Wizard Wars/Campaign/Organizations/Houses
House status | Theseus | Perseus | Autolykos | Medea | Jason | Oidipus | Achilles | Heracles | Atalanta | Prometheus | Hippolyta | Odysseus |
Theseus | - | Friendly | Enemy | Friendly | Enemy | |||||||
Perseus | Friendly | - | Enemy | Enemy | Friendly | Friendly | ||||||
Autolykos | Enemy | - | Friendly | Friendly | Enemy | |||||||
Medea | Enemy | Enemy | Friendly | - | Enemy | Friendly | Friendly | |||||
Jason | Friendly | Enemy | - | Enemy | Friendly | Enemy | ||||||
Oidipus | Friendly | Friendly | Enemy | Enemy | ||||||||
Achilles | Friendly | - | Enemy | Enemy | ||||||||
Heracles | Enemy | Enemy | - | |||||||||
Atalanta | Friendly | Enemy | - | Friendly | ||||||||
Prometheus | Enemy | Friendly | Enemy | Enemy | - | Friendly | ||||||
Hippolyta | Friendly | Friendly | - | |||||||||
Odysseus | Enemy | Friendly | - |
20180922 Started on Houses.
History/Reputation/Standing/Demographic/Wealth/Military/Political/Other Resources/Magical preference/Governing Body/House Skill/House Feat
House Theseus[edit | edit source]
One of the three First Houses, the ones that founded Nadinomos. Theseus is seen as the one that stood at the gate as a bulwark, defending Nadinomos against its enemies. This house is seen as the perennial second to Perseus prime, although this is not entirelly accurate. But where Perseus always has the option pay its way, Theseus lives by its favors and military might. Theseus are known for their competence, and many of its scions excel at their chosen profession. Theseus are very often martial in outlook, even when being trained in seemingly non-martial professions they know how to lead military units.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Perseus, Jason.
Enemies[edit | edit source]
Prometheus, Medea. Colors: Silver and black and minotaur head in Yellow.
House Skill and Feat[edit | edit source]
Scions of House Theseus learn Knowledge:Military as a class skill and many also learn the Inspired Leader feat.
House Perseus[edit | edit source]
One of the First Houses, the ones that founded Nadinomos. House Perseus is the one who through diplomacy secured the place of Nadinomos on Faerûn. The biggest, most liked House, is a political powerhouse with money to back it up. Their ranks also contain a lot of military generals and champions, of which a sizeable number are born outside Nadinomos. The House of Perseus is known as the most friendly of houses, inviting all foreign dignitaries and hosting many political meetings.They also provide a lot of the banking services of Nadinomos, and their clients range all over the continent of Faerûn. They pride themselves in their scholarly pursuits, with many Magister Maximuses of the Hidden Academy originating with the house.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Theseus, Oidipus, Prometheus.
Enemies[edit | edit source]
Autolykos, Medea.
Colors[edit | edit source]
Silver and red with Medusa head in silver.
House Skill and Feat[edit | edit source]
Scions of House Perseus gain Diplomacy as a class skill and many also learn the Negotiator feat.
House Autolykos[edit | edit source]
Criminal ties.
Allies: Medea, Oidipus.
Enemies: Perseus, Prometheus.
Colors: Black, Silver.
House Medea[edit | edit source]
One of the First Houses, the ones that founded Nadinomos. They often absorb scions with innate sorcerous or divine power, such as sorcerers, warlocks and bards, although they also have some of the most pious clerics in Nadinomos. The trade and craft of House Medea is secrets and lost knowledge, and their libraries are among the most famed (and feared) places in Nadinomos. As a side note, the Head Librarian commonly hails from House Medea. Internally, the house has many ceremonies to provide luck and power for their many rituals. The Medean culture prices the unique, the weird and the esoteric. If it furthers magical knowledge it doesn't matter where it came from or what it will cost.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Autolykos, Atalanta, Hippolyta.
Enemies[edit | edit source]
Theseus, Perseus.
Colors[edit | edit source]
Red and wavy Blue.
House Jason[edit | edit source]
Many allies and favors. Rich.
Allies: Theseus, Achilles, Odysseus.
Enemies: Oidipus, Prometheus, Medea.
Color: Gold and Blue.
House Oidipus[edit | edit source]
Weird ones.
Allies: Autolykos, Perseus.
Enemies:Jason, Herakles.
House Achilles[edit | edit source]
War heroes.
Allies: Jason, Herakles.
Enemies: Heracles, Atalanta.
House Heracles[edit | edit source]
Heroes. Loved by the people.
Allies: Achilles, .
Enemies: Oidipus, Odysseus.
House Atalanta[edit | edit source]
Clerics and Warriors.
Allies: Hippolyta, Medea.
Enemies: , .
House Odysseus[edit | edit source]
Explorers. Notoriously arrogant. Young House.
Allies: Prometheus, .
Enemies: Atalanta, Heracles.
House Prometheus[edit | edit source]
Alchemists and merchants. Technology. Scientific ways. Lore masters. Oldest of the Young Houses. Rivalry with Autolykos for best artifact merchants. Considered very stiff and non-social. Quite wealthy because of artifact and alchemy trade. Also sell many power components for spells and rituals. Only constructs in army (warforged with low Int, Half-Golems, Golems, some undead constructs). Many alchemists and wizards. Few druids. Ruled by a council.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Perseus, Odysseus.
Enemies[edit | edit source]
Theseus, Autolykos, Jason.
House Skill and Feat[edit | edit source]
Scions of House Prometheus gain Craft:Alchemy as a class skill and many also learn the feat Research.
House Hippolyta[edit | edit source]
Matriarchate. Marries off all men to other Houses as trophy men.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Medea, Atalanta.
Enemies[edit | edit source]
Oidipus, Odysseus, Herakles.
House Skill and Feat[edit | edit source]
Scions of House Hippolyta gain Survival as a class skill and many also learn the feat Dextrous Dodge. /List