Sangre y Acero

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Lei Kung Fu.jpg
All Sangre y Acero Style maneuvers have Str 10, Tou 10 requirements. Some have other requirements, as specified on the maneuvers.

Basics[edit | edit source]

Names[edit | edit source]

Estilo Sangre y Acero[edit | edit source]

The Spanish name for this Style.

Ars Cybernetica[edit | edit source]

The formal name of this Style.

Eztlitzli[edit | edit source]

The Aztec name for this Style.

Form Weapons[edit | edit source]

Cybernetic weaponry.

Maneuvers[edit | edit source]

Heart of Thunder (Corazon de Trueno, Pectus Tonitrus)[edit | edit source]

Fist of Steel (Puño de Hierro, Pugnus Ferrus)[edit | edit source]

Machine Man (Hombre Machina, Homini Machina)[edit | edit source]

Prereq: HoT, FoS.

Cybernetica Stance[edit | edit source]

Prereq: MM.

Passion Overdrive[edit | edit source]


Body Hypercharge[edit | edit source]


Machine Soul Victory[edit | edit source]
