Ranged Weapons (Shadowrun!)

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Weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
Streetline Special Per+4x-1 6C 2 13 C
Walter Palm Pistol Per+4x-1 2S 3 15 Special
Colt American L36 Per+6x-1 9C 3 10
Colt American L37 Per+6x-1 11C 3 9
Beretta Model 101T Per+6x-1 12C 3 8
Fichetti 500 Security Per+6x-1 12C 3 12
Fichetti 500a Security Per+6x-1(1) 25C 4 10 DS
Ares Predator Per+9x1 12C 3 7
Ares Predator II Per+9x1 15C 4 8
Browning Max-Power Per+9x1 10C 3 10
Ruger Super Warhawk Per+10x1 6R 3 7
Ares Viper Slivergun Per+9x2 30C 4 10 F, IS
Cavalier Deputy Per+9x1 7R 3 8
Colt Manhunter Per+9x1 16C 3 7
FN 5-7C Per+9x+1 20C 4 7
Machine Pistols
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
Ceska Black Scorpion Per+6x-1 35C 4 10 B, RCS1
Submachine Guns (SMG)
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
FN Uzi III Per+6x1 24C 4 8 FS, LS, RCS1, 3RBO
Ingram Mk. 22 Per+6x1 32C 4 8 FS, ISL, RCS3
Heckler & Koch HK227 Per+7x1 28C 4 7 RS, LS, RCS3
Heckler & Koch HK227S Per+7x1 28C 4 8 RS, LS, IS, AO
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
Defiance Super Shock Per+10*x2 4I 4 8 SO, LLS
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
Ares Thunderer Per+13x-1 10C 1 9 A, B
Franchi SPAS-22 Per+12x1 7I 3 7 A, B
Remington Roomsweeper Per+9Ax2 8I 3 10 F, S, A
Defiance T-250 Per+13x-1 5I 4 8 S, A5
Enfield AS-7 Per+9x-1 35C 4 7 A
Assault Rifles
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
AK-97 Carbine Per+9x1 30C 4 8 FA, FS
AK-97 Per+11x1 38C 4 4 FA
AK-98 Per+11x1 38C 5 3 A
AK-98 Grenade Launcher as Grenade 1I - - VL
FN HAR Per+11x1 35C 4 3 RCS2, ILS, FS
Ares HVAR Per+9x1 50C 5 3 A, S
Sioux M-31a1 AICW Per+10x1 150C 5 - A, RCS3, GL(as AK-98 GL)
Sniper Rifles
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
Ranger Arms SM-3 Per+12x2(3) 35C 5 - SSO, IS, LLS/TS, RCS2
Ranger Arms SM-3CBS Per+12x2(3) 35C 4 - SSO, IS
Hunting Rifles
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
Remington 750 Per+8x2 5I 4 4 SSO, S
Remington 950 Per+10x2 5I 4 3 SSO, S
Machine Guns
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
Ingram Valiant Per+8x1 50C/Belt 5 - RS, RCS3, LS, IS, AO
Ultimax MMG Per+10x1 40C/Belt 5 - AO
Generic MMG Per+10x1 40C/Belt 5 - AO
Heavy Weapons
Name Damage Ammo Cost Conceal Notes
Generic Grenade Launcher as Grenade 5C 0 -1 VL
Vigorous Assault Cannon Per+14Ax1(HE) 20C/Belt 6 - VL(, AS)
Assault Cannon Per+14x1(HE) 20C/Belt 6 - VL(, AS)
RPK HMG Per+12x1 40C/Belt 6 - AO
Generic HMG Per+12x1 40C/Belt 6 - AO
IWS Multi-Launcher as Missile 4M 6 - SSO
Name Damage Ammo Cost
(per 10)
Conceal Notes
GL DHEAT Per+12(10)x-1 10 1 - A5, AP3(, AI)
GL Flechette Per+12Ax-1 10 2 - A, AI
GL Incendiary Per+12Ax-1 10 1 - A, AS
GL Gel Per+15Ax-1 10 1 - SO
GL Shrapnel Per+12Ax-1 10 1 - A, AI
AC DHEAT Per+14x1 10 3 - AP5, AS
AC Gel Per+14x1 10 3 - SO
AC Incendiary Per+14Ax1 10 3 - A, AS, BU
AC Flechette Per+14Ax2 10 4 - A, AI
AC Shrapnel Per+15Ax1 10 3 - A, AI
Missile AP Per+13Ax2 10 6 - AI, Special (2xArea)
Missile AV Per+13x2 10 6 - AP10
Missile HE Per+13x2 10 6 - AS

Ammunition[edit | edit source]

  • C - Clip (Move to reload)
  • I - Internal (Action to reload 3 shots)
  • R - Revolver cylinder (2 Actions to reload)
  • M - Mag (Action to reload)

Notes[edit | edit source]

In Shadowrun Autofire works differently. It does not incur penalties to hit, instead, the Effect multiplier is lowered by 1 per 9 rounds fired. 1 becomes -1. -1 means 1/2, -2 means 1/3, -3 1/4 and so on.

Standards[edit | edit source]

Pistols are SS.
Rifles are SS.
Assault Rifles are SS, B, FA.
SMGs are SS, BF, FA.
Assault Cannons are SS, B, FA.

Codes[edit | edit source]
  • 3RBO - Three-round Burst Only, No Full-Auto
  • A - Area
  • A[X] - Reduce Multiplier by X if Area ammo is used
  • AI - Anti Infantry, does full damage to Infantry in Blast radius
  • AO - Auto Only, Full Auto and Three-round Burst Only
  • AP[X] - Reduce Armor by X.
  • AS - Anti Structure, Increase multiplier against Structures by 1.
  • B - capable of Burst Fire
  • BU - Burning, leaves Damage-5 on area.
  • C - Composite
  • DS - Detachable Stock
  • F - Flechette ammmunition (Increase multiplier by 1)
  • FA - Full Auto
  • FS - Folding Stock
  • IS - Integral Silencer
  • ISL - Integral Smartlink (Increase multiplier by 1)
  • LLS - Low Light Scope (Increase multiplier by 1 on medium and long range)
  • LS - Laser Sight (Increase multiplier by 1 on short and medium range)
  • RCS[X] - Recoil Compensation System [Rating]
  • RS - Retractable Stock
  • S - Scope (Increase multiplier by 1 on medium and long range)
  • SO - Shock Only
  • SSO - Single Shot Only
  • TS - Thermographics Scope (Increase multiplier by 1 on medium and long range)
  • VL - Variable ammunition Load

Adding new weapons from Shadowrun 1st and 2nd edition:

  • Conc x1,5 rounded up: 6=10, 7=12, 8=13, 9=15
  • Damage is +#x(Rating(L=-1, M=1, S=2, D=3, VD=4)
  • Price is NuYen in Rating.
  • Legality same, Availability same.