Zombie Packages (Action!)

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Zombies[edit | edit source]

Common Zombie[edit | edit source]

Conditional Escalation (Conditional Reproduction)
Corruption (Special, only needs to Damage or splatter, Extra Points?)
Damage Immunity (Guns, Melee, etc, Weakness: Headshot)
Death Resistance?
Inevitable Comeback (Requires Creature/Power roll Diff ?)
Monstrous Attribute (Strength/Toughness, Int)
Undead (Extra Tough?, Extra Hard?, Extra Strong?)
Flaw: Unliving (Läker inte)
Flaw: Vulnerability?
Flaw: Tool Ignorant?

All special Zombies[edit | edit source]

Possible Immortality
Monstrous Attribute (any, any)
Blood Drain (Toughness)

Smoker[edit | edit source]

BLast (Poison Gas)
Tentacle (Secondary Attack: Blast (Hold Blast))

Tank[edit | edit source]

Armor (Extra Armor, Hardened Armor)
Growth (Always On)
Massive (Superheavy)

Hunter[edit | edit source]

Abysmal Spines (Armor Killer, Extra Effect)
Cricket Legs

Charger[edit | edit source]

Armor (Extra Armor)
Death Grip
Growth (Always On)

Burster[edit | edit source]

Growth (Always On)
Blast (PB Area Attack, Suicide)
Blowing Chunks

Commander[edit | edit source]

Call (Zombies, Sacrifice)
Dark Gift (Darker Blood, Raw Power)
Marked for Death

Witch[edit | edit source]

Abysmal Spines (Armor Killer, Extra Effect, Heart Seeking, Mystic Edge, Soul Twist)
Awareness (Life Sense, Accurate, Magic Sight)
Dispel Magic
Marked for Death

Infiltrator[edit | edit source]

Transform (normal human)

Abomination[edit | edit source]

Wall Crawling

Winged Zombie[edit | edit source]
