Sword Princess Mirantha (Dwarven Riddle)
Characters (Dwarven Riddle)
Sword Princess Mirantha (Dwarven Riddle)
Theran Councilman Erox (Dwarven Riddle)
Body | |||||
Strength | 5 | Agility | 5 | Toughness | 5 |
Mind | |||||
Perception | 5 | Intelligence | 5 | Wits | 5 |
Spirit | |||||
Charisma | 5 | Manipulation | 5 | Empathy | 5 |
Soul | |||||
Focus | 5 | Luck | 5 | Power | 5 |
Secondary Attributes | |
Shot Count | (Agility+Wits+Luck)/3(rounded down) |
Resources | Perk |
Health | (Toughness+Focus)x2 |
Presence | (Charisma+Manipulation+Empathy)/3(rounded down) |
Power Pool | Power |
Luck Pool | Luck |
Move | (Strength+Agility+Toughness)/3(rounded down) |
Wound Threshold | 5 |
Skills | |||||
Action | 0 | Medicine | 0 | Survival | 0 |
Dodge | 0 | Alchemy | 0 | Adventurer | 0 |
Martial Arts | 0 | Blood Magic | 0 | Forest | 0 |
Sports | 0 | Exotic Medicine | 0 | Jungle | 0 |
Stunt | 0 | Physician | 0 | River | 0 |
Thrown | 0 | Occult | 0 | Mountain | 0 |
Deceit | 0 | Adept Powers | 0 | Magitech | 0 |
Bluff | 0 | Creature Powers | 0 | Build | 0 |
Thrown | 0 | Elementalism | 0 | Demolitions | 0 |
Thrown | 0 | Illusionism | 0 | Juryrig | 0 |
Thrown | 0 | Nethermancy | 0 | Repair | 0 |
Thrown | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Use | 0 |
Missile Weapons | 0 | Pursuit | 0 | Academics | 0 |
Archery | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Geography | 0 |
Heavy Weapons | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | History | 0 |
Mounted Weaponry | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Horrors | 0 |
Siege Weapons | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Legends | 0 |
Wands | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Heroes | 0 |
Interaction | 0 | Security | 0 | Profession/Arts | 0 |
Archery | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Geography | 0 |
Heavy Weapons | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | History | 0 |
Mounted Weaponry | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Horrors | 0 |
Siege Weapons | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Legends | 0 |
Wands | 0 | Wizardry | 0 | Heroes | 0 |
You may only buy these at the time of character creation, or with GM permission.
Skill and Attribute Perks[edit | edit source]
Specialist[edit | edit source]
Costs 1 point
The SkillMax for one of your Proficiencies is raised by 1.
Unready[edit | edit source]
Provides 1 point
A chosen Skill with AV 11+ now has a Skill Max of one less (-1).
Untrained[edit | edit source]
Provides 1 point
A chosen Skill with AV 11+ now only contains one Proficiency (All other Proficiencies are set to 0).
Veteran[edit | edit source]
Costs 2 points
The SkillMax for one your Skills is raised by 1.
Elite[edit | edit source]
Costs 2 points
The SkillMax for one your Skills is raised by 1.
Powerful[edit | edit source]
Costs 10 points
The SchtickMax for one your Schtick Types is raised by 1.
Mighty[edit | edit source]
Costs 10 points
The SchtickMax for one your Schtick Types is raised by 1.
Assault[edit | edit source]
Costs 2 points
The Offensive SkillMax for one your Skills is raised by 1.
Defensive[edit | edit source]
Costs 2 points
The Defensive SkillMax for one your Skills is raised by 1.
Talented[edit | edit source]
Costs 1 point
The Effect Value of one of your Skills is raised by 3.
Natural[edit | edit source]
Costs 1 point
The Effect Value of one of your Skills is raised by 2.
Prodigy[edit | edit source]
Costs 1 point
The Effect Value of one of your Proficiencies is raised by 5(+3 if combined with Talented and Natural).
Aptitude[edit | edit source]
Costs 1 point
You may take -5 AV to gain +d10 EV to a Skill roll.
Expertise[edit | edit source]
Requires Aptitude
Costs 4 points
Reduces the AV penalty of Aptitude to 0.
Effort[edit | edit source]
Costs 1 points
Luck: You gain a second extra positive die to a Proficiency roll. You must gain a first positive die from somewhere else.
Effortless[edit | edit source]
Requires Effort
Costs 7 points
Effort no longer requires a Luck point.
Superiority[edit | edit source]
Costs 10 points
Passive: Gain an AV d10 to all uses of a Proficiency.
Supremacy[edit | edit source]
Costs 2 points, requires Superiority
Widens the scope of Superiority. Gain a d10 to all uses of the Skill with Superiority.
Superior Attribute[edit | edit source]
Costs 3 points
An attribute gains a +1 modification.
Heroic Attribute[edit | edit source]
Costs 3 points
An attribute gains a +1 modification.
Flawed Attribute[edit | edit source]
Provides 2 points
You have an unfortunate weakness, that your opponents will surely try to use against you. An Attribute gains a -1 modification. It is not possible to remove this Flaw.
Tragic Attribute[edit | edit source]
Provides 2 points
Your weakness now dwarfs your other abilities. An Attribute gains a -1 modification. It is not possible to remove this Flaw.
Good Looks[edit | edit source]
Costs 1-2 points
You look (really) good. This might prove useful sometimes. +5/+8 EV when applicable.
Bad Looks[edit | edit source]
Provides or Costs 1-2 points
Your looks cause others to cringe with fear, revulsion or anger. +5/8 EV when applicable.
Fast[edit | edit source]
Costs 2 points, Progression 10
Your Move gains a +1 modification.
Combat Coolness[edit | edit source]
Costs 1 point, Progression 4
Your Initiative is 2 points higher.
Battle Experience[edit | edit source]
Costs 2 points, Progression 12
Your Shot Count is 1 point higher.
Civilian[edit | edit source]
Provides 2 points, Progression 12
Your Shot Count is 1 point lower. If you lower it to 0, there is a 1 in 2 chance that you will not be able to act this round.
Material Perks[edit | edit source]
Vehicle[edit | edit source]
Base[edit | edit source]
Large Ship[edit | edit source]
Caravan[edit | edit source]
Riding Mount[edit | edit source]
Social Perks[edit | edit source]
Position of Power[edit | edit source]
0-6 points.
Unforgotten[edit | edit source]
- Noble (0-6)
- Judiciary power (1 Local, 2 Planetary, 3 Systemwide, 6 Agent of the Empire)
- Material Benefit (as per Resources)
- Social (0 Public Figure, 1 Celebrity, 2 No taxes except Imperial, 3 Landed Noble, 6 Planetary Governor)
- Imperial Commission
- Bureaucrat (0)
- Ensign (1)
- Lieutenant (2)
- Lieutenant Commander (3)
- Commander (4)
- Captain (6)
- Commodore (8)
Contact Perks[edit | edit source]
Contact[edit | edit source]
1 points. Standard Contact.
Buddy[edit | edit source]
2 points. Positive Contact.
Friend[edit | edit source]
4 points.
Contact Network[edit | edit source]
4 points. You always have a Standard Contact available.
Buddy Network[edit | edit source]
8 points. You always have a Buddy available.
Powerful Contact[edit | edit source]
2 points, 4 points. Often a Corp or Tribe member. May be combined with any other contact.
Non-Player Characters[edit | edit source]
Characters in Campaigns with Classes[edit | edit source]
In campaigns with Classes, Non-Player Characters from this list (with the exception of enemies), don't get classes. If the classes provide schticklists, the companion may choose 2 types of schticks to buy for normal price.
NPC Flaws[edit | edit source]
All Flaws for a an NPC are applied to the point total of the Perk, not of the NPC.
Special NPC Flaws[edit | edit source]
- Animal (-1)
- One less Class (-2)
Unnamed[edit | edit source]
All unnamed characters are built on 5 points. They have your SkillMax. You may raise that total up to points equal to your SkillMax-5.
Gang[edit | edit source]
2 points. You may call in unnamed gang members equal to [a chosen skill/5] that represent the gang with a Luck point or a Skill roll (and a favor).
Clan[edit | edit source]
4 points. You always have [chosen skill/5] unnamed clan members present, and may call in clan members equal to [a chosen skill] that represent the clan with a Luck point or a Skill roll (and a favor).
House[edit | edit source]
8 points. You always have [chosen skill] unnamed members present, and may call in house members equal to [a chosen skill] times 5 that represent the house with a Luck point or a Skill roll (and a favor).
Supporting Characters[edit | edit source]
All these do not gain xp but may be enhanced with xp, that provide 5 points/xp. These are all named.
Named[edit | edit source]
Built on any amount of points (extra 5p per point invested). You may pay [SkillMax of character / 5] points to link the character to yourself if it is not a starting character. The Supporting Character may not have higher SkillMax than the Character.
Minions[edit | edit source]
1 points for 5, built with 1p each.
Ally[edit | edit source]
Sidekick[edit | edit source]
Friend[edit | edit source]
Mentor[edit | edit source]
1 point per 50 points of Mentor.
- 1 points(50, Max 14): The Local Police Commish.
- 2 points(100, Max 17): Special Forces Instructor at Fort Bragg
- 3 points(150, Max 19): Ninja master Kuroi, best of them all.
- 4 points(200, Max 21): The Demon Lord Azogh, beholden to none.
- 5 points(250, Max 22): Councillor of Pi Tui, the Ice Queen of the Netherworld.
Enemy/Rival[edit | edit source]
Flaw 1-5
- 1p: Rarely shows up.
- 2p: Tries to find out where you are. Sometimes shows up.
- 3p: Hunting you full time. Regularly shows up.
- 4p Uses all resources at their disposal to find you.
- 5p: Always shows up.
- +1: Double the Enemy xp (Up to 5)
They are built like normal characters, with xp equal to your xp. Named antagonists. They are built like normal characters.
Organisations[edit | edit source]
Nemesis[edit | edit source]
Provides 1p per 100p in the Nemesis. The Nemesis is always out to defeat you, not necessarily kill. Named antagonist. Nemeses often get special bonuses from the GM
Flaws[edit | edit source]
General[edit | edit source]
Flawed Attribute[edit | edit source]
Provides 2 points
You have an unfortunate weakness, that your opponents will surely try to use against you. An Attribute gains a -1 modification. It is not possible to remove this Flaw.
Tragic Attribute[edit | edit source]
Provides 2 points
Your weakness now dwarfs your other abilities. An Attribute gains a -1 modification. It is not possible to remove this Flaw.
Combat[edit | edit source]
Coward[edit | edit source]
Provides 1-5 points
Roll Willpower+Focus versus 15/20/25/30/35 to not run away and hide during a combat.
Foolhardy[edit | edit source]
Weak[edit | edit source]
Requires Combat Skill 11, provides 1-2 points
You do -5/-8 Damage with Martial Arts, Sorcery, Ranged Weapons, Creature Powers or another chosen Combat Skill.
Frail[edit | edit source]
Provides 2 points
You have -5/-8 Soak.
Slow[edit | edit source]
Provides 1 point
Your Move is 1 point lower. You may not lower Move below 0. The 5 point version of this Flaw sets your Move to 0.
If it is 0, you are handicapped and need help or a wheelchair to move around faster than Move 1 per 10 Sequences.
Uncool[edit | edit source]
Provides 1 point, Progression 4
Your Initiative is 2 points lower. If you lower it to 0, there is a 1 in 2 chance that you will not be able to act this round. This is cumulative with Civilian.
Civilian[edit | edit source]
Provides 2 points, Progression 12
Your Shot Count is 1 point lower. If you lower it to 0, there is a 1 in 2 chance that you will not be able to act this round. This is cumulative with Uncool.
Vice[edit | edit source]
1-5 points
Frequency[edit | edit source]
- Roll to check for vice: (perform or no Pool regain until performed)
- Hour (-5)
- Twice a Day (-4)
- Day (-3)
- Twice a Week (-2)
- Week (-1)
Consummate Vice[edit | edit source]
3 points.
You do not regain Pool points normally. You must now perform a Vice to regain Pool Points.
Type[edit | edit source]
- Faith: You’re dedicated to an unseen power, forgotten god, ancestor, etc.
- Gambling: You crave games of chance, betting on sporting events, etc.
- Luxury: Expensive or ostentatious displays of opulence.
- Obligation: You’re devoted to a family, a cause, an organization, a charity, etc.
- Pleasure: Gratification from lovers, food, drink, drugs, art, theater, etc.
- Stupor: You seek oblivion in the abuse of drugs, drinking to excess, getting beaten to a pulp in the fighting pits, etc.
- Weird: You experiment with strange essences, consort with rogue spirits, observe bizarre rituals or taboos, etc.
Ideology[edit | edit source]
- Intolerance
- Religion
- Superstition
- Code of Conduct
- Love
- Hate
Involvement[edit | edit source]
- Hunted
- Watched
- Revenge
- Dependent
- Rival
- Enemy
- Nemesis
- Obligation
Physical[edit | edit source]
- Bad Hygiene
- Coordination
- Frail
- Movement
Slow[edit | edit source]
Provides 1 point (up to -5)
Your Move is 1 point lower. You may not lower Move below 0. If it is 0, you are handicapped and need help or a wheelchair to move around faster than Move 1 per 10 Sequences.
- Mute
- Senses
- Weak
Social[edit | edit source]
- Arrogance
- Bad Manners
- Intolerance
- Gullible
- Promiscuous
- Obligation
- Illiterate
Bad Looks[edit | edit source]
Provides or Costs 1-2 points
Your looks cause others to cringe with fear, revulsion or anger. +5/8 EV when applicable.
Mental[edit | edit source]
- Curious
- Lazy
- Coward
- Foolhardy
- Illiterate
Hero Flaws[edit | edit source]
As per the Hero System
Berserk[edit | edit source]
Circumstances | Points |
Uncommon | 0.5 |
Common | 1 |
Very Common | 1.5 |
Chance | Points |
-3 or worse | +0.5 |
1 or worse | +1 |
5 or worse | +1.5 |
Distinctive features[edit | edit source]
You are easy to find in any crowd.
Hunted[edit | edit source]
Some person or organisation wants you captured.
Wanted[edit | edit source]
The justice system wants you found and apprehended.
Code of Honour[edit | edit source]
You live according to a strict set of ideals or rules.
Debt[edit | edit source]
You owe some person or organisation a huge amount of cash.
Obligation[edit | edit source]
You owe your fealty or allegiance to some person or organisation.
Enemy[edit | edit source]
Some person or organisation wants you to fail at every turn.
Nemesis[edit | edit source]
Some person or organisation wants you to fail at every turn.
Secret[edit | edit source]
You have a secret that you do not want revealed.
Social Stigma[edit | edit source]
You are a member of a social group that have a social stigma attached.
Mental Affliction[edit | edit source]
You have a mental problem that pops up from time to time. (Willpower/Focus Diff 20 on all Snake Eyes)
Fantasy![edit | edit source]
Battlehardened[edit | edit source]
Cost 2, SP x 5, Progression 5
Gain 10 SP.
Elven Blood[edit | edit source]
Cost 5
One of Power or Focus, chosen when bought: Add a d10 to any roll.
Moment of Glory[edit | edit source]
Cost 2
You may achieve a 3rd positive die, at the same combined cost as the 2 previous dice.
Devil's Luck[edit | edit source]
Cost 2
Free: Gain a positive die. Roll is now Hazardous and fails on any double.
Berserker[edit | edit source]
Cost 2
Free Action: Fly into a blinding rage. Double your Wound Treshold and gain Focus x 5 temporary Shockpoints for Focus rounds. When the duration ends, you receive as many Wounds as you have received during the rage.
ArcanoMech Stable[edit | edit source]
Cost 4
You have a caravan following you around, filled with spare parts, and a spare Arcanomech.
Progression: Extra ArcanoMech (2).
Shaman[edit | edit source]
Cost 2
Gain Ritual:Totem (Spirit Totem Form, as per Sorcery:Totem).
Titles[edit | edit source]
Campara[edit | edit source]
- Herr (2) - A small stipend (Resources +1)
- Ritter (4) - Normally no lands, but a stipend (Resources +2)
- Freiherr (6) - Normally a small estate, with governmental rights
- Markis (8) - Normally a city, with judicial and governmental rights
- Kaiserlicher Botschafter (Royal Ambassador) (10) - Free Agent
- Griff (12) - Normally a small province with several baronies.
- Herzog (14) - A Duchy, a large province, with judicial and governmental rights
- Royal (Prince/Princess) (16)
Kamdaar[edit | edit source]
- Gentleman (Signore) (2) - A small stipend (Resources +1)
- Royal Explorer (Esploratore Reale) (4) - Normally no lands, but a stipend (Resources +2)
- Baron (Barone) (6) - Normally a small estate, with governmental rights
- Marquis (Marchese) (8) - Normally a city, with judicial and governmental rights
- Royal Ambassador (Ambasciatore Reale) (10) - Free Agent
- Count (Conte) (12) - Normally a small province with several baronies.
- Duke (Duca) (14) - A Duchy, a large province, with judicial and governmental rights
- Royal (Prince/Princess) (Principe/Principa) (16)
Jagan[edit | edit source]
- Initiatus (2) - Access to the courses of the Universitas Magus
- Academicus (4) - Access to the Great Library
- Senior Academicus (6) - Academicus with a degree, still working at or for the Academy.
- Magistratus Academicus (8) - member of the Senatus Magus
- Questor Academicus (10) - Free Agent
- Senator Academicus (10) - speaker of the Senatus Magus, there are 8
- Imperator Academicus (16)
Dwarven[edit | edit source]
- Protector: receives housing and any reasonable support. Is required to protect any dwarven settlement. (4)
- Lord: May order any dwarf in Clan. Must lead any Clan dwarves encountered. (8)
Elven[edit | edit source]
- Lord: Your word is respected and your are welcome at any hearth. (4)
- Prince: On your shoulders lies the responsibility to lead the elven peoples. (8)
Ranks[edit | edit source]
Daroon[edit | edit source]
- Invoerder (Innovator) Summoner (0)
- Bewaarder (Guardian) Summoner (2)
- Beschermer (Protector) (Summoner (4)
- Toverfee (Sorcerer) Summoner (6)
- Bekoor (Enchanter) Summoner (10)
Jagan[edit | edit source]
- Camparius (4)
- Legatus (8)
- Prefectus (12)
Kamdaar[edit | edit source]
- Cadet (Cadetto) (1)
- Lieutenant (Tenente) (2)
- Lieutenant Captain/Commander (Tenente Capitano/Comandante) (3)
- Captain/Commander (Capitano/Comandante) (4)
- Lieutenant Colonel/Commodore (Tenente Colonello/Commodoro) (6)
- Colonel/Commodore (Colonello/Commodoro) (8)
- Lieutenant General/Fleet Admiral (Tenente Generale/Ammiraglio della flotta) (10)
- General/Admiral (Generale/Ammiraglio) (12)
Circle[edit | edit source]
All Disciplines have Circles. These Circle ratings correspond to (SkillMax-10).
Circle+10 = SkillMax.
Adepts may only buy talents which they have attained the Circle for.
Discipline list