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Armor[edit | edit source]

  • External
  • Progression 5 (Schticks)

Each level of Armor gives the mecha 27 extra points of Armor against Attacks (or 3 if hit locations are not used). These must be spread out over all hit locations.
Other Progressions

  • Burnout:Lower Progression by 1-3. Armor works 4-X sequences. One-shot burn.
  • Overload: Lower Progression by 1. Armor stops working when it takes a hit with EV equal to Schticks * 5 points.
  • Ablative: Lower Progression by X. Armor ablates X points per hit.
  • Regenerative: Lower Progression by 1. Armor ablates at a rate of 2 points per hit, and regenerates at a rate of 1 point per sequence.
  • Shield: Lower Progression by 1. Shields only protect when defending actively. This armor is bypassed by Eagle Eye as if it was 5 points of armor, regardless of the amount of armor. Shields are always bypassed first by Eagle Eye. 1 point of Strength is needed per point of Armor in the shield. To raise Strength specifically in the shield-carrying capacity, pay 1 point per 4 Strength raised up to 20 (Progression 5, per 4 Strength).
  • Selective Armor: Lower Progression by 1. The armor only stops certain kinds of attacks. Choose one of Kinetic, Energy, Close Combat or Guns Damage.
  • Enhanced Armor: Raise Progression by 1. The armor counts as +36(4)/level against certain kinds of attacks. Choose one of Kinetic, Energy, Close Combat or Guns Damage. If you choose this option twice, the bonus is +45(5)/level.