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Talents[edit | edit source]

These are the Talents available to Earthdawn Adepts.

Discipline use[edit | edit source]

After Discipline Use on each Talent there is a list of Disciplines. These Disciplines do not need to use Focus on Talents that require Focus. This includes any mandatory Focus costs of the Talent. All Focus expenditure on a Talent provides +d10 on the talent.
Avoid Blow
Discipline use (Dodge): Thief, Troubadour or Warrior.
Focus:You may actively Dodge, once per Sequence.
This allows Adepts of the Thief, Troubadour and Warrior Disciplines to not use the Focus cost when they pay for the Avoid Blow Talent, effectively making it Free for them.

Astral Sight
Discipline use (Occult): Nethermancer, Wizard.
Strain 1: Occult+Soul vs Spell Defense of target to see magic items, creatures and destiny.
This allows Adepts of the Nethermancer and Wizard Disciplines to pay a point of Focus to get +d10 on their Occult roll when using Astral Sight.

Talents[edit | edit source]

Abate Curse[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Weaponsmith) :Weaponsmith.
Action, Strain 1: Weaponsmith+Focus/10+Weapon rank x 5 of cursed weapon. The curse abates EV hours.

Acrobatic Strike[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts): Air Sailor.
Adepts use the Acrobatic Strike talent to make impossibly graceful, leaping, spinning attacks.
Attack, Focus: Add Circle to Defense until end of Sequence.

(Skill or Attribute) Adept[edit | edit source]

All Disciplines have some things they are better at than other Disciplines. This Talent reflects that. You may spend a Focus point to gain a +d10 on the indicated Skill or Attribute.

Air Dance[edit | edit source]

The Air Dance talent allows an Adept to walk on air, about 1 inch above the surface of the ground. Air Dance does not allow an Adept to stand suspended in midair, and can only be used in combination with Combat Movement. Air Dance makes it possible for an Adept to perform quick, gliding movements and rapid attacks.
Strain 1: Add Circle to Initiative this Sequence. If you have double the Initiative of an opponent, you may make an attack after he attacks you the first time. Ignore footing this Sequence. You can only Move once this Sequence.

Air Speaking[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Sorcery): Elementalist.
The Air Speaking talent is unique to Elementalists. This talent allows them to communicate with others of their Discipline without actually vocalizing the words. An Elementalist may use Air Speaking to speak to any other Elementalist, including those of lower Circles. He moves his lips slightly but makes no actual sound. Other Elementalists hear Air Speaking as normal conversation. An Elementalist without the Air Speaking talent can hear another Elementalist using this talent, but must reply through normal communication channels.
Action: Sorcery+Charisma / 15. The range for this talent is the Air Speaking EV x 5 yards; master Elementalists can lecture entire gatherings with Air Speaking.

Animal Bond[edit | edit source]

Cost: Special
Discipline use (Animal actions): Beastmaster.
You have bonded with an animal. It is are fiercely loyal and controlled by you.
Passive: They cost 1 point per 5 points invested into the creature. You may invest a maximum of Circle x 10 points into them. You may buy several Animal Bonds, up to a maximum of Circle creatures.

Animal Possession[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers, All in animal): Beast Master.
The Animal Possession talent allows an Adept to place his or her spirit into the body of an animal.
Action, Strain 2: Adept Powers+Soul vs animal's Willpower+Soul. Success indicates that the Adept now controls the animal's body, but not vice versa. While using Animal Possession, the Adept's physical form slumps into a coma-like state. He retains his own intelligence while in the animal body, but cannot perform any actions of which the animal is not normally capable. The Adept's control lasts for a number of hours equal to his Circle or until the animal and Adept touch again. When the possession ends or the animal and Adept touch, both spirits return to their proper bodies. If either the animal's or the Adept's body is killed, the spirits and bodies will both die.

Anticipate Blow[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts): Outcast Warrior, Warrior.
The Anticipate Blow talent allows an Adept to better defend against an incoming attack. The Adept must have a higher Initiative in order to use Anticipate Blow against an attacking opponent.
Attack, Focus: If your Action Value is higher than your opponents Willpower, add a bonus equal to your Circle to this Attack's AV and your Defense. This does not combine with Air Dance.

Arcane Mutterings[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Willpower): Wizard.
The Arcane Mutterings talent allows an Adept to confuse others by uttering dire and largely incomprehensible warnings.
Action, Focus: Willpower+Focus/Willpower+Empathy. If the EV is 5 or higher, target takes no action as long as no one takes hostile action against them. Arcane Mutterings lasts Circle rounds. During this time, the Adept must continually "mutter" or else the effect ends. While suffering from the effects of Arcane Mutterings, the targets are disheartened, which makes them easier to affect using other social talents. Add the Adept's Circle to any attempt to Interact with the targets. Arcane Mutterings has no effect when used against targets engaged in combat.

Astral Sight[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Nethermancer, Wizard.
Strain 1: Occult+Soul vs Spell Defense of target to see magic items, creatures and destiny.

Avoid Blow[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Dodge): Air Sailor, Boatman, Outcast Warrior, Thief, Troubadour or Warrior.
The Avoid Blow talent allows an Adept to dodge blows directed at him in combat at the last minute.
Focus: You may actively Dodge, once per Sequence.

Bank Shot[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Archery, Throwing Weapons): Archer, Thief.
The Bank Shot talent allows an Adept to ricochet missile and thrown weapons off obstacles on the way to their target. An Adept need not have line of sight to the target when he uses Bank Shot, but must have had line of sight to the target. A bank shot destroys arrows and bolts used to make the shot. Though the bank shot nicks and scratches daggers and other throwing weapons, these remain usable.
Attack, Strain 1: You may attack any target in range, ignoring cover and line-of-sight.

Battle Bellow[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Intimidate): Purifier, Sky Raider.
The Battle Bellow talent allows an Adept to intimidate foes.
Attack, Strain 1: You may Intimidate (Intimidate+Charisma/Intimidation+Empathy) any and all opponents as part of your Attack, with normal multi-action penalties. A successful Intimidation causes Circle points of Impairment for 1 Sequence.
If the Adept gains 5 EV on his Intimidation, he provides +Circle AV to all friendly Battle Shouts within [ Circle x 10 ] meters.

Battle Shout[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Intimidate): Sky Raider.
The Battle Shout talent allows an Adept to intimidate foes.
Attack, Strain 1: You may Intimidate (Intimidate+Charisma/Intimidation+Empathy) any and all opponents as part of your Attack, with normal multi-action penalties. A successful Intimidation causes Circle points of Impairment for 1 Sequence.

Blood Share[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Cavalryman.
The Blood Share talent allows an Adept to transfer damage between his mount and himself. First, the Adept makes a small cut somewhere on himself and on his mount, then touches the two cuts together. Blood Share talent normally does not require the character to spend Focus, but if a Cavalryman wants to use this talent on another willing Adept, he can do so by spending 1 Focus. Using Blood Share in this way requires that deep trust exist between the Adept and his volunteering comrade. Members of the Cavalryman Discipline almost universally honor this trust, and have coined the term "blood betrayer" to refer to anyone who uses Blood Share to transfer so much damage to another Adept that the second Adept dies. Other Cavalrymen shun blood betrayers.
Action (Focus): Adept Powers+Toughness/0. Transfer up to this EV in Shock points, and EV/5 Wounds.

Body Blade[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Body Blade Attack Damage): Purifier, Warrior.
The Body Blade talent change's one of the Adept's limbs in a way that permits its use as a weapon.
Focus, Strain 1, Unarmed Attack: Adept counts as wielding a weapon and as being unarmed. Add Circle to the Damage of the Attack.

Body Control[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Unarmed Damage): Purifier.
The Body Control talent allows an Adept to harden his hands when making an unarmed attacks.
Strain 1: Add Circle Damage to next unarmed Attack this sequence.

Book Memory[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Academics): Wizard.
Action, Focus: You may memorize a book, gaining an Academics proficiency a year and a day. You may not memorize more than Circle books, and may "forget" books to learn new ones. The "forgotten" ones may be recalled using Book Recall.

Book Recall[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Academics): Wizard.
Action, Strain 1: Academics+Intelligence/10+Memorized Books x 5. You may recall a "forgotten" book and its Academics proficiency. Duration is 24 hours or until you use Book Recall again.

Borrow Sense[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Survival, Perception): Beastmaster.
Using the Borrow Sense talent, a character temporarily takes one of an animal's five senses of touch, taste, hearing, smell, or sight for use as his own. The animal loses that sense for the duration of that borrowing. For this reason, only animals loyal to the Adept will submit to Borrow Sense.
Action: Gain the use of any and all senses of an animal for Circle minutes. This provides +Circle on Survival and Perception rolls.

Call Arrow[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Archer.
The Call Arrow talent allows an Adept to retrieve fired arrows he has fired. The talent works on any arrows the Adept fired that remain within 100 yards of him or her. The called arrows fly toward the Adept, tumbling and rotating into proper position, then drop into the quiver. Call Arrow only retrieves the arrows; the Adept cannot also tie or attach the called arrows to another object in an attempt to retrieve that object. Call Arrow also extracts arrows from targets and returns them to the Adept.
Action: Adept Powers+Focus Difficulty 0 to call arrows. Call back [ Circle+EV/5 ] arrows.

Called Shot[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Archery): Archer.
Discipline use (Martial Arts): Swordmaster.
An Adept can use the Called Shot talent to impress onlookers with a display of targeting accuracy. The Adept announces his attack aloud, naming his target and roughly where the shot will strike. A successful hit means the shot hit in approximately the called spot. Opponents who see this display of skill are suitably impressed.
Attack, Strain 1: You may Intimidate a number of onlookers equal to your Circle with an attack, causing 1 point of impairment on their next Action.

Cat's Paw[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Sneak): Beastmaster.
The Cat's Paw talent permits a character to move quietly.
Strain 1: Sneak with +Circle bonus EV.

Charge[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Charge damage): Cavalryman.
Passive, 2 Full Moves: The Adept may make an Attack with +Circle damage, with Damage based on his or his Mount's Strength, adding any weapon used.

Claw Frenzy[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts): Beastmaster.
Using the Claw Frenzy talent, a character can make more effective, and possibly, multiple attacks using the Claw Shape talent.
Attack Action, Focus: You may attack Circle times with Claw Shape. To gain the discipline bonus past the first time, you must pay an extra Focus per Claw Shape Attack. You may also pay Focus points to do extra damage with each Claw Shape Attack.

Claw Shape[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Claw Shape Damage): Beastmaster.
The Claw Shape talent changes an Adept's dominant hand into a fearsome clawed weapon.
Passive, Focus: You do Strength+Circle+3 Damage with an unarmed Martial Arts Attack. Discipline users may add an extra Focus to this Attack, for more Damage.

Cobra Strike[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Initiative): Warrior.
The Cobra Strike talent allows an Adept to make incredibly quick attacks in the first Sequence of combat. Cobra Strike only works for the first Sequence of combat against any one opponent.
Strain 1: +Circle to Shot Count this Sequence. During the Sequence you may make one Attack with +Circle AV. This is not stackable with other talents that raise Initiative.

Cold Purify[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Medicine): Wizard.
The Cold Purify talent stops the effects of poison. Using this talent requires access to ice, snow, or chilled water. The character packs the ice (or cold material) around a poisoned character's wound.
Action, 1 minute concentration: Medicine+Soul/Poison Strength. Success stops the poison and heals up to EV damage caused by the poison (EV Shockpoints, EV/5 Wounds and Attributes).

Conceal Weapon[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Attacks with Concealed Weapon): Thief.
An Adept can use the Conceal Weapon talent to use sleight of hand and illusion to hide weapons somewhere on his or her body.
Action, Strain 1: The Adept hides a weapon. Once the Adept initiates combat with the hidden weapon, he gains Shots equal to his Circle. The concealment lasts 24 hours or until the weapon is detected or removed.

Creature Analysis[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Beastmaster.
The Creature Analysis talent allows a character to use scholarship and divination magic to gain information about a creature he is observing.
Action, Strain 1: Roll Adept Powers+Soul/Occult+Soul of the creature. He may ask the gamemaster one specific question about the creature, plus one per 5 EV. For the purposes of this talent, the player can ask a specific question that would reveal one of the creature's game statistics or abilities. The gamemaster should, however, cheerfully disallow questions comparing more than one statistic, such as "Is this beast tougher than I am?" or "Which is higher, its Action or Occult?".

Crushing Blow[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Melee Weapon Damage): Purifier, Sky Raider.
The Crushing Blow talent is a fearsome attack used to inflict maximum damage.
Attack, Focus, Battle Shout: Add Circle to the damage of the Attack. If the Battle Shout against the target of the Attack succeeds, add +3 to Damage of the Attack, for a total bonus of Circle+3 Damage.

Dead Fall[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Bluff): Illusionist.
An Adept uses the Dead Fall talent to feign death. As the Adept collapses, he uses minor illusion magic to exaggerate the appearance of any wound, poison, or disease effect to persuade observers that he is really dead.
Passive: At any time, the Adept may roll Bluff+Manipulation/Willpower+Focus. Success creates an illusion that lasts EV rounds that the Adept is dead. This may be prolonged with new talent uses.

Detect Weapon[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Attacks while Alerted): Thief.
The Detect Weapon talent allows an Adept to notice hidden weapons, whether concealed by normal or magical means. The Adept cannot detect a weapon's magical abilities using this talent.
Action, Strain 1: Observation/Notice+Perception/Sneak+Wits. Success indicates that the Adept spots any hidden weapons and knows their types. Once the Adept detects a weapon, he becomes alert to possible treachery. This alertness lasts for a number of minutes equal to his Wits. If the target carrying the detected weapon tries to initiate combat, the alerted Adept gains Shots equal to his Circle.

Direction Arrow[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Archer.
Using the Direction Arrow talent, an Adept can locate another Adept or an object. The Adept must first possess a piece of clothing or a piece of wall from a building or something else directly connected to the person or object he seeks. The Adept fires an arrow straight up into the air. The arrow rises to its full height, then plummets to the earth. When it hits the ground, it shatters and sparks into an flaming arrow 1 yard long.
Strain 4, Action: The Adept makes an Adept Powers+Soul roll against the Willpower+Soul of the person or object being sought. If this succeeds, the arrow points in the right direction.

Disarm[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts): Swordmaster.
The Disarm talent uses a combination of flashing swordplay and instinctive levitation magic to help an Adept to knock the weapon from an opponent's hand.
Attack, Strain 1: If your Martial Arts+Agility/Martial Arts+Agility or Strength attack succeeds, you disarm your foe. You send the opponent's weapon flying a number of meters equal to your EV, in the direction of the your choice.

Dominate Beast[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Animal's Action): Beastmaster.
The Dominate Beast talent allows an Adept to temporarily subdue and control an animal, wild or trained. An animal under the effect of Dominate Beast will not take any hostile action against the character using the talent.
Strain 1: Gain control of an animal for Circle minutes. Against an Animal Bond, roll Adept Powers+Focus/Adept Powers+Focus. The character may command the creature to perform one simple task that requires less time than the duration of Dominate Beast. The task cannot pose more danger to the animal than to the character.

Down Strike[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts Damage): Outcast Warrior, Warrior.
The Down Strike talent allows an Adept to inflict greater-than-normal damage on a target in combat. The Adept must be using the Gliding Stride Talent or using another talent to move at least 6 feet above the head of his opponent. The Adept must scream like a bird of prey as he drops onto his target.
Strain 1: Add your Circle+3 to an Attack's Damage.

Durability[edit | edit source]

Passive: You gain Shock points per the table below and +1 Wound Threshold per 10 points invested into Durability. You may invest [Circle x 10] points into Durability.

Class Shock point Rate
Warrior, Outcast Warrior 1/1
Sky Raider 2/3
Beastmaster,Cavalryman,Swordmaster, Liberator 1/2
Air Sailor, Archer, Boatman, Troubadour, Weaponsmith, Purifier, Scout, Traveled Scholar 1/3
Thief 1/4
Elementalist, Illusionist, Nethermancer, Wizard 1/5

Durability (Mount)[edit | edit source]

As per Durability 1/4. May be transferred from one mount to another.

Eagle Eye[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Archer.
An Adept uses the Eagle Eye talent to aim at distant targets. Eagle Eye will enable him to fire at the target as if it were at close range.
Focus: Roll Adept Powers+Soul vs Willpower+Soul. Success allows the Adept to ignore any range modifier penalties that would normally apply. Each use of the Eagle Eye talent lasts a number of Sequences equal to the Adept's Circle. This Talent does not increase the range of the weapon used.

Earth Skin[edit | edit source]

The Earth Skin talent makes an Adept much more resistant to damage. The Adept can only use this talent once per day, and must have the Wood Skin talent in order to use Earth Skin. The Adept must use the Wood Skin talent on the same day he uses Earth Skin. Earth Skin lasts for a full 24 hours, until Wood Skin wears off or until the Adept ends the effect. Action, Strain 1: Add Circle to your Wound Threshold, Wounds and Defense against Occult.

Elemental Hold[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Sorcery): Elementalist.
The Elemental Hold talent allows a character to prevent an elemental from moving or taking any action other than communicating. The character must possess the Elemental Tongues talent and be able to speak the elemental's language to use this talent.
Action, Strain 1: The character boldly faces the elemental and orders it to halt. Roll Sorcery+Power/Willpower+Power. On a success, the Elemental may only speak, not move or attack, Circle sequences.

Elemental Tongues[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Social): Elementalist.
The Elemental Tongues talent allows a character to speak the languages of air, earth, fire, and water--the four elemental tongues. Characters cannot communicate with wood or plant elementals using this talent, because it requires a special spell to unravel their peculiar tongue.
Passive: You gain +Circle on Interaction against Elementals and 15 free points on bound elementals.

Emotion Song[edit | edit source]

Discipline use(Perform): Troubadour.
The Emotion Song talent uses an Adept's powerful performance to arouse an audience to a basic emotion such as fear, love, hate, happiness, anger, and joy. The audience directs the basic emotion at the subject of the song; if the Adept sings about a king, the audience feels the emotion about the king. To perform Emotion Song requires at least half an hour.
Action(Special): Perform+Spirit/highest Willpower+Empathy in audience.

  • 0-4 EV: 25%.
  • 5-9 EV: 50%.
  • 10-19 EV: 75%.
  • 20+ EV: 100%.

The effects of the song last a number of days equal to the Adept's Circle. During this time, affected targets are more susceptible to suggestions related to the emotion of the song (-5 Diff) and resist emotions contrary to the performances emotion (+5 Diff).
If a character fails an Emotion Song, he or she must immediately stop performing. The crowd has grown weary of the performance, and the character may not use Emotion Song again until the following morning.

Empathic Command[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Willpower): Cavalryman.
Passive: The Adept may Defend himself and his Mount against fear, charm and non-attack spells with the Adept's Willpower, with a +Circle bonus.
Mounted Action: You may perform Ride as a Free Action.

Empathic Sense[edit | edit source]

Discipline use(Adept Powers): Troubadour.
The Empathic Sense talent allows an Adept to sense the feelings or emotions of another character. In order to use Empathic Sense, the Adept must "attune" the talent to a target character. This attuning remains in effect for a year and a day, or until the Adept changes the attunement. An Adept may attune to one character per Circle rank. For example, an Adept with Circle 4 and Empathic Sense could attune to up to four characters. To attune with a target character, the Adept must spend three minutes of quiet meditation with that character.
Passive: Adept Powers+Charisma/Occult+Soul. Success allows for sensing of emotions or feelings of the attuned targets. Empathic Sense also gives an Adept a vague sense of the location of an attuned target, within a 90-degree arc, but does not reveal distance. Empathic Sense is effective up to a range of miles equal to the Adept's Circle.

Endure Cold[edit | edit source]

The Endure Cold talent allows characters to withstand damage caused by ice or cold temperatures.
Passive: Ignore cold weather.
Circle times a day: Add Focus to your Soak against a cold-based Attack.

Engaging Banter[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Social): Troubadour.
The Engaging Banter talent allows an Adept to use his charming style and a touch of magical suggestion to distract an opponent. The target Adept must be able to understand what the Adept is saying in order for the talent to work. Engaging Banter may also be used in combat.
Action, Strain 1: Social+Manipulation/Social+Empathy. If successful, the target and the Adept spend time in witty, idle chatter, causing 1 point of impairment to the target for Circle Sequences. A Wound to the target negates the Engaging Banter, making the target immune for the next 24 hours.

Enhanced Matrix[edit | edit source]

Cost: 10 LP.
Passive: Allows the use of one Sorcery Schtick safely. Contains Circle Power Points, only usable with that Schtick, that must be reloaded with Karma Ritual as usual.
Action: Change the Sorcery Schtick in the Enhanced Matrix.

Escape Divination[edit | edit source]

Imprisoned or trapped adepts can use the Escape Divination talent to determine the best exit.
Action, Strain 1: Choose safest path from current location.

Evaluate Metal[edit | edit source]

Strain 1: Deduce the Resource Value and type of a metal.

False Shackles[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Sneak): Liberator.
Action: While pretending to be restrained you gain:
Passive: Add Circle to a Sneak.

False Sight[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Illusionist.
The False Sight talent allows a character to intensify his illusions, making them more difficult for observing characters to penetrate. A character can use False Sight only on illusions he creates himself, not on those cast by other characters. The character using this talent must be able to see his target for False Sight to work.
Strain 1: Occult+Soul/Occult+Soul against a target or group. +Circle Difficulty to Disbelieve Illusion effects from this Namegiver by the targets.

Fearsome Charge[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Cavalryman.
Strain 2, Charge Move: You may Intimidate all opponents as part of your Charge Move, with Adept Powers+Focus, with a +Circle bonus.

  • 0-4 EV: Opponent loses his next Move.
  • 5+ EV: Opponent flees.

Fireblood[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Sky Raider.
Fireblood makes the blood oozing from an Adept's scratches, cuts, and wounds bubble and hiss; during the Sequence in which Fireblood is used, the blood steams, cleaning and partially healing the Adept's damage.
Focus, Action: Adept Powers+Toughness/0. Regain EV Shock points, Regain EV/5 Wounds.

Fire Heal[edit | edit source]

Discipline Use (Occult): Elementalist.
The Fire Heal talent is used to try and use the healing powers of Fire. To use the Fire Heal talent, the character must build an open fire large enough to completely engulf him or her.
Action: The character immerses him- or herself into the fire for 30 minutes per Wound he or she wants healed. At the end of the time period, roll Occult+Soul/2 x Wounds to Heal. Success heals the Wounds and all Shock points. Failure causes Damage.

First Impression[edit | edit source]

The First Impression talent helps an Adept to favorably impress targets he or she has just met. The First Impression talent may only be used once against any one target.
Action, Focus: The Adept makes a Social+Charisma vs Social/Willpower+Empathy. A successful First Impression gains the Adept a bonus equal to his Circle for all Interaction-related Actions. For example, a Circle 3 Adept with First Impression adds +3 AV to all Interaction Actions made against a favorably impressed target. The effects of First Impression last a number of days equal to the First Impression's EV.

Flame Arrow[edit | edit source]

Discipline Use (Flame Damage):Archer.
The Flame Arrow talent allows an Adept to create a flaming arrow from a normal one, transforming his arrow into a missile of fire. This process destroys the arrow.
Focus, Strain 2: Arrow bursts into flame, doing Circle+3 extra Damage.

Forge Blade[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Weaponsmith): Weaponsmith.
Action: After 1 week of work the Weaponsmith rolls Weaponsmith+Focus/10+Damage adds. Success gives weapon 1 extra damage add. You may perform this Circle times per weapon.

Free Mind[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Social): Liberator.
This talent may only be used against slaves, prisoners, prison guards, slavers' lackeys to change their allegiance.
Social: Add Circle AV to any attempt to change the allegiance of a valid target, -3 AV versus slavers' lackeys. EV 5 changes the valid target's allegiance.

Freedom Search[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Liberator.
By carefully studying a Name-giver using the Freedom Search talent, a character can determine if the subject has ever been either a slave or a slaver.
Action: Adept Powers+Soul/Willpower+Soul. Reveals what the character has been most recently: slave or slaver. Also works on prisoners.

Freedom Song[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Performance): Liberator.
Action: Slaves in earshot may use the character's Charisma as any attribute and the character's Performance as Willpower the next Circle turns.

Frighten[edit | edit source]

The Frighten talent allows an Adept to scare another target. Stepping in front of his target, the Adept stares silently at the target. For the talent to have effect, the Adept must see the eyes of his target or else the target must be able to see the Adept's eyes.
Action, Focus: Intimidate+Charisma/Willpower+Focus, target must not interact with you for Circle Sequences.

Frighten Animal Servants[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Intimidation): Beastmaster, Cavalryman.
The Frighten Animal Servants talent allows a character to terrorize servant animals. The talent focuses magic through the animals' master, making him the source of the animals' fear.
Action, Focus: Intimidation+Charisma/Intimidation+Empathy. All animal servants of a particular master flee from him or her in terror. Hounds will desert a hunter, a mount will throw its rider, guard tigers will flee from their ward. Lasts Circle Sequences.

Gliding Stride[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Stunt): Outcast Warrior, Warrior.
Gliding Stride is a movement talent that allows the Adept to move in a graceful glide through the air.
Strain 1: Stunt+Agility/Difficulty 10. The EV gives the maximum horizontal distance the Adept can move in 1 Sequence using this Talent, though the Adept still cannot move further horizontally than his Move. The effects of Gliding Stride last for a number of Sequences equal to the Adept's Circle. Gliding Stride suspends an Adept in midair, but cannot suspend him higher than a number of feet above the ground equal to 10 times the Adept's Circle. If the Adept is suspended more than Circle x 10 feet above the ground (say he stepped off a cliff), he falls to the ground, but only takes the damage he would have suffered from falling a distance equal to the difference between the Gliding Stride suspension limit and the actual height. The Adept also modifies the falling damage by a number of Armor Points equal to his Circle.

Graceful Exit[edit | edit source]

An Adept can escape combat by making an enchanted, Graceful Exit.
Action: Social+Charisma/Social+Empathy. Normal Multi-Action penalties. Each targeted opponent must understand what the Adept says or else Graceful Exit has no effect. The opponents bedazzled by the Graceful Exit can take no action against the Adept using the talent for a number of Sequences equal to the Adept's Circle. Graceful Exit protects only the Adept using it; his or her associates must fend for themselves. If the Adept returns to the combat after making a Graceful Exit, the targets affected by this talent become enraged. They try to attack the Adept, and are immune to all Interaction (any attempts to further influence them). Their anger adds +2 to all their AVs.

Great Leap[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Stunt): Sky Raider.
Move: You may Jump up to Stunt+Agility meters horizontally, and half this vertically. You may roll for this, or use static AV.

Heal Animal Servant[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Beastmaster, Cavalryman.
A character with the Heal Animal Servant talent may heal any of his or her animal servants.
Action, Focus: Adept Powers+Soul/0. Animal regains EV Shockpoints, EV/5 Wounds. Heal Slave

Heart of Freedom[edit | edit source]

Discipline use(Occult): Liberator.
Action: Occult+Soul/Willpower+Empathy against target group. Success induces Gahaad for EV Days. Heart of Rebellion

Heartening Laugh[edit | edit source]

The Heartening Laugh talent allows an Adept to support friendly Adepts against fear. The Adept spends an Action directing a booming, mocking laugh at one opponent.
Focus, Action: Social+Charisma / Social+Empathy. All friendly targets who hear the Adept's laugh receive a bonus equal to the Adept's Circle to Defenses to resist fear and fear-type effects generated by the opponent. The effect of Heartening Laugh lasts for a number of Sequences equal to the Adept's Circle.

Hoard of Blows[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Released Damage): Liberator.
Passive: The character may "save" damage dealt by slavers and prison guard for later, up to Circle days.
Action, Focus: Release all stored Damage dealt by target, resisted by Power.

Hold Thread[edit | edit source]

Hypnotize[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Illusionist.
The Hypnotize talent allows an Adept to mesmerize another target, making the target very susceptible to persuasion through Interaction. The Hypnotize talent is a magical effect rather than an actual hypnosis process. An Adept can hypnotize any single target within 10 yards. The Adept must speak to use this talent. The target cannot be involved in physical conflict and must be able to understand the hypnotist.
Action: Occult+Soul/Occult+Soul. A success improves the attitude of the target toward the Adept by one degree, to a maximum of friendly. While under the influence of the Hypnotize talent, the target remains placid unless attacked. The Adept has a maximum number of minutes equal to his Circle to make posthypnotic suggestions. During this time, the Adept can try Interaction against the target, using success to persuade the target to perform desired actions. The target will perform any actions to which he or she agreed while under the effects of the Hypnotize talent, as long as the actions can be performed within a number of hours of the Hypnotize session equal to the character's Circle. Impossible Hide

Incite Mob[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Troubadour.
The Incite Mob talent allows a character to motivate a group to act against a specific target. The character must spend at least 1 minute shouting and encouraging a large group of sentient beings to act. The character must state a target, a grievance, and propose an action for the mob to take. The action may be peaceful or violent, constructive or destructive.
Action, Strain 1: Adept Powers+Focus/highest Willpower+ Diff below.

  • Circle x 10, Diff 0
  • Circle x 25, Diff 5
  • Circle x 50, Diff 10
  • Circle x 100, Diff 15

The mob follows the inciter's course of action for a number of hours equal to the character's Circle. Once motivated, the mob becomes largely uncontrollable. An Adept can only control the mob by making a second, equally successful Incite Mob attempt.

Incite Stampede[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Beastmaster.
With the Incite Stampede talent a character can make a group of animals stampede in a specific direction. The character must first spend at least 1 minute running and screaming around the herd of animals he is trying to stampede.
Action, Strain 1: Adept Powers+Focus/Diff below.

  • Circle x 10, Diff 15
  • Circle x 25, Diff 20
  • Circle x 50, Diff 25
  • Circle x 100, Diff 30

Cause a stampede that lasts Circle hours.

Increase Initiative[edit | edit source]

Passive: Raise the Adept's Initiative and Shot Pool by 1.

Increase Recovery[edit | edit source]

Cost: Free.
The Adept gains Circle Focus points, only usable on healing talents. These reset at sunrise.

Item History[edit | edit source]

The Item History talent allows an Adept to learn the history of an enchanted or mundane item. The Adept must carry the item on his or her person for at least one week, studying it carefully for one hour each night.

Action, Focus: As soon as the Adept completes seven nights of study, the Adept makes a Power+Soul/10+Item's Circle x5.

  • 0-4 EV: One Key Knowledge.
  • 5-9 EV: Two Key Knowledges.
  • 10-19 EV: Three Key Knowledges.
  • 20+ EV: Four Key Knowledges.

The Item History talent can be used multiple times on the same item, each time after a week of study. When a Adept studies an item multiple times. The Adept's Circle is the maximum number of Key Knowledges that an Adept can learn through his talent. Once he increases his Circle, he can then learn more Key Knowledges. His Circle is also the maximum thread rank of any Key Knowledge that can be learned from an item.

Karma Ritual[edit | edit source]

All Disciplines have a Karma Ritual (see descriptions of individual Disciplines). Each ritual takes 30 minutes to perform, and can only be performed once per day.
Action (Special): Regain Circle Soul points.

Lasting Impression[edit | edit source]

The Lasting Impression talent allows a character to impress a group of onlookers. A character can only use Lasting Impression when he first meets a group of characters or when he prepares to leave a group of characters and will not return for at least 24 hours. This talent imprints a dramatic image of the character in the minds of those affected. The character chooses the characters upon whom he wants to leave a Lasting Impression;he must choose these characters before making the attempt.
Focus: The Adept rolls Social+Charisma / Social+Empathy. Success allows the Adept +Circle on further Interaction with the targets. A maximum of Circle targets may be targeted, and the effect lasts a year and a day.

Life Check[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Purifier, Warrior.
The Life Check talent gives the Adept a chance to save himself from death.
Special, Focus: When the Adept falls down dying from Wounds, roll Adept Powers+Toughness/Difficulty 0. EV heals Shock points, EV/5 heals Wounds.

Lifesight[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Nethermancer.
The Lifesight talent gives an Adept the ability to see the strength and composition of a target's life force. The Adept learns qualitative information, not quantitative. A strong, healthy life force appears as a strong but delicate latticework of light and opalescent force. Weaker life forces are dimmer, and parts of the latticework may be warped or broken. The life force of a target near death shows almost no visible latticework, just a few disconnected bright spots, one or more of which is fading. Each use of Life Sight requires 1 minute.
An Adept can use Lifesight to view a target's life force through solid, non-living objects. For example, an Adept could see the life forces of people hiding behind a brick wall, but not someone hiding in a hollow giant redwood tree. Once seen by Lifesight, the life forces remain visible as long as the targets stay in range.
Action, Strain 1: Occult+Soul/Occult+Soul. Success indicates that the life force is visible.

Lion Heart[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Defense vs Fear or Intimidation): Beastmaster.
Passive: You gain +Circle to any Defense vs Fear or Intimidation.

Lion Spirit[edit | edit source]

Passive: You gain +Circle to any Defense vs Fear or Intimidation.

Lizard Leap[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Stunt): Beastmaster.
The Lizard Leap talent enables a character to leap a great distance straight up.
Focus: Stunt+Strength/10 meters straight up, double that horizontally. Adept gains a Damage bonus to any Attack made as a part of the Leap, equal to the Adept's Circle. The Adept also gains a bonus equal to Circle/2 to his Defense until end of Sequence.

Maneuver[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Stunt): Swordmaster.
When using the Maneuver talent, the Adept sacrifices his attack to try to avoid attacks made against him. The Adept must direct the Maneuver talent against one opponent.
Active Defense or Action, Attack: Stunt+Agility sets your Defense during an Active Defense. The Adept may not attack this Sequence. If the Adept avoids all attacks during the Sequence in which he uses Maneuver, he adds his Circle to all Attacks' AV and Damage next Sequence.

Memorize Image[edit | edit source]

Discipline use: None.
The Memorize Image talent stores an image in a character's mind. The character can later recall the image to form the central image for an illusion. A character memorizes an image while watching a person or event.
Passive: +Circle Difficulty to Disbelieve caster Illusion Sorcery Effects from 1 Sorcery schtick. You may buy this Talent any number times, each time it applies to another Schtick.

Metal Ward[edit | edit source]

Discipline use: Elementalist (Occult).
The Metal Ward talent reduces damage from attacks made using any form of metal, including weapons, spikes in pit traps, and so on, by increasing a character's Armor rating.
Action, Strain 2: Occult+Soul+5/0. +Circle Armor against metal objects for EV hours.

Mimic Voice[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Perform): Troubadour.
The Mimic Voice talent gives an Adept the ability to mimic any voice he or she hears. An Adept uses the Mimic Voice talent both to learn the voice and to mimic it. If the Adept does not understand the language of the person whose voice he is trying to mimic, Mimic Voice produces the equivalent of baby babble; the sounds are right, but the words don't mean much.
Action: Perform+Manipulation/Willpower+Soul. Success means the character can mimic the voice any time during the next 24 hours. Provides the following:
Action: Perform+Manipulation/Willpower+Empathy. Success indicates that the target believes the voice. If the target opponent has strong physical evidence that the voice is being mimicked, such as the Adept standing before him in his normal appearance while using the talent, he may perform an Active Defense.

Mind Armor[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Armor): Liberator.
The Mind Armor talent allows the Adept to fashion physical armor from sheer willpower at a moment's notice.
Action, Strain 2: Gain Circle+3 Armor. Lasts Circle minutes.

Mind Blade[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Blade Damage): Liberator.
The Mind Blade talent allows the Adept to create a weapon from sheer willpower at a moment's notice. Action, Strain 1: Gain a weapon with Circle+3 Damage. Lasts Circle hours. Mind Wave

Momentum Attack[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Second Attack): Sky Raider.
The Momentum Attack talent allows an Adept to make a second melee weapon attack against an opponent.
Strain 1: If the Adept hits with 5 Outcome, he may perform a second basic Attack.

Mount Attack[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Mount's Strength Damage): Cavalryman.
The Mount Attack talent increases the strength of a mount for the purpose of determining damage.
Strain 1: The Adept's Mount gains +Circle Strength Damage, and if it has no normal Attack, gain one at [ Mount Strength ]Damage.

Mystic Aim[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Archery):Archer.
The Mystic Aim talent allows an Adept to draw a steady aim on a target when using a missile weapon. The Adept spends a round aiming at a target within line-of-sight and overcoming his target's magic defenses. A small visible mark then appears on the target. The mark created on the target by Mystic Aim is unique to the Adept using the talent. The mark may appear as plain white dots or as a symbol from the Adept's town or village.
Strain 1, Action: Adept Powers+Soul/Willpower+Soul. If successful, a small visible mark appears on the Adept and the Adept adds a bonus equal to his Circle to his Missile Weapons. This bonus lasts until the character fires his weapon or until the target moves out of line-of-sight.

Orbiting Spy[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Nethermancer, Wizard.
The Orbiting Spy talent allows an Adept to summon a spirit to watch over the Adept and to serve as a lookout. The spy spirit hovers over the Adept at a height ranging from a few feet to 20 yards, traveling in a circular pattern centered on the Adept. The Adept determines how high or low the spirit hovers.
Conjured spies cannot affect nor be affected by the physical world. Orbiting Spies are immune to most spells, except those which disrupt or dispel magic. Conjured spy spirits are on constant alert. The spy spirit informs the conjurer Adept of anything unusual it notices. Many Adepts using Orbiting Spy give the spirit specific instructions regarding what to look for in order to prevent unpleasant surprises. Spy spirits can see into the astral plane as well as the physical world.
Action, Focus: Call forth the spirit with Occult+Soul/10. EV indicates number of hours the Adept is protected. This provides the following benefits:
Passive: You may use Occult+Power to Defend against Sneak, invisibility, or any other thing that relies on Perception as Defending attribute. Add your Circle to such Defenses.

Physical Defense[edit | edit source]

Passive: The Adept gains +1 Defense versus any Attack. This stacks with any Active Defenses.

Poison Resistance[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (resist poison): Beastmaster, Warrior.
The Poison Resistance talent helps an Adept withstand the effects of poison. This talent actually removes some of the poison from the Adept's body. When an Adept makes a Poison Resistance roll, a few drops of blood seep through his skin, carrying away some of the poison.
Passive: Add a bonus equal to your Circle to any poison resistance roll. Lower any Difficulty by 2 for each successive test.

Power Mask[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Disguise, Adept Powers Defense): Liberator.
Action, Strain 1: You gain +Circle to Disguise or Adept Powers Defense to be recognized as an Adept for Circle Days. Prison Call

Read and Write Language[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Knowledge): Troubadour, Wizard.
Passive: You may learn up to Circle languages. This talent also provides a bonus on Knowledge skills equal to the Adept's Circle.

Read and Write Magic[edit | edit source]

Discipline use: Elementalist, Illusionist, Nethermancer, Wizard.
This talent allows the reading of magic Scrolls and other magical writing. A scroll can contain any Sorcery effect. Reshape Object

Resist Taunt[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Interaction Defense): Cavalryman, Troubadour.
Strain 1, Defense: Add the Adept's Circle to a Defense against Interaction.

Riposte[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts Defense): Swordmaster.
The Riposte talent allows an Adept to turn an attack back on his attacker.If the Riposte result is higher than the Attack's result, the attacked Adept avoids the blow, then immediately attacks using his result as an Attack Value.
Strain 2, Focus, Defense: [Martial Arts+3] / Martial Arts. If the Riposte result is higher than the Attack's result, the attacked Adept avoids the blow, then immediately attacks using his result as an Action Value. Otherwise, the Adept is hit as normal. Safe Path

Second Attack[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts): Swordmaster.
The Second Attack talent allows an Adept to attack twice with the same weapon in the same Action. You may not use any other Talent to gain more Attacks per Attack Action.
Focus, Strain 1: You may make 2 Attacks per Attack Action while fulfilling the criteria of this Talent.

Second Weapon[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts): Swordmaster.
The Second Weapon talent allows an Adept to attack with two different weapons in the same Action. To use this talent, the Adept holds one weapon in each hand. The Second Weapon must be smaller than the Adept's primary weapon.
Strain 1: You may make 2 Attacks per Attack Action while fulfilling the criteria of this Talent.

Sense Poison[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Beastmaster.
The Sense Poison talent detects poisons in food, drink, and even the air. An Adept must be able to sniff the target substance to use the Sense Poison talent.
Strain 1: Adept Powers+Perception/Poison Difficulty. A successful result means the Adept detects poison on the target substance, object, or character. The range at which the character can detect the poison equals the character's Sense Poison Rank x 10 yards. If the target carries the poison in a tightly sealed container such as a vial, or if the poison comprises a natural part of an animal, such as venom in a spider, increase the Difficulty Number to sense the poison by +10.

Shackle Shrug[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Stunt): Liberator
. Allows the character to break any bond.
Action, Strain 1: The character releases any bonds with a Stunt+Agility/20. Decrease the Difficulty by 1 per hour

Shield Charge[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts): Sky Raider.
Requires Shield.
The Shield Charge talent allows an Adept to make an attack using his shield.
Attack Action, Strain 1: As part of an Attack Action, you may shield bash an opponent, causing Damage [ Strength + Circle ] and a Knockdown (Damage vs Stunt+Body) if this Attack hits. Shout of Justice

Silent Walk[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Sneak): Thief.
The Silent Walk talent combines fluid movement with magical effects to dampen the sound of an Adept's movement, including footsteps and other means of travel, such as the sound of a windling's flight.
Passive: You may Sneak as a Free Action while using a single Move. You may not use double Move with this Talent.

Social Defense[edit | edit source]

Passive:The Adept gains +1 Defense against Interaction Actions. This stacks with any Active Defenses.

Speak Language[edit | edit source]

Discipline Use (Interaction): Troubadour.
The Speak Language talent allows an Adept to magically and permanently learn to speak a new language. Each Circle rank allows the Adept to learn one new language. Once a Circle rank is assigned to a language, it cannot be used to learn any other language. To learn a language, the Adept must hear 1 minute of conversation in the language.
Focus: Learn a new language. This Talent may also be used for Interaction, without learning a language, for Presence minutes.

Spell Defense[edit | edit source]

Passive:The Adept gains +1 Defense against Occult Actions. This stacks with any Active Defenses.

Spell Matrix[edit | edit source]

Passive: Allows the use of one Sorcery Schtick safely.
Action: Sorcery+Power/Difficulty 20. Change the Sorcery Schtick in the Spell Matrix.

Spirit Dodge[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Nethermancer.
Using the Spirit Dodge talent, the Adept conjures a spirit that protects him in combat. When the Adept using the talent engages in combat, the spirit conjured by Spirit Dodge automatically tries to avoid any blow that would otherwise strike the Adept.
Free: Occult+Soul/10. The Adept is protected for EV hours or until the spirit is dismissed.This provides the following benefit:
Strain 1: The Adept may make an Active Defense with Occult.

Spirit Hold[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Nethermancer.
The Spirit Hold talent allows an Adept to root a restless spirit or entity to one spot, preventing it from moving or taking any Action other than communicating. Spirit Hold works on any creature from astral space and undead creatures. The spirit must be within 10 yards of the Adept using the Spirit Hold talent. The Adept must boldly face the spirit and order it to halt.
Action, Strain 1, Concentration: [Occult+5]+Soul/Occult+Soul. Target is held Circle Sequences, or until the Adept releases his concentration. Concentration allows for communication, nothing else.

Spirit Mount[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (any action with mount): Cavalryman.
Conjures a mount to ride. It is built on Circle x 100 points, with double the rider's racial maxima. The talent conjures a spirit mount "whose eyes are fire and whose skin is all summer lightning and fog." Spirit mounts usually take the form of horses or unicorns, but sages have recorded other shapes. Spirit mounts can walk or gallop on air when unburdened, but cannot carry riders in the air. They can sink 6 inches into the earth, allowing the mount and character to pass through corridors too short for a standard horse and rider. No one but the conjuring character may ride the spirit mount; the spirit mount dissolves rather than obey the commands of another.
Action: Summon the mount. A spirit mount remains in this world for a number of minutes equal to the Adept's Circle.

Spirit Strike[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Sky Raider, Warrior.
The Spirit Strike talent allows an Adept to at strike at opponents from astral space. The Adept must have either the Astral Sight talent or a Thread Weaving talent in order to use Spirit Strike. The Adept's weapon disappears from view as it enters astral space and then reemerges trailing cold green wisps of mist.
Attack, Strain 1: Occult+Soul/Willpower+Soul. A successful hit causes the normal damage for an attack of that type. The target's physical armor, if any, still provides protection. Defensive talents like Avoid Blow and Riposte cannot be used against attacks made with Spirit Strike.

Spirit Talk[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Occult): Nethermancer.
The Spirit Talk talent allows an Adept to talk to spirits and entities, including those who do not speak his language and those who do not normally communicate verbally.
Free: Occult+Soul vs Occult+Soul. Success makes the target able to communicate verbally for Circle minutes.

Spot Armor Flaw[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Weaponsmith): Weaponsmith.
Weaponsmith+Perception/Willpower+Soul. Success gives +Circle damage during Circle rounds.

Sprint[edit | edit source]

The Sprint talent allows an Adept to temporarily increase his movement rate. Magic infuses the Adept with speed.
Strain 1, Action+Move: You may Move (Move x (2+Circle) meters. You may only use this Talent once per Sequence.

Steel Thought[edit | edit source]

Passive: +Circle Defense versus Spells.

Steely Stare[edit | edit source]

Discipline Talent (Intimidation): Sky Raider.
The Steely Stare talent allows an Adept to intimidate an opponent. The Adept stares at a target, who immediately feels a chill travel up his spine.
Action: Intimidation+Charisma/Intimidation+Empathy. Success forces the target to not use any Spirit-based effects for EV Sequences.

Stopping Aim[edit | edit source]

Discipline Use (Archery): Archer.
The Stopping Aim talent allows an Adept to stop an opponent dead in his tracks. This talent can only be used with a bow or crossbow.
Action, Strain 1: The Adept spends an Action aiming at a target within line of sight. At the end of the Action, the Adept makes an Archery+Perception vs Willpower+Empathy. A successful Action makes a small mark appear on the target, and the target stops dead in his tracks for fear of being skewered by the arrow. The target remains transfixed until the Archer moves his aim or until the target makes a successful Willpower+Focus Action against the Stopping Aim Total. The effect lasts for a number of Sequences equal to the Stopping Aim EV.

Sure Mount[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Thrown off Defense): Cavalryman.
The Sure Mount talent helps a character stay on his mount during combat.
Passive: You cannot be thrown off your mount. You may Defend against any magical effect that would throw you off with Ride+Strength.

Surprise Strike[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Martial Arts): Thief.
The Surprise Strike talent allows Adepts to take advantage of the element of surprise. Surprise Strike may only be used once on any one target in one encounter.
Focus, Surprise, Attack: +Agility Damage on Attack.

Swift Kick[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Initiative): Outcast Warrior, Warrior.
The Swift Kick talent grants the Adept an extra attack if his Initiative comes before that of his opponent.
Attack, Strain 1, High Initiative: the Adept may make a Swift Kick attack in addition to his normal Attack.

Taunt[edit | edit source]

Action: Social+Charisma / Social/Willpower+Empathy, Circle points of impairment for Circle turns.

Temper Other[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Weaponsmith): Weaponsmith.
Action: Weaponsmith+Focus/10+Toughness. EV increases Shockpoints, Wounds and Wound Threshold of other ally. Fail induces Shockpoints and 1 Wound.

Temper Self[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Weaponsmith): Weaponsmith.
Action: Weaponsmith+Focus/10+Toughness. EV increases Shockpoints, Wounds and Wound Threshold. Fail induces Shockpoints and 1 Wound. Temperature

Thread Weaving[edit | edit source]

Adepts use the Thread Weaving talent to create and weave magical threads. An Adept can only have a number of threads active equal to his Circle. For example, a Circle 3 Adept with Thread Weaving could have 3 threads active at once.
Passive: You may weave up to Circle threads to any object or True Pattern. This provides +1 EV or +1 Pool point to any Attribute or Proficiency, +2 to anything lessened or +3 to any specific circumstance.

  • +1 Archery, Elementalism, Sneak EV
  • +2 Archery, Elemtalism, Intimidate EV vs Horrors and Horror spawn.
  • +3 Archery EV only to compensate for difficulty modifiers.
  • +3 Elementalism only on Fire Blast vs Horrors.
  • +3 Defensive Intimidate vs Horrors.

Thread Weaving (Group)[edit | edit source]

Requires: Thread Weaving (any).
Adept parties use the Thread Weaving (Group) talent to create and weave magical threads to a Group Pattern. An Adept can have a number of threads active equal to the least of his Circle or members of the Group Pattern. For example, a Circle 3 Adept and 5 Group members with Thread Weaving could have 3 threads active at once.
Passive: You may weave up to Circle threads to the Group. This provides +1 EV or +1 Pool point to any Attribute or Proficiency, +2 to anything lessened or +3 to any specific circumstance.

  • +1 Archery EV
  • +2 Archery EV vs Horrors and Horror spawn.
  • +3 Archery EV only to compensate for difficulty modifiers.

Tiger Spring[edit | edit source]

The Tiger Spring talent allows an Adept to react more quickly than normal in combat situations.
Strain 1: Add your Circle to your Initiative. May be used with other talents that increase Initiative, such as Air Dance.

Trap Initiative[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (during the Action):Thief.
The Trap Initiative talent allows an Adept to react more quickly to traps.
Action and Strain 1, or Strain 2: When an Adept with this talent accidentally triggers a trap, the Adept may take an Action, reacting before it goes off, perhaps avoiding the effect of the trap. The Trap Initiative talent can be used against both mechanical and magical traps. During combat, if the Adept triggers a trap after his normal Initiative, this talent allows the Adept to take an out-of-turn Action to see if he can avoid the trap. Using Trap Initiative in this way causes 1 additional point of Strain to the Adept.

True Shot[edit | edit source]

The True Shot talent allows an Adept to make a very accurate missile attack.
Focus, Attack: You gain +d10 AV Archery. If you miss, you may spend additional Focus to gain +d10 AV until you hit. You may not use more than Circle Focus on this Talent per Attack.

Unshakable Earth[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Toughness): Elementalist, Purifier.
The Unshakable Earth talent makes a character more resistant to knockdown by allowing him to attach himself to the ground, actually blending with parts of the earth. The Unshakable Earth talent can only be used on natural ground, earthen, or stone surfaces. A character may not move from the spot where he stands in the same round in which he uses the Unshakable Earth talent.
Strain 1: Add Circle to Wound Threshold during an Attack.

Warp Missile[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Weaponsmith): Weaponsmith.
Action, Strain 1:Weaponsmith+Perception/Willpower+Soul or 10+5x Weapon rank. Lower AV by Circle on weapon Circle rounds.

Weapon History[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Weaponsmith): Weaponsmith.
The Weapon History talent allows a character to learn the history of a weapon, either enchanted or mundane. The character must carry the weapon on his person for at least a week, studying it carefully for one hour each night. At the end of seven nights of study the character rolls. The success level determines the amount of knowledge gained. Action, Focus: Weaponsmith+Focus/ 10+5 x Weapon rank. 1 key knowledge +1 more per 5 EV. Max Circle key knowledges. Cumulative with itself.

Wheeling Attack[edit | edit source]

Attack, Focus: You may make a Full Move as part of this Attack. May be used with Charge.

Wheeling Defense[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Time): Cavalryman.
Strain 1: The Adept may Defend with Ride against all Attacks, with a +Circle bonus. This lasts Ride+Agility sequences.

Willforce[edit | edit source]

Passive: +Circle on EV with Spells.

Wind Catcher[edit | edit source]

Action: While falling you may roll Adept Powers+Focus vs a Difficulty of 10. If you succeed, you take no falling damage. If you get 5 EV, you may direct your fall to any point within [ Falling height ] m horizontally. Maximum falling distance is Circle x 100 meters with this effect, any remainder causes falling damage.

Winning Smile[edit | edit source]

The Winning Smile talent causes an Adept to appear more attractive to members of the opposite sex.
Action: Social+Charisma/Social+Empathy. Success gives +Circle bonus on further Interaction. An Adept may attempt to use Winning Smile against any single target a maximum of three times in one 24-hour period. After the third attempt, the Adept must wait 24 hours before trying to use the talent again on the same target. Members of other races get a +5 bonus on their defense.

Wood Skin[edit | edit source]

Discipline use (Adept Powers): Warrior.
The Wood Skin talent increases an Adept's resistance to physical damage by causing the Adept's skin, and portions of the muscles and ligaments, to become tougher. When using this talent, the Adept's skin takes on the appearance of wood or bark. A variant called Clay Skin exists for Purifiers.
Focus, Action, once per day: Adept Powers+Toughness/0. +EV Shock Points, +EV/5 Wound Threshold.

Wound Balance[edit | edit source]

Resist Knockout: Add Circle to a Resist Knockout (Willpower+Focus) roll.
Passive: Ignore Circle points of Wound Penalty.