Mecha Patrol!

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Premise[edit | edit source]

The Mecha Patrol! campaign is set in a futuristic 70's universe, where Earth has expanded out into the stars and colonized the closest stars. Further colonization is limited by the stardrive technology used, but the human spirit is yet unbroken. At the same time, the colonies are beginning to feel the burden of having to support the lifestyle of Earth's ever-expanding population. Many on Earth have also begun to take an active stand on colonial rights, further dividing the population of Earth into several camps. The United Nations of Earth are slowly becoming United Earth, as the colonies see the UNEDF, United Nations of Earth Defense Force, as their primary enemy.

The Galaxy[edit | edit source]

The galaxy is chock-full of alien races, of which about 90% look like humans, and most of the rest are too weird to understand. Consensus is that the galaxy was seeded by an ancient race for an unknown purpose.

The Characters[edit | edit source]

Players will take the roles of military special forces, as a unit of the United Nations of Earth Defense Force, acting as Planetary Defense Force of {yet to be disclosed planet}. They will be required to travel far and wide, fight hideous aliens and giant monsters on distant planets, and socialize with both barb... natives and celebrities from Earth. National and colonial military forces will also be common adversaries.
The characters will be built as normal heroes using the Action! system on this site. They will receive a commission as mecha sergeants , and may spend any 10 points to start as lieutenants. The Unit will also have 1 Resource/pilot available to the CO.