Star Tribes!/Sorcery

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General Boost schticks[edit | edit source]

Sorcerous Power[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Add 1 level to Damage of a Damage-dealing Power, or 1 level to the Effect of another Sorcery Schtick. Advancement: Damage/Effect (Progression 1).

Specialist Power[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You gain 2 Power points, only usable with a specific Schtick. Advancement: Progression 5/2 Power Points.

Versatile[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Add 1 Power Effect to a Power, usable with a Power Point.
Advancement: 1p / Power Effect.

Awesome Power[edit | edit source]

5 points
1 Power Effect requires 1 less Power to active.

Overwhelming Power[edit | edit source]

10 points
Passive: Any Power point spent on an effect (not providing an extra positive die) provides an extra positive die. No combination of effects including Overwhelming Power can provide more than two positive dice.

Artifact[edit | edit source]

When you buy Artifact, you may choose one other Schtick that you can only use with Artifact. You may also use any Sorcery Schticks you know with Artifact.

Creating an Artifact takes [Power] hours, that may be lowered by 1 hour per [15-Power] PV on a Sorcery/Power roll. You can also pay 1 Power to instantly create a minor artifact.

You may create minor one-use artifacts that can be used by anyone that replicate an effect of your Sorcery. It takes one Action to use the item in question, and uses your Sorcery, but the user's Power. The user must be holding the artifact in question.

You may also create minor artifacts that use the user's Sorcery and Power. These function a number of times equal to your Power.

You may have up to Power minor Artifacts active at one time.

You may use Artifact to produce high quality Artifacts that last for as long as you dedicate 1 Power to them. These function as minor Artifacts, except that they cannot be created instantly. To create Artifacts that have additional effects, pay X power to add 5X levels to a Schtick Effect, or new Schticks (1 per level).

You may also buy permanent artifacts that only you can use with XP. If someone else pays XP and have your consent, they may buy your artifacts. Creating these artifacts requires downtime, possibly up to [Power cost of artifact] months, depending on the campaign.

Runes[edit | edit source]

A special case of Artifacts, these contain Power Words. You must have the appropriate Power Word, to be able to inscribe it.

Power Effects[edit | edit source]

Supercharge Artifact[edit | edit source]

Cost 5 points
You may spend Power when creating or using an Artifact to gain +d10 AV. You may exchange this for the ability to make high-quality artifacts.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Extra Artifact Schtick[edit | edit source]

1 point
Gain the use of one more Sorcery Schtick with Artifact.

Extra Minor Artifacts[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Progression 2
You may have 3 more minor artifacts active.

Artificing Power[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Progression 5/2 Power points
You have 2 more Power points, only usable with Artificing.

Magic Marvel[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Add a Sorcery Schtick to your repertoire. This schtick may be changed after working with it for 1 hour.

Blast[edit | edit source]

Has its own page here.

Call[edit | edit source]

Choose a an object or entity. You can now summon this at a cost of 1 Power. Range: Power meters. Pay 1p per 5 p of the summoned object or entity. A standard character or a normal item are included in the Schtick.
Action, Power: Call a specific, Named, entity.
Action, Power: Call a group of Unnamed entities.
Action, Power: Call a specific, Named, entity.

Summon[edit | edit source]

Action: Banish a specific type of entities with a Sorcery+Power vs Occult+Soul. Multi-Action penalties apply for multiple targets. 5 EV is required to succeed in banishing the targets.

100 Actions, any amount of Power points: Call a Named entity, or group of Unnamed entities, with a total of Power x 5/2 points. This must be done the first time. 0 points are included in the Schtick, beefier summons must be bought with points (1 point = 5 points summon). Maximum number of entities summoned at once is Power.

Boosters and Flaws[edit | edit source]

Combat Summon[edit | edit source]

Rebate 0
Summon now doesn't cost Power, but only lasts 1 Sequence.

Extra duration[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Progression 5
Lasts 1 extra Sequence.

Power Summon[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Progression 5
You may now pay 1 extra Power point to make two Calls simultaneously.

By the power[edit | edit source]

...of Teschio Grigio!
Rebate 2
It costs an extra Action to perform a Call.

Concentration[edit | edit source]

Rebate 3
Call must be maintained each Sequence with an Action, 2 Shots or Power point.

Chaos[edit | edit source]

Creation[edit | edit source]

You can create geometric forms or items by rolling a Sorcery+Power roll. The neat trick about this schtick is its versatility. They only last a Sequence unless you pay a Power when creating them, though. Your Power sets the weight limit of the Object (And also its Toughness). Items don't have Shockpoints. You get to create items in one material per Creation Schtick.
You get to form one form of shapes at start, with each new cathegory costing a booster schtick. You also get a booster schtick.

Wall[edit | edit source]

Wall may be Sorcery-height meters long (you may roll this if you wish).
Wounds are based on a segment of the wall that is 1 meter x 3 meters x 4 in. (4 in is the standard brick size).

Wooden wall = Toughness 6.
Brick wall = Toughness 16.
Stone wall = Toughness 17.
Force wall = Toughness [Power+5], Fragile. Difficulty [Power + 10]
Fire wall = Damage [Power], no weight. Passable.
Water wall = Immune to Normal Weapons. Cannot be destroyed. Passable.
Wind Wall = Impenetrable for Ranged Weapons, Cannot be destroyed. Easily Passable. Transparent. Difficulty 10
Iron Wall = Toughness 25, 20 Wounds per segment.
Gold Wall = Toughness 17(-10 for very soft material) , 22 Wounds per segment. Difficulty 32

Maximum Difficulty (Base Toughness+10) of a Wall is equal to caster's [Sorcery + Power] + (Caster's [Power]/extra Power point).

Booster Schticks / Flaws[edit | edit source]

Fragile[edit | edit source]

Rebate 2
Destroyed on first Wound. Min Toughness 4.

Weak[edit | edit source]

Rebate 1
Half the normal Number of Wounds.

Cannot be destroyed[edit | edit source]

Requires Passable or Easily Passable. Cannot be destroyed.

Passable[edit | edit source]

Rebate 1
May be passed through as an Action.

Easily Passable[edit | edit source]

Rebate 2
May be passed through as part of a Move.

Soft[edit | edit source]

Rebate 1
Lower Toughness by 10.

Extra Tough[edit | edit source]

Wall gets Toughness +5.

Immune to Normal Weapons[edit | edit source]
Immune to Ranged Combat[edit | edit source]
Immune to Close Combat[edit | edit source]
No Toughness[edit | edit source]
Mobile[edit | edit source]

Creation moves with caster, but cannot move other objects.

Push comes to Shove[edit | edit source]

Requires Mobile. May be used to push other objects with a Strength of [Power].

Transparent[edit | edit source]
Damage[edit | edit source]

Instead of Toughness the Wall does Damage. Must be Passable or Easily Passable.

Disc[edit | edit source]

Sorcery r = sqrt (Sorcery)

Sphere[edit | edit source]

Costs 10 points to learn
Sphere radius = Sorcery
+1 Power = double the radius.
Toughness is halved.

Cylinder[edit | edit source]

Item[edit | edit source]

Armor[edit | edit source]

Weapon[edit | edit source]

Large-Scale Creations[edit | edit source]

For a Power point, you may push the Weight Limit of an item up to Sorcery+Power.

Intricate Creations[edit | edit source]

Defense[edit | edit source]

You now receive a Passive Defense against everything equal to your Sorcery. With a Power point you may add Power to your Toughness as long as you perform an Active Defense with your Defense Schtick.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Magical Training[edit | edit source]

8 points
A point of Power provides an extra d10 Defense against Sorcery attack.

Forcefield[edit | edit source]

1 points
A point of Power provides an extra d10 Defense against any type of attack.

Defense Shield[edit | edit source]

Active Defense, Power: Active Defense is equal to AV + 10. This may be exchanged for the normal Power point Effect.

Mana Shield[edit | edit source]

You may use Power Points as Wounds.

Damage Shield[edit | edit source]

You may cause Power+0 damage to anyone who attacks you in close combat.
Progression: Damage (Progression 5).

Armor Shield[edit | edit source]

Instead of Defense providing Passive Defense against all attacks, you may add your Power to your Toughness. You may switch between the two modes with an Action. You get both at a cost of a Power Point. You still get Passive Defense versus Sorcery.

Invulnerability[edit | edit source]

At the cost of 1 point of Power per Sequence, you lower all incoming Damage values by Sorcery+Power.

Catch[edit | edit source]

Power, successful Active Defense against an Occult: Catch the Occult Effect and dissipate it harmlessly or bounce it in a random direction.

Release[edit | edit source]

Requires Catch
Successful Catch: You may throw or bounce the Catched Effect towards any target with Sorcery+Power vs the original Occult Effect's Defense. This may also cause a Stunt.

Death[edit | edit source]

  • Create Undead minions
  • Summon Dead (Ghosts & Spirits)
  • Create Death (in beings)
  • Create major Undead
  • Summon major Undead
  • Command Undead
  • Restore Undead
  • Create Unhealth
  • Blight
  • Buff Undead
  • Debuff the Living

Divination[edit | edit source]

Divine Location[edit | edit source]

Choose a type of object (sword, person, gold vein, etc) when this schtick is bought.
Action: Get direction or distance to closest chosen thing within [Power] meters.
Power: Get direction and distance to specific, Named or Unnamed thing within Power kilometers.

Boosters[edit | edit source]

Multiples[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Progression 1/Value step
Range is increased by 3,10,30,etc.

Differences[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Find one more thing per search attempt.

Sets[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Gain the ability to find one more type of thing.

Shift Perception[edit | edit source]

You may shift your Perception up to Power meters. You require an Action to move your Perception.

Boosters[edit | edit source]

Medium Range[edit | edit source]

The range is now equal to Power x 100 m.

Long Range[edit | edit source]

Requires Medium Range
The range is now equal to Power x 10 km.

Walk[edit | edit source]

You may now use this Schtick as a Move Action.

Effortless[edit | edit source]

Requires Walk
You may now use this Schtick as a Free Action.

Enhancement[edit | edit source]

Range: Touch
Duration: 1 Sequence (or infinte with Power point) You may enhance one of the following with a Sorcery roll Difficulty 0 and Resistance equal to the base score. This enhancement lasts one Sequence, or with a Power Point, until you want to start regaining the Power Point. You also gain 2 Booster schticks.

  • 1 Attribute (with EV/3 adding a bonus to the attribute)
    • includes Move
    • this enhancement does not provide any Pool points or changes to Pools.
  • 1 Pool (increasing and adding to the Pool)
    • Luck (EV/5)
    • Shots (EV/3)
    • Presence (EV/4)
    • Power (but not above the Sorcerers own Power, except by paying 1 Power) (EV/5)
    • Wounds (EV/5)
  • 1 Skill (with AV as Diff, increasing EV/5 points)
  • Initiative (+1 per EV, Diff Initiative).
  • Health (Raise Health by Outcome, Diff 10)
  • Damage add of one attack (with Diff 10+Weapon Damage as Diff, EV raising the Damage add)
  • Provide the Regeneration schtick (Difficulty 10, Resistance 10)
  • Buff a Schtick with X points (Difficulty 10+Schtick cost, Resistance 10+Schtick cost). Add a level of to the schtick per EV.
  • Replace a night of sleep (Requires a Power Point).

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Duration[edit | edit source]

The Enhancement lasts one extra Sequence.

Extra target[edit | edit source]

You may enhance one more creature or object with a single Action.

Multiple enhancements[edit | edit source]

You may use one more enhancement with a single Action.

Extra enhancement[edit | edit source]

You may add an enhancement type to your repertoire of Enhancement types.

Short Range[edit | edit source]

Enhancement now has a range of Power meters.

Medium Range[edit | edit source]

Requires Short Range
Enhancement now has a range of Power x 4 meters.

Long Range[edit | edit source]

Requires Medium Range
Enhancement now has a range of Power x Power meters.

Element[edit | edit source]

You gain control over one element. For a more complete listing see this[1]

Greek (Hermetic)[edit | edit source]

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Air
  • Aether

Babylonian[edit | edit source]

  • Sea
  • Earth
  • Sky
  • Wind

Chinese[edit | edit source]

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Metal
  • Wood

Others[edit | edit source]

  • Trash
  • Pollution
  • Concrete (includes most building materials)
  • Ice
  • Lightning
  • Storm

Primary Powers[edit | edit source]

Control[edit | edit source]

The primary power of Element is to control and, with a Power Point, create the element from nothing. Element is highly susceptible to situational modifiers. Trying to call upon the wind underground, under a rock slide, would probably incur about a +25 Resistance modifier. Inversely, calling the Earth in the same place would probably receive a -25 Resistance modifier.
The sorcerer can Stunt, Trick, and Intimidate with her Occult and, with a Power Point, create objects Power x Power x Power meters with a maximum Recognition Value of Power.
The sorcerer may also Defend Passively against her own element.

Immunity[edit | edit source]

The Element Power also makes the sorcerer almost immune to the element in question. Lower all Damage from element by Sorcery+Power.

Secondary Powers[edit | edit source]

The sorcerer may choose 2 of these, and buy more at a cost of 1 point. They work when the sorcerer has abundant access to the element, or pays a Power Point for Sorcery+Power rounds of use.

Enhancement[edit | edit source]

Appropriate Enhancement, no boosters.

Aura[edit | edit source]

The sorcerer can surround herself with an aura of the element in question. This either does damage or protects (Armor) with Power+5. Anti-spell protection or similar flawed protection gives Power+10 protection. This may be chosen several times, for different types of Auras.

Elemental Defense[edit | edit source]

The sorcerer may Defend Passively with Sorcery.

Blast[edit | edit source]

The sorcerer may use an Element Blast as per the Blast rules, but with no Booster Schticks.

Element Shape[edit | edit source]

The sorcerer becomes an avatar of the element. This costs a Power point per round, and provides the following:

  • Element Blast
  • Immunity (Sorcery+Power) against normal weapons
  • Aura (all bought, minimum 1)
  • Elemental Defense
  • Access to a Travel Power (Move [Power+5])
  • You may replace any of the above entries with 1 lvl of Attribute Boost.

Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP)[edit | edit source]

Psychometry[edit | edit source]

Roll Sorcery+Power vs Diff equal to time passed since incident. Only drastic events leave sharp imprints (Diff+0) otherwise low-key feelings are felt, with a standard Difficulty of 30-age of object. EV gives clarity and scope of vision. You may use a Power point with this power to get a full readout of an object or person.

Diff Time Diff Time
0 1 Shot 13 2 weeks
1 3 Shots 14 6 weeks
2 1 Sequence 15 5 months
3 3 Sequences 16 1 year
4 1 minute 17 3 years
5 3 minutes 18 10 years
6 10 minutes 19 30 years
7 30 minutes 20 100 years
8 1,5 hours 21 300 years
9 4,5 hours 22 1000 years
10 12 hours 23 3000 years
11 36 hours 24 10000 years
12 5 days 25 30000 years

Visions[edit | edit source]

You see people, places and things, now and in the future. For a Power point you can try and pinpoint an event, object or person in time or space. The Difficulty is 5+Time, with EV setting the clarity and scope of the flash. This Difficulty is lowered by 20 for life-threatening events. You also get bad feelings, visions of people and places that are important to you, now and in the future.

Signs and Portents[edit | edit source]

You can see the future like a glittering matrix of future events, where you can pluck the possibilities like flowers. You may use Power points as Luck points.

Familiar[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Provides a Magical Being that enhances and supports the Sorcerer in many different ways. Built as Supporting Character starting with 5p. Choose two of the following:

Ride Familiar[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may fall in a trance, looking through your Familiar's eyes.

Telepathic Command[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may communicate with and command your Familiar at any range.

Homunculus[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
While in physical contact with the Familiar, the Sorcerer gains Regeneration 1. Familiar gains Regeneration 1.

Power Fountain[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Share Power with the Sorcerer.

Powermonger[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Raise Daily Power Pool Gain by 1

Charge Master[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
While the Familiar is in physical contact with the Sorcerer, they may trade a Power point each for a positive AV die on Sorcery rolls.

Flaws[edit | edit source]

Channel Lifeforce[edit | edit source]

Flaw 1
The Sorcerer protects the Familiar by absorbing half the Damage the Familiar receives.

Channel Death[edit | edit source]

Flaw 1
The death of the Sorcerer's Familiar causes severe backlash, even if the Familiar is Immortal, has Inevitable Comeback, or any other protection from Death.
The Sorcerer falls down, unconscious, and loses all Power points, Shock points and all but 1 Wound.

Disingenious[edit | edit source]

Flaw 1
The Familiar is now feels it is working under duress, and will try to shirk its duties as often as possible. Interaction will keep it in line, most of the time.

Dealmaker[edit | edit source]

Flaw 1
The Familiar wants to be payed for its services, every time. Some cajoling might allow for temporary tabs, but most of the time the Familiar wants to be payed upfront.

Farmlands[edit | edit source]

This is a group of Schticks used by Farmlands beings.

Fertility[edit | edit source]

Gain the following abilities:

  • Bless Crops : Cause yield Power x 10 % increased with [Power] Powerpoints.
  • Bless Couple: Increase likelihood of conception by Power x 10 % with [Power] Powerpoints.
  • Fertilize: Can grow anything anywhere for Power weeks for a Powerpoint.
  • Growth: Can grow anything living Power x 10 % for [Power] Powerpoints over night.

and one of the following:

Harvest Chi[edit | edit source]

Power: Gain a positive die. You may not gain more than two positive dice with any effect including this one.

Restore Chi[edit | edit source]

Action, Power: Target regains Occult/Sorcery+Power vs 0, EV/5 Soul Poolpoints. This is very tiring and causes the target to fall asleep at least an hour.

Hinder Chi[edit | edit source]

Power: Target gains a negative die. Target cannot gain more than 2 negative dice with any effect including this one.

Adjust Chi[edit | edit source]

Action: You may transfer one Soul Poolpoint from and to you and/or a willing target.
Action, Power: Transfer up any amount of Soulpoints from and to you and/or a willing target.

Shadow Chi[edit | edit source]

Action: Target may not use up to Occult/Sorcery+Power vs Interaction/Willpower+Soul, EV / 5 Pool points of the sorcerer's choosing, for EV Sequences.

Empower Chi[edit | edit source]

Power: You gain the equivalent of two Power points worth of effect.

Germinate Chi[edit | edit source]

Power: You gain a +4 AV bonus to your next Action. If that Action is successful (EV > 0) you regain the Powerpoint.

Enfeeble Chi[edit | edit source]

Action: Target loses a Soul point with a successful (EV > 0) Occult/Sorcery+Power vs Occult/any+Soul.
Action, Power: Target loses 3 Soul points with a successful (EV > 0) Occult/Sorcery+Power vs Occult/any+Soul.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Extra Ability[edit | edit source]

Gain one more Fertility ability.

Force[edit | edit source]

  • Force Shield (20) - Defense (Defense Shield only)
  • Force Wall (20) - Create a Wall, Occult meters long with Toughness and Wounds equal to [Power]. Lasts 1 Sequence
  • Force Punch (20) - Adds up to 8 Damage to a punch (max double damage). Also causes Knockback or Stun with a Power point. Only usable with Martial Arts.
  • Force Blade (20) - Creates a Blade with Damage Power+8, usable with Sorcery or Martial Arts (Chosen when it is bought).
  • Force Blast - Blast
  • Force Armor (20) - Enhance Armor (Sorcery+Power vs Toughness, EV+2 provides Armor)

Healing[edit | edit source]

Roll Sorcery+Power vs 0. Heals EV Shock Points. For a Power Point, you may heal Wounds, with a Difficulty equal to the number of Wounds times 5 the sorcerer tries to heal, with the EV healing only the Wounds. Range is touch or close enough.
Option System (Action!)#Wound Seriousness: Only the largest Wound is healed.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Revitalizing heal[edit | edit source]

Also heals Shock points when healing wounds.

Skilled Healer[edit | edit source]

Lessen Difficulty per Wound by 1. May be bought 4 times.

Group Hug[edit | edit source]

May target one more ally per heal. Must pay all Power costs.

Healing Fountain[edit | edit source]

The Difficulty to heal Wounds is lowered by 5. Only one Wound is healed each Sequence, up to the full amount.

Rejuvenating heal[edit | edit source]

A Heal also provides one point of any Pool (except Wounds).

Buff heal[edit | edit source]

Provide target of a Wound Heal a basic Enhancement. Duration is 1 Sequence / Wound healed. The Enhancement may be boosted as normal.

Healing Gesture[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Your heals now have a range of Power meters.

Healing Sign[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Requires Healing Gesture
Your heals now have a LOS range.

Illusion[edit | edit source]

Influence[edit | edit source]

Roll Sorcery/Power vs Occult or Willpower/Soul. A non-suicidal order is followed EV Sequences.
Power: Duration of order is increased to [Power] hours.

Jedi Mind Trick[edit | edit source]

Power: Roll Sorcery/Power vs Occult or Willpower/Soul. Any reasonable suggestion is followed ("These are not the Droids you're looking for", "Go home and make yourself a better life"). Not usable in combat or other stressful situations.

Slave Mentality[edit | edit source]

Must devote an Action and roll Sorcery+Power vs Occult(Willpower)+Soul every Sequence. Any order must be followed. Inflicting death on target takes 3 Sequences.

Law[edit | edit source]

Life[edit | edit source]

Mountain[edit | edit source]

This is a group of Schticks used by Mountain beings.

Movement[edit | edit source]

You may move stuff with a speed equal to the EV (Sorcery+Power subtracting the Weight Value of the object being moved). The Maneuver of the moved object is equal to -10 (Lower Skill Totals by this number). With a Power point, you may fly, using Sorcery as Stunt and Power as Move.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Speed[edit | edit source]

Provides a speed boost equal to Power. Raises Stunt Difficulties by 2.

Maneuverability[edit | edit source]

Raise Maneuver by 2. Above 0 the Maneuver adds Effect Value.

Power Push[edit | edit source]

As an Action, you can lift things weighing Sorcery+Power+Power.

Effortless[edit | edit source]

You may manipulate an extra object. As long as all objects perform the same task, this counts as one Action.

Nature[edit | edit source]

Necromancy[edit | edit source]

Get 2p worth of powers for standard Necromancy.

Create Undead[edit | edit source]

1p per type of undead creatable:
Requires a Power point, and a Sorcery+Power roll:

  • Zombie, Diff 0, 1 Zombie / 5 EV
  • Skeleton, Diff 5, 1 Skeleton / 10 EV
  • Wraith/Spectre (Requires a Ghost), Diff Ghost Creature Power, Requires 20 EV. Ritual requires 1h/roll.
  • Mummy, XXX
  • Vampire (requires Vampire)
  • Lich, Diff SkillMax, Requires EV 80. Ritual takes 4h+1 Power/roll.

Buff Undead[edit | edit source]

Halt decomposition

Debuff Undead[edit | edit source]

Increase Decomposition

Disrupt Undead[edit | edit source]


Deathly Energies[edit | edit source]

1p (Blasts, curses and undead heals)

Bone manipulation[edit | edit source]

Contains several things:

  • Blasts (Bone spear)
  • Holds (Bone cage)
  • Creation of items (Magic Item)
  • Debuff living (Rubbing the Bones)
  • Buff/Debuff Bones (Increase/decrease Tou of dead/living)

Blood manipulation[edit | edit source]

Contains several things:

  • Blasts (Boiling Blood)
  • Creation of items (Blood pearls)
  • Debuff living (Lower Blood Pressure)
  • Blood Drain (as Creature Power)
  • Increase Blood Potency (Increase Vampire Power pool)

Analyze Undead[edit | edit source]

You can analyze Undead with a Sorcery+Power roll/The undead's Creature Powers+Power to properly analyze it. Also works to gain stunt bonuses against it.

Control Undead[edit | edit source]

You can control Undead with a Sorcery+Power roll/The undead's Creature Powers+Power. 5 EV controls unnamed undead, while named undead require 20 EV and then only stay controlled 1 sequence. You may only control up to Sorcery+Power undead this way. Ordering undead around takes 1 Action per command given, no matter how many undead receive the command.

Polymorph[edit | edit source]

Sorcerous Weapon[edit | edit source]

Action: Summon a Close Combat Weapon, that you may use with Martial Arts or Sorcery. This weapon does +5 Damage, cannot be disarmed, and will stay by your side. It lasts Power Sequences, but may be maintained indefinitely by paying a Power point. This weapon may be used to Defend passively against Martial Arts and other Close Combat. Also, choose a Power Effect for it. Pay a Power to gain the Effects of the Power Effect.

Accurate[edit | edit source]

Gain +d10 AV on an Attack.

Area[edit | edit source]

An Attack with the Weapon does Damage once to all enemies within Close Combat Range.

Burn[edit | edit source]

Weapon Attack deals Damage [Power] times, once per Sequence. This may be negated with Sorcery or a stunt.

Defender[edit | edit source]

Weapon cannot be used to Attack. Instead, it Defends you, providing a permanent Active Defense with Sorcery against Martial Arts and other Close Combat Attacks.

Independent[edit | edit source]

Costs 2 Power points
Choose a target. Weapon makes a Close Combat or Ranged Attack against the chosen target with your Sorcery and Weapon Damage. This does not require an Action from you. You may only use this Effect once per Sequence.

Storm[edit | edit source]

This is a group of Schticks used by Storm casters.

Summoning[edit | edit source]

All Summoners gain the following benefits:

Passive Defense[edit | edit source]

Sorcery against Supernatural beings (Sorcery / Creature Powers).

Banish[edit | edit source]

Action: Banish a specific type of entities with a Sorcery+Power vs Occult+Soul. Multi-Action penalties apply for multiple targets. 5 EV is required to succeed in banishing the targets.You may prepare for [Supernatural being's Power] hours to gain a positive die.

Call[edit | edit source]

Choose an entity. You can now summon this at a cost of 1 Power. Range: Power meters.
Pay 1p per 5 p of the summoned object or entity. A standard character or a normal item are included in the Schtick.
Action, Power: Call a specific, Named, entity.
Action, Power: Call a group of Unnamed entities.
Action, Power: Call a specific, Named, entity.

100 Actions, any amount of Power points: Call a Named entity, or group of Unnamed entities, with a total of Power x 5/2 points. This must be done the first time. 0 points are included in the Schtick, beefier summons must be bought with points (1 point = 5 points summon). Maximum number of entities summoned at once is Power. You may prepare for [Supernatural being's Power] hours to gain a positive die.

Boosters and Flaws[edit | edit source]

Combat Summon[edit | edit source]

Rebate 0
Summon now doesn't cost Power, but only lasts 1 Sequence.

Extra duration[edit | edit source]

Combat Summon lasts 1 extra Sequence.

Power Summon[edit | edit source]

You may now pay multiple Power points to make several Calls simultaneously.

By the power[edit | edit source]

...of Teschio Grigio!
Rebate 1
It costs an extra Action to perform a Call.

Concentration[edit | edit source]

Rebate 3
Call must be maintained each Sequence with an Action, Shot or Power point.

You may choose 2 of the following:

Defend others[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1.
You may defend others with your Defense.

Blast Supernatural[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1 point.
You may Blast Supernatural beings.

Ward against Supernatural[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1 point
Power, Action: You may defend an area against intrusion from Supernatural creatures (Sorcery+Power (Active Defense)).
This area may not be greater than Power meter radius. It lasts for a year and a day, and the maximum Centerpoint Range is Power x 3 meters.
You can choose to invert the area so as to create a prison instead.

Summoned Minions[edit | edit source]

Cost:variable (1 point provides 1 extra point for 5 minions) You get 1 point to build your 5 minions per point invested, starting with a normal character template. The minions may buy Creature Powers or Sorcery and have a maximum Attribute of 10.

Followers[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1 point
The minions now have a maximum Attribute of your Sorcery.

Cultists[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1 point
The minions can now buy both Creature Powers and Sorcery.

Summoned Ally[edit | edit source]

Cost: variable (1 points provides 5 points).
You get 5 points to build your Ally per point invested, starting with a normal character template. The Ally may buy Creature Powers or Sorcery and has a maximum Attribute equal to your Sorcery.

Powerful[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1 points
The Ally now has a maximum Attribute of your Sorcery+Power.

Knowledgeable[edit | edit source]

Cost: 1 points
The Ally can now buy both Creature Powers and Sorcery.

Technomancy[edit | edit source]

Teleport[edit | edit source]

You gain the following abilities:
(Quick Teleport) Move: You may teleport a Move.
(Charge Teleport) Action: You may teleport a Move and perform an Action.
(Teleport) Action: You may teleport twice your Move.
(Greater Teleport) 10 Actions, Power: You may teleport to any location you have previously viewed.

Advancement: Quick Teleport: extra Move (Progression 15), Ambush Teleport (2), Trick Teleport (2), Charge Teleport: May use Shots to travel extra multiples of Move (1), Lightning Teleport (3).

Ambush Teleport[edit | edit source]

2 p
Ambush Teleport: May use Sneak+Power to teleport a Move, arriving behind the target, then perform an Action.

Trick Teleport[edit | edit source]

2 p
Trick Teleport: May use Trick+Power on a target within a Move, then perform an Action.

Lightning Teleport[edit | edit source]

3 p
Lightning Teleport, 1 Power: Perform an Action, teleport a Move, then perform a second Action.

Time[edit | edit source]

Value Time Value Time
0 1 Shot 13 2 weeks
1 3 Shots 14 6 weeks
2 1 Sequence 15 5 months
3 3 Sequences 16 1 year
4 1 minute 17 3 years
5 3 minutes 18 10 years
6 10 minutes 19 30 years
7 30 minutes 20 100 years
8 1,5 hours 21 300 years
9 4,5 hours 22 1000 years
10 12 hours 23 3000 years
11 36 hours 24 10000 years
12 5 days 25 30000 years

Time Flow[edit | edit source]

Freeze Time[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Free Action:You may freeze time for everyone else and objects not carried by you. You may only perform the following Actions:
Action: Perform an Action that doesn't affect anyone or anything not under the effects of this Schtick. The Action will not take effect until you unfreeze time.
Action, Power: Perform an Action that interacts with anyone but you. The Action will not take effect until you unfreeze time. Free Action: Unfreeze time.

Party Freezer[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
You may choose not to freeze the time for those you touch. All those may interact normally with you while time is frozen, but are otherwise affected as you.

Step out of Time[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You Blink at opportune times.
Power: You may perform Active Dodges as Free Actions the next Power Sequences. As long as you continue to maintain the Active Dodge you and anyone you touch are non-existent.

Prediction[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Action: See possible futures with a Sorcery/Power vs 10. Gain a positive die to inflict future per 5 EV.

Alter time flow[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Power, Special: Target Initiative is set to your Sorcery+Power roll this Sequence. This may be done at start of Sequence. Free, Power, Special: Sorcery+Power / target's Powers+Soul. Lower Initiative by 1 per EV this Sequence.This may be done once per target per Sequence, at start of Sequence.

Time Dilation[edit | edit source]

Haste[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Action: Target gains 1 Shot past normal per 5 EV Sorcery+Power vs 0 during Power Sequences. You may also use 15 EV or pay 1 Power to recharge target's Shot Count to maximum.

Slow[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Action: Lower Shot Count by 1 per 5 EV vs Occult(Willpower)+Soul for Power Sequences.
Power: Remove 3 Shots from target.

Long term[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Action, Power: Multiply/Divide targets work day by 1+EV/5 with Powers/Power vs 10.

Ripple Sense[edit | edit source]

Tier 0
Sense disturbances in time with Powers/Power.

See backwards in time[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
You may always roll Powers/Power vs 5 (EV Time) to see the past at your location.
Power: Increase the Time by 5 steps.

Remove Time[edit | edit source]

Tier 1
Take an object back in time, making it new. See Timetable for Difficulties with 5 EV required (20% success per point of EV).

Time Travel[edit | edit source]

Tier X (Only with GM permission). This might create a new juncture in and a portal to the Netherworld in appropriate campaigns.

Totem[edit | edit source]

Tier 2
Flaw: Distinctive Appearance in Totem Form (-1). You may buy any levels of this up to 5.
As per Creature Power:Transformation#Named Form.

Snake[edit | edit source]

Tier 3
Sorcery as Deceit.
Hypnotize: Sorcery+Power/Willpower+Empathy EV/5 = Shots. 0 Shots = Hypnotize.
May resist poison with Sorcery+Toughness.

Transform[edit | edit source]

You may transform one Enhancement target into another Enhancement target, which lasts Power Sequences.

Booster Schticks[edit | edit source]

Duration[edit | edit source]

The Enhancement lasts Power extra Sequences.

Extra target[edit | edit source]

You may transform one more creature or object with a single Action.

Multiple transformations[edit | edit source]

You may transform from or to one more target Enhancement with a single Action.

Extra transformations[edit | edit source]

You may add an enhancement type to your repertoire of Transformation types.

Troll[edit | edit source]

This is a group of Schticks used by Troll shamans, sorcerers and wizards.