | edit source]

Swordmaster 7, Riposte
Strain 1
May Riposte unarmed attacks.

Body Armor[edit | edit source]

Purifier 6, Body Control
Constant Strain [Circle]: Change Body Control from Damage to Armor.

Bounce[edit | edit source]

Warrior 7, Avoid Blow
Strain 2, Focus: Lower falling distance by Circle.

By the Fingernails[edit | edit source]

Scout 5, Stunt Adept
Strain 2: Reroll a failed Stunt roll. May only be used once per Stunt attempt.

Claw Tool[edit | edit source]

Archer 3, Flame Arrow
Constant Strain 2
+2 Stunt for climbing. May use claws as tools for Arts, Tech, Intrusion with +2.

Covet Item[edit | edit source]

Thief 5, Crime Adept
Strain 2: Add a +d10 (of Luck or Focus type) to a Crime roll to fence items.

Create Mechanical Trap[edit | edit source]

Thief 7, Intrusion Adept
Strain 2: Recall and build previously seen Mechanical Trap with Intrusion.

Creature Remains[edit | edit source]

Beastmaster 5, Scout 5, Creature Analysis
You can use Creature Analysis on remains from a creature with -5 EV.

Deathsight[edit | edit source]

Nethermancer 9, Lifesight
Strain +2
See undead and Horror spawn with Lifesight.

Defuse Mob[edit | edit source]

Troubadour 8, Incite Mob
Strain 2: Defuse a mob using the same rules as Incite Mob.

Diagnose[edit | edit source]

Wizard 5, Astral Sight
Strain 2: Occult+Soul vs Spell Defense of target to diagnose injuries, diseases, poisons, illnesses or other afflictions of subject.

Disassociate[edit | edit source]

Troubadour 9, Empathic Sense
Action, Strain 2: Occult+Charisma/Spell Defense+Soul. Outcome 5 allows the Adept to change the attitude of the target to neutral, lessen Wound penalties by 1 or gain a Social positive d10 against the target.

Epic[edit | edit source]

Troubadour 5, Emotion Song
Strain 1: Increase the Emotion Song duration to 1 hour, and you may reuse the knack until you fail. At the end of all Emotion Songs enhanced by this Knack, choose the best result. May be used with Telling the Tale.

Explosive Flame Arrow[edit | edit source]

Archer 7, Flame Arrow
Strain +4
If the Flame Arrow hits the primary target, it explodes, doing Perception+[Weapon]+Circle+3 damage to all within Circle yards, and normal damage to the primary target.

Extend Range[edit | edit source]

Archer 8, Eagle Eye
Focus, Strain 5: Roll Adept Powers+Soul vs Willpower+Soul. Success allows the Adept to ignore any range modifier penalties that would normally apply. Each use of the Eagle Eye talent with the Extend Range knack lasts a number of Sequences equal to the Adept's Circle. Any Attack during Eagle Eye with the Extend Range knack has line of sight range.

Faulty Bowyer[edit | edit source]

Weaponsmith 7, Warp Missile
2 Strain, Warp Missile Action: At EV 10, weapon damage is permanently reduced by 3. At EV 20 weapon is permanently damaged beyond use, but may be repaired. Repair attempts take 1 day, with a Difficulty equal to the result of the Warp Missile Action.

Fire Arrow[edit | edit source]

Archer 3, Flame Arrow
Focus, Strain 1: Arrow head bursts into flame, doing +2 extra Damage.

Flaming Wounds[edit | edit source]

Sky Raider 7, Fire Blood
Action, Strain 3 after Action: Add Circle to your Fire Blood Action EV if you perform the Action the same Sequence as receiving a Wound.

Flourish[edit | edit source]

Swordmaster 7, Martial Arts Adept
Action, Strain 1: Martial Arts+Charisma/Martial Arts+Empathy. Flashy display of swordsmanship causes 1 + EV/5 points of impairment 1 sequence to target. Anyone attacking the target also gain the same AV bonus as the impairment.

Flying Kick[edit | edit source]

Sky Raider 5, Great Leap
Great Leap Move, Unarmed Attack Action, Strain 2: The Adept makes a Great Leap. This counts as an Active Defense with Stunt. After landing, the Adept makes an Unarmed Attack that does Strength+5 Damage.

Gaping Wound[edit | edit source]

Illusionist 6, Nethermancer 7, Sorcery Adept
Strain 2
If target takes a Wound, the Adept may immediately use Intimidation as a Free Action.

Glint[edit | edit source]

Sky Raider 6, Steely Stare
Action, Strain 2: Intimidation+Charisma/Intimidation+Empathy. Success forces the target to not use Spirit-based Effects and not take any Actions against the Adept for EV Sequences, unless the Adept attacks the target.

Halt Disease[edit | edit source]

Elementalist 5, Cold Purify
Strain +2
Allows the Elementalist to stop diseases and poisons with AV-5.

Heal Others[edit | edit source]

Ëlementalist 5, Fire Heal
Strain +Focus/3
Supplies 3 Focus per Outcome, only usable for Healing Talents, to others, with AV-5.

Invisible Mark[edit | edit source]

Archer 5, Mystic Aim
Strain +2
The Invisible Mark knack allows an Adept to create a mark that can only be seen by an Adept using astral-detection abilities.

Remove Curse[edit | edit source]

Weaponsmith 11, Abate Curse
Action, Strain 3: Adept Powers+Focus/10+Weapon Rank x 5. Outcome 10 allows the Adept to remove a curse permanently from an item. Less Outcome still curse to abate EV Hours.

Sense Curse[edit | edit source]

Weaponsmith 7, Abate Curse
You may try and sense a curse on an item.
Action, Strain 3: Adept Powers+Focus/10+Weapon Rank x 5. Outcome 5 allows the Adept to sense if and what curse is on a weapon or item.

Shadow Hide[edit | edit source]

Scout 5, Thief 3, Silent Walk
Strain 2
You may become almost invisible in shadows or other visual obstructions. As long as you don't Move, you receive a +Circle Sneak bonus.

Songs of Inspiration[edit | edit source]

Troubadour 5, Emotion Song
Enhances party's abilities. Action, Strain X /round : Perform+Social / highest Willpower+Focus of party (with multi-Action penalties). Success raises any Attribute, Damage or Initiative by X, where X is Strain taken per round (must be set when the song is sung).

Spell Riposte[edit | edit source]

Swordmaster 11, Riposte
Strain +4
You may reflect spells with Riposte. Defense, Focus, Strain 6:[Martial Arts+3] / Sorcery Attack. Sends the spell back to the caster, doing the target's Damage+your Outcome.

Spirit Flame[edit | edit source]

Archer 5, Flame Arrow
Strain +2
Attack: If the Archer gets Outcome 5, the damage is resisted only by Power+Armor vs Spells.

Swordcrash[edit | edit source]

Swordmaster 6, Martial Arts Adept
Strain 2
Attack, Outcome 5: The sword crashes and gives the Adept time for a Free Interaction attempt. This may include Talent use.

Water Mount[edit | edit source]

Cavalryman 9, Spirit Mount
Strain +1 / round
Spirit Mount can now move across a surface of water (same Move).

Weapon Scream[edit | edit source]

Sky Raider 6, Martial Arts Adept
Strain 2
Attack, Outcome 10: The weapon howls, creating a Free Action Battle Shout against the target.