L5R/Guns of the Burning Sands/Background

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The Story So Far[edit | edit source]

In the 19th year of The Long Peace of Hantei XXXVIII, the Mantis Clan, led by Yoritomo, wishes to be raised to the status of a Great Clan, and propose the amendment of the laws against polvora. A diplomatic expedition led by the right honorable Miya Goro is sent out to investigate claims and negotiate with the Mantis.

The players are a group gathered from the different families as assistents to Miya Goro. After thwarting a few attempts on Miya Goro's life, they become his trusted caretakers, and allowed to accompany his son Miya Daigoro, a brash and ambitious man.

The Accidents and the Mistrust[edit | edit source]

Accidents that almost kill people and the long boredom that leads to inter-crew squabbles. With katanas.

The Mantis Islands[edit | edit source]

The expedition learns that the Yoritomo have opened a new trade route far the south, having been contacted by new gaijin from faraway western lands called Fe-yah. The Clan has acquired new very small teppo, and great cannons to mount on ships and island forts. They have also perfected the ancient teppo designs that were left behind after The Battle of the White Stag, in 742. All this and more is shown by the son of Yoritomo, Aramasu at the Mantis stronghold of Kyuden XXXX.

The fleet also departs for the southernmost jewel of the Mantis, Kyuden Karakiri, to stock up on supplies for the long journey south and meet the Mantis ambassador.

The Inquisitive Merchant[edit | edit source]

A merchant makes the rounds, asking for support for some shady business. Only the somewhat honorable Ikoma Sanako deigns to converse with him at all.

The Criminal Masterminds[edit | edit source]

Some people in Kyuden Karakiri think it's a good idea to attack foreign dignitaries. A pushed-over house and a left foot later and things are rectified. Hiruma Senkei gets to know the local Yoritomo Knife Master Chef and the Oyabun of the island who actually acts rather honorably.

The Ninja Attack[edit | edit source]

With poison and honorless ambush the ninja try to kill the honorable Miya Goro and the honorable Shosuro Jado gloriously defends his commander.

Journey to the South[edit | edit source]

The expedition continues south to ascertain if what the Mantis Clan claims is true, and meet with the foreign traders.

The Storm[edit | edit source]

A magical storm shows up from nowhere and tries to destroy the fleet. During the storm, the two twins have problems of their own.

The Zombie Ship[edit | edit source]

A gaijin ship manned by zombies and a gaijin maho-yokai attack the fleet, that is severely damaged from the previous storm. The zombies try to drag people into the water, where scores of hungry demons () are waiting for their chance to eat some souls. Miya Daigoro falls into the water, is severely damaged by the demons, and rescued by the quick thinking of Hiruma Senkei, and his most honorable companion Yoritomo Eriko. He jumps into the water to save Daigoro, and she throws him a rope, so that they can both be hauled up by (among others) the most honorable monk Yiro.

The Old Oni Temple Cellar[edit | edit source]

When the expedition arrives at the southernmost isles of the Mantis domain, only the flagship remains, and many expedition members are dead or bearing scars, physical or spiritual, from their journey.

The Southern Connection[edit | edit source]

At the idyllic South Seas village, the gaijin arrive and turn out to be as dishonorable as they are arrogant, although some show merit. As the negotiations are concluded, and the village rejoices, two groups of mysterious ninja do desperate battle on the island. When the morning comes, no ninja are visible and some of the gaijin are missing.

The expedition now sets course for home, to answer the question if Mantis should be made a Great Clan, and fire-powder be allowed on the high seas, or even in conflicts on Rokugani soil? The answers are up to Miya Goro, but he has become very open to suggestions from his assistants after the conflict with the ninja, as he feels he is missing a piece of the puzzle to solve this mystery. And who are the mysterious Kolat?