Wizard Wars/Campaign/Titles

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Title name Position Command
Pentakon Claw leader 4
Dekurion Talon leader, Non-commissioned officer 9
Magus Junior officer 20
Centurion Company officer 105
Altern Company 2nd-in-command 20
Subaltern Company 3rd-in-command 20
Archon Battallion officer 550
Archon Altern Battallion 2nd-in-command 105
Archon Subaltern Battallion 3rd-in-command 105
Archon Prefect Quartermaster and provost 550
Strategos Legion officer 3000

Officers must have some kind of magical training.

Army Unit Size
Claw 5
Talon 20
Company 100
Battallion 525
Legion 3000

Other Titles[edit | edit source]

Imperator[edit | edit source]

The Emperor of Aquila.

Pontifex[edit | edit source]

The Imperial Clerics (pl Pontifices).

Pontifex Maximus[edit | edit source]

Imperial Hierophants (pl Pontifices).

Princeps Senatus[edit | edit source]

Speaker of the Senate.

Princeps Comitius[edit | edit source]

Speaker of the Assembly of the People.

Patrician[edit | edit source]


Plebeian[edit | edit source]


Censor[edit | edit source]

Travelling taxcollector. Also has judicial responsabilities. Superceded by Questor.

Pro-[edit | edit source]

Used to define assistans to a profession. A procensor works as an assistant to a Censor.

Princeps[edit | edit source]

Colonial governor, most often called Prince. Has judicial and economical responsabilities. Is superceded by Questors.

Questor[edit | edit source]

Travelling judge. Is superceded by the Imperator and city Magistrates.

Magistrate[edit | edit source]

Local judge. Is superceded by Censors and Princeps, and sometimes Questors. Most city magistrates are appointed by the local Prince, while others are appointed by whoever pays them.

Lictor[edit | edit source]

Criminal investigator. Appointed by any titleholder with judicial responsabilities.