Savage Worlds
Savage Worlds[edit | edit source]
Campaigns[edit | edit source]
System Changes[edit | edit source]
Attributes no longer limit Skills. The Wild Die is replaced by an Attribute die. If the Skill die is larger than the Attribute die, the Skill Roll receives -2.
Character Construction[edit | edit source]
Starting Attribute Raises[edit | edit source]
12 starting Raises. No Attribute above d12.
Skill Raises[edit | edit source]
15 starting Raises.
Edges[edit | edit source]
1 Free Novice Edge for humans. You may buy a maximum of 1 Legendary, 3 Heroic, 7 Seasoned and 10 Veteran Edges.
Free Points[edit | edit source]
These may be used to buy Edges and Skills. You have 24 of these.
- Buy an Edge for 2 points
- Buy a new Skill for 1 point
- Raise a Skill for 1 point
Hindrances[edit | edit source]
You must take 1 Major and 2 Minor Hindrances.
New and Changed Attributes[edit | edit source]
Charisma[edit | edit source]
Charisma is now a Primary Attribute, starting at d4.
Parry[edit | edit source]
Is now based on Defense.
Resources[edit | edit source]
This is now a Setting-specific Attribute starting at d4.
New and Changed Skills[edit | edit source]
Athletics[edit | edit source]
Incorporates Swimming, Climbing, doing cool stunts etc etc.
Defense[edit | edit source]
The Defensive skill for Parry and dodging Area Attacks.
Fighting[edit | edit source]
Is now an offensive Skill, and may not be used to Defend with, except with the Defend Action.
Persuasion[edit | edit source]
Now Charismabased.
Profession[edit | edit source]
As Knowledge, but concerns a profession. Examples: Sailor, Baker, Hostess, Servant, Service Personnel.
Streetwise[edit | edit source]
Now Charismabased.
Taunt[edit | edit source]
Now Charismabased.
New and Changed Edges[edit | edit source]
Dodge[edit | edit source]
Characters who attempt to evade area effect attacks may add +1 to their Defense roll.
Improved Dodge[edit | edit source]
Same as above, but +2.
Expanded Dice Progression[edit | edit source]
d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d12+d4, d12+d6, d12+d8, d12+d10, 2d12, 2d12+d4, 2d12+d6, 2d12+d8, 2d12+d10, 3d12, 3d12+d4,...
Changed Edges[edit | edit source]
Attractive[edit | edit source]
Now provides +1 to Charisma, when appropriate.
Very Attractive[edit | edit source]
Now provides +2 to Charisma, when appropriate.
Charismatic[edit | edit source]
Fast Thinking[edit | edit source]
Now provides +2 Defense against Smarts Tests.
Investigator[edit | edit source]
Now has requirement: Smarts d6+, Charisma d6+, Investigation d6+,Streetwise d6+
Jack-of-All-Trades[edit | edit source]
Requirements: Novice, All Attributes d6+ Now provides all Skills at d4.
Leader of Men[edit | edit source]
Leader of Men increases the Attribute die by one step when making group rolls.
Lightning Reflexes[edit | edit source]
Now provides +2 Defense against Agility Tests.
Noble[edit | edit source]
Now provides +1 Charisma instead of +2.
Robust[edit | edit source]
Now provides +2 Defense against Strength Tests.
Stalwart[edit | edit source]
Now provides +2 Defense against Vigor Tests.
Strong Willed[edit | edit source]
Now provides +2 Defense against Spirit Tests.
Witty[edit | edit source]
Now provides +2 Defense against Charisma Tests.
New Edges[edit | edit source]
Crippling Blow[edit | edit source]
Credits: Beyond Reality.
Requirements: Legendary, No Mercy, Killer Instinct, Fighting, Shooting or Throwing at d12
When you hit with a Raise on a Fighting, Shooting or Throwing attack you can force your opponent to suffer a temporary Injury if your attack successfully Wounds them.
Hardy[edit | edit source]
Credits: Beyond Reality, modified by Oscar Ubeda Segmar.
Requirements: Legendary, Vigor d10+, Spirit d8+, Improved Nerves of Steel
You are so tough that only the most serious attacks can inflict lasting injury. You do not receive a Wound when being Shaken while Shaken.
Impossible to Kill[edit | edit source]
Credits: Richard Woolcock
Requirements: Legendary, Harder to Kill
You can no longer be killed, although you can still be beaten, incapacitated, captured, and even dismembered. You no longer suffer permanent injuries, they always go away when all of your wounds have healed.
One Man Army[edit | edit source]
Credits: Beyond Reality.
Requirements: Legendary, Combat Sense, Knowledge (Battle) d10+, Fighting d12+, Weapon Master
Your skill is so incredible that you are literally capable of fighting armies by yourself. When involved in Mass Combat you are treated as an army with 1 token regardless of the number of foes arrayed against you. You use your Fighting skill in place of Knowledge (Battle) and instead of losing Tokens you take Wounds (which can be soaked as normal). You do not need to make Morale rolls.
Ravager[edit | edit source]
Credits: Beyond Reality.
Requirements: Legendary, Strength d12+
No barriers can stand in your way! When attacking objects you do get bonus damage on a Raise and your rolls can Ace.
Warlord[edit | edit source]
Credits: Beyond Reality.
Requirements: Legendary, Command, Inspired, Natural Leader, Smarts d8+, Intimidation d10+, Knowledge (Battle) d12+
Your Command Radius triples in size and when in Mass Combat any bonuses granted to the opposing army are cut in half (rounding down).
Supreme Warlord[edit | edit source]
Credits: Beyond Reality.
Requirements: Legendary, Warlord
You can add your Charisma as a bonus to your troop’s Morale rolls in Mass Combat and if your army would lose Tokens you may “soak” the damage using your Spirit in place of Vigor.
Unstoppable[edit | edit source]
Modded. Credits: Beyond Reality.
Requirements: Legendary, Vigor d12+, Spirit d10+, Hardy, Harder to Kill, Improved Nerves of Steel
Once per round you may make a free Soak roll without spending a Benny. You may spend Bennies to reroll this Soak roll like normal but you cannot spend a Benny to make a second Soak roll against the same damage.
Powerful Attack[edit | edit source]
Credits: Zadmar.
Requirements: Novice, Strength d8
When you get a raise on your Fighting roll, you
may roll Strength instead of a d6
for the bonus damage.
This Edge only applies when using a melee weapon
two-handed. The weapon cannot have Low Raise Die
or No Raise Die.
Improved Powerful Attack[edit | edit source]
Credits: Oscar Ubeda Segmar.
Requirements: Seasoned, Strength d10
When you get a raise on your Fighting roll, you
may roll Strength instead of a d6 for the bonus damage.
If you use a weapon, it cannot have Low Raise Die
or No Raise Die.
Standard Campaign Options[edit | edit source]
Advance points[edit | edit source]
Instead of Advances, you get 2 Advance Points. This is normally combined with the removal of Advances, instead giving out 1-3 AP per session.Notice that this significantly increases the advancement rate of the characters. They also get to change something each session´(or save the AP for an Edge).
Arcane Backgrounds[edit | edit source]
To cast a spell the character with Arcane Background must roll a Skill check - TN 4 plus a modifier for each spell rank above their own:
- Novice 0
- Seasoned +4
- Veteran +8
- Heroic +12
- Legendary +16
This lessens as the character becomes more skillful (IE- A Seasoned user modifiers would look like this: Novice 0; Seasoned +0; Veteran +4; Heroic +8; Legendary +12).
Whether the spell succeeded or not they must make an Attribute check (the Attribute of the AB, TN the same as the spell). On a failure the caster takes 1 level of fatigue and is Shaken.
Snakes eyes (regardless of Wild Die) means the caster takes 1 wound and falls unconscious for 1d6 hours. Success: they suffer one level of fatigue, but are not shaken.
A raise means no adverse affects. Two or more raises means that the character can attempt to cast another spell at the end of the round at a -2 to all rolls (plus any other modifiers).
When choosing spells ignore rank for requirements purposes.
Rank factors into the casting modifier (see above).
By preparing a round, the character gains +2 to the casting roll.
Improved Preparation[edit | edit source]
Requirements - Novice, ability to cast spells
When you prepare a spell you gain +4 to your casting roll.
Lengthy Preparation[edit | edit source]
Requirements - Novice, ability to cast spells
You may prepare an additional round, gaining the preparation bonus twice.
Assensing Master[edit | edit source]
Requirements - Novice, ability to cast spells
When you roll a casting check to gain information about a target while Assensing, you add +2 to your rolls on information gained.
Magical Endurance[edit | edit source]
Requirements - Novice, Casting d6
Gives a Caster a +2 for resisting Drain.
Ritual Caster[edit | edit source]
Requirements - Seasoned, Sorcery d8
When you cast a ritual you receive +2 to your roll.
Spell Focus[edit | edit source]
Requirements - Novice - Arcane Background
Gives caster a +2 to casting a specific spell.
Improved Spell Focus[edit | edit source]
Requirements - Seasoned, Sorcery d6, Spell Focus
Gives caster +4 to casting a specific spell (Same as Spell Focus).
Spell Mastery[edit | edit source]
Requirements - Legendary, Sorcery d12, Improved Spell Focus
Gives caster +6 to casting a specific spell (Same as Spell Focus).
Gives caster +2 to casting all spells.
Spirit Affinity[edit | edit source]
Requirements- Novice- Arcane Background
When the character attempts to summon an Elemental or Spirit they gain +2 to their roll.
My Setting Rules[edit | edit source]
Blood & Guts[edit | edit source]
Characters can spend Bennies on damage rolls! Use this rule when you really want to up the carnage.
Easy Skills[edit | edit source]
Characters can buy new skills during play for 1 point.
Joker’s Wild[edit | edit source]
This is a great rule to add to your game if you’re the kind of Game Master who’s a little stingy in awarding Bennies. It slightly ups the heroics and is a lot of fun for the group. When a player character draws a Joker during combat, he receives his normal +2 bonus to Trait and damage rolls. In addition, all player characters receive a Benny!
Minor Edges[edit | edit source]
There is now a category of Minor Edges. These cost 1 point and provide minor bonuses.
Multiple Languages[edit | edit source]
Some settings feature characters and cultures who typically speak many different languages. If this Setting Rule is in play, your hero knows his cultural or national language plus an additional number of languages equal to half his Smarts die. An elf with a d8 Smarts in a swords & sorcery campaign, for example, knows Elvish and four other languages—perhaps human, dwarven, and two others of her choosing.
Setting Rules - Things to Do in Tenochtitlan When You're Dead[edit | edit source]
Extra Edges[edit | edit source]
All characters start as Seasoned Characters, with 10 extra points to buy Edges. You may buy 2 Seasoned Edges. You may buy 1 Legendary Edge if you wish and the GM concurs.
Free Hindrances[edit | edit source]
All characters get Illiterate and Destitute for free.