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Ramachandra is the leader of the province Hemachandra. He is a Courtier with some Noble and Monk education. He is wellknown for his skill in Diplomacy and wide knowledge in many areas. Information about almost anything seem to pass by him in some way or another.
His opinion is that the house of Ramalinga is in great need of cooperation of the province leaders, the development of all provinces and good relations with neighbours. Neighbouring strong houses are good allies. Weak houses need leadership and we should exert ourselves to the utmost to be able to provide for them. One step towards excellence is binding houses together in marriage. All provinces in the house need law, order and unquestionable loyalty.
Ramachandras goal is no secret. He wishes to make Ramalinga a properous, powerful and expanding house. If opportunity arrives, he will gladly and willingly lead the house to glory for the Emperor, the empire and the house.
His personal goals include leading house Ramalinga in the future or placing a more worthy leader in power, perhaps a daughter or a son.
Classes & levels Courtier 4. Noble 1. Enlightened Mystic 1.
Excellent skills (10 or more ranks or 20 or more skill) Bluff. Diplomacy. Gather information. Intimidate.
Other prominent skills (5 or more ranks or 15 or more skill) Battle. Craft (Calligraphy). Knowledges (Architecture & Engineering, Local, Nobility & Royalty, Religion, Resarch). Listen. Search. Sense Motive. Spot.
Comment I wove your characters story into my own - see Hazir -- Starfox