Purifier Talents (Earthdawn!)
1st Circle[edit | edit source]
Astral Sight[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Occult): Nethermancer, Wizard.
Strain 1: Occult+Soul vs Spell Defense of target to see magic items, creatures and destiny.
Battle Shout[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Intimidate): Sky Raider.
The Battle Shout talent allows an Adept to intimidate foes.
Attack, Strain 1: You may Intimidate (Intimidate+Charisma/Intimidation+Empathy) any and all opponents as part of your Attack, with normal multi-action penalties. A successful Intimidation causes Circle points of Impairment for 1 Sequence.
Body Control[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Unarmed Damage): Purifier.
The Body Control talent allows an Adept to harden his hands when making an unarmed attacks.
Strain 1: Add Circle Damage to next unarmed Attack this sequence.
Karma Ritual[edit | edit source]
All Disciplines have a Karma Ritual (see descriptions of individual Disciplines). Each ritual takes 30 minutes to perform, and can only be performed once per day.
Action (Special): Regain Circle Soul points.
(Skill or Attribute) Adept[edit | edit source]
All Disciplines have some things they are better at than other Disciplines. This Talent reflects that. You may spend a Focus point to gain a +d10 on the indicated Skill or Attribute.
Wound Balance[edit | edit source]
Resist Knockout: Add Circle to a Resist Knockout (Willpower+Focus) roll.
Passive: Ignore Circle points of Wound Penalty.
2nd Circle[edit | edit source]
Creature Analysis[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Adept Powers): Beastmaster.
The Creature Analysis talent allows a character to use scholarship and divination magic to gain information about a creature he is observing.
Action, Strain 1: Roll Adept Powers+Soul/Occult+Soul of the creature. He may ask the gamemaster one specific question about the creature, plus one per 5 EV. For the purposes of this talent, the player can ask a specific question that would reveal one of the creature's game statistics or abilities. The gamemaster should, however, cheerfully disallow questions comparing more than one statistic, such as "Is this beast tougher than I am?" or "Which is higher, its Action or Occult?".
Durability[edit | edit source]
Passive: You gain Shock points per the table below and +1 Wound Threshold per 10 points invested into Durability. You may invest [Circle x 10] points into Durability.
Class | Shock point Rate |
Warrior, Outcast Warrior | 1/1 |
Sky Raider | 2/3 |
Beastmaster,Cavalryman,Swordmaster, Liberator | 1/2 |
Air Sailor, Archer, Boatman, Troubadour, Weaponsmith, Purifier, Scout, Traveled Scholar | 1/3 |
Thief | 1/4 |
Elementalist, Illusionist, Nethermancer, Wizard | 1/5 |
Fireblood[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Adept Powers): Sky Raider.
Fireblood makes the blood oozing from an Adept's scratches, cuts, and wounds bubble and hiss; during the Sequence in which Fireblood is used, the blood steams, cleaning and partially healing the Adept's damage.
Focus, Action: Adept Powers+Toughness/0. Regain EV Shock points, Regain EV/5 Wounds.
3rd Circle[edit | edit source]
Elemental Tongues[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Social): Elementalist.
The Elemental Tongues talent allows a character to speak the languages of air, earth, fire, and water--the four elemental tongues. Characters cannot communicate with wood or plant elementals using this talent, because it requires a special spell to unravel their peculiar tongue.
Passive: You gain +Circle on Interaction against Elementals and 15 free points on bound elementals.
Swift Kick[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Initiative): Outcast Warrior, Warrior.
The Swift Kick talent grants the Adept an extra attack if his Initiative comes before that of his opponent.
Attack, Strain 1, High Initiative: the Adept may make a Swift Kick attack in addition to his normal Attack.
4th Circle[edit | edit source]
(Skill or Attribute) Adept[edit | edit source]
All Disciplines have some things they are better at than other Disciplines. This Talent reflects that. You may spend a Focus point to gain a +d10 on the indicated Skill or Attribute.
Wood Skin[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Adept Powers): Warrior.
The Wood Skin talent increases an Adept's resistance to physical damage by causing the Adept's skin, and portions of the muscles and ligaments, to become tougher. When using this talent, the Adept's skin takes on the appearance of wood or bark. A variant called Clay Skin exists for Purifiers.
Focus, Action, once per day: Adept Powers+Toughness/0. +EV Shock Points, +EV/5 Wound Threshold.
Thread Weaving[edit | edit source]
Adepts use the Thread Weaving talent to create and weave magical threads. An Adept can only have a number of threads active equal to his Circle. For example, a Circle 3 Adept with Thread Weaving could have 3 threads active at once.
Passive: You may weave up to Circle threads to any object or True Pattern. This provides +1 EV or +1 Pool point to any Attribute or Proficiency, +2 to anything lessened or +3 to any specific circumstance.
- +1 Archery, Elementalism, Sneak EV
- +2 Archery, Elemtalism, Intimidate EV vs Horrors and Horror spawn.
- +3 Archery EV only to compensate for difficulty modifiers.
- +3 Elementalism only on Fire Blast vs Horrors.
- +3 Defensive Intimidate vs Horrors.
Thread Weaving (Group)[edit | edit source]
Requires: Thread Weaving (any).
Adept parties use the Thread Weaving (Group) talent to create and weave magical threads to a Group Pattern. An Adept can have a number of threads active equal to the least of his Circle or members of the Group Pattern. For example, a Circle 3 Adept and 5 Group members with Thread Weaving could have 3 threads active at once.
Passive: You may weave up to Circle threads to the Group. This provides +1 EV or +1 Pool point to any Attribute or Proficiency, +2 to anything lessened or +3 to any specific circumstance.
- +1 Archery EV
- +2 Archery EV vs Horrors and Horror spawn.
- +3 Archery EV only to compensate for difficulty modifiers.
5th Circle[edit | edit source]
Focused Strike[edit | edit source]
Strain 2: May add Focus to an Unarmed Attack's Damage. May only use this once per sequence.
Battle Bellow[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Intimidate): Purifier, Sky Raider.
The Battle Bellow talent allows an Adept to intimidate foes.
Attack, Strain 1: You may Intimidate (Intimidate+Charisma/Intimidation+Empathy) any and all opponents as part of your Attack, with normal multi-action penalties. A successful Intimidation causes Circle points of Impairment for 1 Sequence.
If the Adept gains 5 EV on his Intimidation, he provides +Circle AV to all friendly Battle Shouts within [ Circle x 10 ] meters.
Riposte[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Martial Arts Defense): Swordmaster.
The Riposte talent allows an Adept to turn an attack back on his attacker.If the Riposte result is higher than the Attack's result, the attacked Adept avoids the blow, then immediately attacks using his result as an Attack Value.
Strain 2, Focus, Defense: [Martial Arts+3] / Martial Arts. If the Riposte result is higher than the Attack's result, the attacked Adept avoids the blow, then immediately attacks using his result as an Action Value. Otherwise, the Adept is hit as normal.
6th Circle[edit | edit source]
Physical Defense[edit | edit source]
Passive: The Adept gains +1 Defense versus any Attack. This stacks with any Active Defenses.
Life Check[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Adept Powers): Purifier, Warrior.
The Life Check talent gives the Adept a chance to save himself from death.
Special, Focus: When the Adept falls down dying from Wounds, roll Adept Powers+Toughness/Difficulty 0. EV heals Shock points, EV/5 heals Wounds.
Unshakable Earth[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Toughness): Elementalist, Purifier.
The Unshakable Earth talent makes a character more resistant to knockdown by allowing him to attach himself to the ground, actually blending with parts of the earth. The Unshakable Earth talent can only be used on natural ground, earthen, or stone surfaces. A character may not move from the spot where he stands in the same round in which he uses the Unshakable Earth talent.
Strain 1: Add Circle to Wound Threshold during an Attack.
7th Circle[edit | edit source]
Increase Recovery[edit | edit source]
Cost: Free.
The Adept gains Circle Focus points, only usable on healing talents. These reset at sunrise.
Earth Skin[edit | edit source]
The Earth Skin talent makes an Adept much more resistant to damage. The Adept can only use this talent once per day, and must have the Wood Skin talent in order to use Earth Skin. The Adept must use the Wood Skin talent on the same day he uses Earth Skin. Earth Skin lasts for a full 24 hours, until Wood Skin wears off or until the Adept ends the effect. Action, Strain 1: Add Circle to your Wound Threshold, Wounds and Defense against Occult.
Second Attack[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Martial Arts): Swordmaster.
The Second Attack talent allows an Adept to attack twice with the same weapon in the same Action. You may not use any other Talent to gain more Attacks per Attack Action.
Focus, Strain 1: You may make 2 Attacks per Attack Action while fulfilling the criteria of this Talent.
8th Circle[edit | edit source]
Increase Recovery[edit | edit source]
Cost: Free.
The Adept gains Circle Focus points, only usable on healing talents. These reset at sunrise.
Crushing Blow[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Melee Weapon Damage): Purifier, Sky Raider.
The Crushing Blow talent is a fearsome attack used to inflict maximum damage.
Attack, Focus, Battle Shout: Add Circle to the damage of the Attack. If the Battle Shout against the target of the Attack succeeds, add +3 to Damage of the Attack, for a total bonus of Circle+3 Damage.
Lion Heart[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Defense vs Fear or Intimidation): Beastmaster.
Passive: You gain +Circle to any Defense vs Fear or Intimidation.
9th Circle[edit | edit source]
(Skill or Attribute) Adept[edit | edit source]
All Disciplines have some things they are better at than other Disciplines. This Talent reflects that. You may spend a Focus point to gain a +d10 on the indicated Skill or Attribute.
Bestial Toughness[edit | edit source]
Focus: Adept Powers+Toughness/0. Add Circle to Wound Threshold EV rounds.
Steel Thought[edit | edit source]
Passive: +Circle Defense versus Spells.
Tiger Spring[edit | edit source]
The Tiger Spring talent allows an Adept to react more quickly than normal in combat situations.
Strain 1: Add your Circle to your Initiative. May be used with other talents that increase Initiative, such as Air Dance.
10th Circle[edit | edit source]
Increase Initiative[edit | edit source]
Passive: Raise the Adept's Initiative and Shot Pool by 1.
Body Blade[edit | edit source]
Discipline use (Body Blade Attack Damage): Purifier, Warrior.
The Body Blade talent change's one of the Adept's limbs in a way that permits its use as a weapon.
Focus, Strain 1, Unarmed Attack: Adept counts as wielding a weapon and as being unarmed. Add Circle to the Damage of the Attack.